
Sun Sun fruit in one piece

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6

Ra pov

It was exhilarating, the feeling of having that much power flowing through my body. I felt fulfilled, like the missing part of the puzzle had just fit in place and I had finally become complete. The shirt I had worn stretched out and was reduced to tatters while my pants became similar to shorts though tears had spread through out them. But all that didn't matter, a powerful opponent was before me and he would be the first to test this power against. My old man was incredibly strong, I had never felt it before but this power had opened up my senses fully and it had thus judged him as strong. He gazed at me as though I was prey but I would prove him wrong and thus true to my thoughts I made the first move. We both held no weapons and our fists would be the only things doing the talking in this confrontation. I rushed at him and concentrated all the power I could muster at the moment into my right fist and threw it foward. It blazed with an intense heat changing to a bright orange flame but instead of repaying in kind, he dodged and using his left hand striked at my bare torso. I let the power in my right arm strike the place he had been before and a condensed almost solid flame landed and burnt through all the vegetation and earth that were obstructing its path. In the meantime, I blocked the attack he had thrown with an open left palm but it was heavier than expected forcing me to slide back.

It was discomforting being forced back thus as my thirst for more power grew the hotter my surroundings became. I wanted to move foward once more but I noticed a black energy coating the old man's arms and raising my arms in a defensive posture on instinct, I felt the attack land. It was heavy, heavier than his last attack. Instead of sliding back as before, I was thrown up in the air and flew high above the forest crashing atop an almost bare hill. It was surprising but I felt it, I was growing stronger, not with every attack but with the more exposed to the sun I was. While in the air I grew incomparably stronger than while I was below the cluster of trees. I sensed the old man moving towards my position so I decided to try what he did.

I felt a familiar energy flowing through my body and onto my arms but this time I successfully hardened it against my right arm. I put the flames on top of the formed layer copied the form the old man used and after he appeared high in the air I threw the attack foward. He looked surprised but shock would not stop my almighty fist. He raised both arms in a defensive manner as I had done before and as the attack landed it exploded pushing him back. The satisfaction was immense but I knew it wasn't over so I made the signature attack show it's first appearance in this world. I gathered the flaming heat on my right hand, let it flow through to my index finger condensed it atop the finger forming an orange flame ball and muttered "cruel sun" as I threw it towards the old man. I couldn't pin point his exact position but the ball landed on the ground burning down and melting the trees, shrubs and rocks below in a circular motion covering a large area.

As expected the old man must have dodged but I couldn't see him anywhere. I tried applying observation but it still couldn't cover the desired distance. He appeared at my side but I couldn't react fast enough to defend but countered after his attack landed. He probably expected me to fly away once more but as he should have noticed, I was growing stronger and I wouldn't allow myself to move back a third time. What he has and I don't is probably fighting experience,skills and amount and control over haki so I'll make fight on my terms and engage him in a brawl. I threw the first punch then the second and the third and as if reading my thoughts, he responded in kind with his own punches. His armament was stronger so I imbued fire on top of the hardening and struck back. The smile on his face being an indicator of his enjoyment led me to sporting my own smile. Injuries were piling up as time went on but the thrill I got overly overshadowed their occurrence. The longer the fight lasted, the stronger I would become but I was starting to feel lethargic instead. I wonder how long we've been fighting for and how many punches we have thrown till now. I was losing ground and fast at that, my body was giving out little by little and the sustained injuries were finally acting up. The lapse in concentration had me thrown and stuck against a huge boulder but after looking upward I noticed that the sun had disappeared and a storm had taken its place. How unlucky and regretful it was but maybe it was lucky as I don't think my body would have remained intact after the fight ended that is if the battle had lasted much longer.

I began shrinking back to my original size and couldn't help but notice the purple bruises and thumps across my torso and arms. I did not notice before but I was stark naked meaning that all my clothes had burnt away. I fell from the boulder but dad held me and ruffled my hair, I smiled seeing his heavily bruised face and the burnt marks across his body. I wanted to pass out but I was naked and knowing my dad he would carry me back as I was l, so I just asked for his tattered shirt and though he looked reluctant he still handed it over. I took it tied it to my waist covering the belowand thus fell into his arms. I struggled to stay awake for as long as possible but I ultimately blacked out.