
Sun Sun fruit in one piece

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 4

Ra pov

Getting carried home, I couldn't help but think of my future and how I would live on in this world. I have no idea at what time I am in right now or where specifically in the seas I am. The only thing I know about one piece is from the live movie edition and from the small bits and pieces I had picked up from all the fanfics and MTL novels I had read. But that was of no consequence, I was reincarnated into this world not to become the protagonist and change it the way I saw fit not like I really had the power to do so but to live life as I desired. I had never asked my new parents about pirates or marines as they had never talked about it and it might probably rouse their suspicion of me knowing what I shouldn't. But if it boiled down to it I would probably say I heard it from the folks at the bar though I am still not allowed to go there.

While the wounds were painful, this body made up for it with the faster than normal healing and the strengthening process it went through after every training session. It was good but it didn't spare me from the smothering affection and care that mom gave while she applied herbal medicine on the wounds. What I found weird was that she was strangely accustomed and very good at treating injuries. She was a beautiful lady with brown hair and brown eyes though she was set apart from the rest by her exquisite face with that beauty mark enhancing her appearance. And after she was done applying the bandages I finally made my move, mustering my most innocent face and asked. "Mom what are pirates and marines?" As expected she observed my face for some seconds and asked "Darling,where and from whom did you hear those words?" It wasn't anger that adorned her face as initially expected but genuine worry. I might have messed up but I had to go through with it. "It was at the bar that I heard some of the hunters talking about it but I don't really remember who they were." Thus I made my final stand.

Sonell pov

I was treating my little sun's injuries caused by that stupid husband of mine once more and after completing the boy posed a question that I knew he would come to ask one day, "Mom what are parents and marines?" He innocently asked. I couldn't help but inquire from where he had received the information and true to his innocence he informed me that he overheard some of the hunters talking about it at the bar. What was this child even doing there after the repeated warnings I had given him about that place? And what is wrong with those men,talking about people we wouldn't see for a long time? I decided to reveal to him a bit of the truth about this world and let him decide on what to believe. He was always a smart child and I am sure he'll do what's right.

Hence I began,"Darling what I want you to know first is that everyone has his own beliefs and everyone is entitled to pursue their own path. You see, pirates are scum. They are selfish bastards who care only about themselves and would pursue their own goals even if it meant the suffering of those uninvolved with them." I stopped just to make sure that he was paying attention, "You see not all of them are bad but finding good pirates is like searching for a new pin mixed together in a bucket full of rusted ones. Meaning that even if you find that new pin you would have suffered a great deal just to find it and the new pin may have already been infected with the rust. You understand me Ra?" I asked my boy just to see his reaction and though he nodded I am not entirely sure whether he understood, so I just continued,"You see pirates are categorised according to the problems they've caused while at sea and the power they possess. Most of the low levels are caught by the marines without any major issues but the ones with very high bounties demand alot of time,resources and lives in order to be put down. Most are arrested and held in a place known as impel down, but if it is impossible to do so they are killed." Though I wanted to go on I was interrupted by my boy.

He asked," Mom so what you are saying is that pirates are evil and scum while the marines are the good guys." I smiled at him and just continued with my explanation,"Darling you see there is nothing good about taking a human life and even if a good person emerged, he would probably maintain that status before being forced to adjust his beliefs by life. The marines surely do help in maintaining some peace in the world but they will never be enough of them nor will they always be everywhere at a time so it is a fact that they will always fail at protecting a group of citizens though they are always on and about justice. I am telling you this assuming that their main priority is pratecting the normal folk but that isn't it." I finished . As expected he asked what the main priority of the marines is but I refrained from mentioning the celestial dragons lest he starts hating them from a young age and bring ruin to himself before truly experiencing life. This is what I thought as I didn't know he would eat a devil fruit that is best suited at attracting alot of trouble at a moments notice.

Ra pov

Mom basically explained what she thought of pirates and marines though she didn't completely finish her explanations. This shows that she would continue feeding me information as I matured and as long as I asked the right questions. Though I still don't know where this island is located and at which point in time I am in right now but it won't be long before I do and decide what path I should take in this new life. But what I know is that the marines and pirates can go f**k themselves, I will make a new path for me alone to tread and absolutely no one shall hinder it. I was still entertaining my musings when mom called me to have lunch. I guess I should reduce the time I spend on my thoughts in order to not stray from reality too much. So I made my way to the dining room and awaited the meat which is my first step in growing big and strong.