
Sun of Darkness

All Primordial Chaos was created with an explosion of energy, but everyone is unaware that this energy originally originated from a Black Obsidian Star. After countless Ages, countless gods fell, the Black Obsidian Star appeared in the skies again and after a few years it disappeared again.

Eshataesi · Eastern
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8 Chs

Sun of Darkness

A young man who was supposed to be in his twenties and early thirties was walking slowly to a frightening-looking palace. His build was tall and muscular, his handsome features of beauty were spread across his face that exuded authority and nobility; at the same time, a deep red scar crossed his face - from the beginning of the neck to the eyebrow on the right side of the face - but his eye was in perfect condition, giving him a sophisticated aura.

Despite his smooth red robes with almost no decoration or ornament, only his behavior alone and his unfathomable eyes were enough to show that he was not a simple deity, but a man whose status was incredibly shocking.

The palace was made of a kind of gray stone, or at least it looked like stone at first glance. It was old, and the tower in the middle, taller than the rest of the castle, made it even more horrible. The surrounding landscape was dead, as if all life was sucked out of it. The weather was terrible, and it was possible to see storm clouds around this place; even so, it was not raining just a terrible apprehensive atmosphere spread around.

The man proceeded towards the palace. As he walked on the black floor like charcoal, the sound of his strong steps was resounding in the surroundings. His deep onyx eyes contained some dissatisfaction, which he tried to hide.

"Who would have thought ... Tsk, I will see that old ancestor again in such a short time ...," He cursed inwardly. "Just a thousand years ago! What did I do wrong in my life to see this old ghost in such a short time?" He approached the castle and could not ignore the fact that, as crazy and weird as this old man was, he was still an exceptional Master of Formation.

As a specialist, he could see layers upon layers of barriers and defensive mechanisms, and they were not even hidden, remaining there as a warning. As he was enchanted by the sight, he heard an old, indifferent voice; "In between"; then he felt a passage opening up in the formation, allowing him to enter the castle.

The scarred man went on further until he saw a shape looking at him.

The old man at the front was stooped; his face - old and full of wrinkles, but his black eyes without limits were vigorous and full of power like blades that are ready to pierce a person's soul.

"Why are you here?" The old man asked in a voice devoid of emotion.

"To see if you still have a conscience, you can go crazy in this place alone." The man frowned. He noticed that the old man looked paler than the last meeting.

"Jokes aside, don't bother me if you don't have an important reason; don't think I'm not able to throw you directly to your father's palace." Annoyance was written all over the wrinkled face.

"I was sent by my royal father to find out if there is any progress," The man became moderately sincere, "Don't grumble, it's not that I asked to visit you."

The old man frowned white and spat in annoyance: "Failure, nothing at all. I've been researching for hundreds of centuries since your grandfather found you in that cursed place ...", he grew even paler at the mention "... but I feel like you are playing with me as if I were a child who accepted sweets from strangers. I did many experiments with this string, but none of them led me to a pleasant conclusion! "

After a few breaths of silence, he gestured to follow him.

The man with the marked eyes was following as he looked around, complaining about how scary and dull the palace was. The same strange grayish stones could be seen everywhere, and even the luxurious chandeliers could not light up the atmosphere. In a matter of minutes, the man would see a magnificent door that is heavily protected by different types of complex formations.

The old man drew some strange symbols with his left hand, then they entered the room.


The room was significantly different from any other area in the castle. In the gray stone, the walls and ceiling were made of a blue material with an elegant appearance, in which the reflection itself could be seen. It was quite spacious, and multicolored pearls could be seen floating and illuminating it.

The most attractive object was a dark bead the size of a fist; occasionally, strands of energy danced around him, usually moderately and from time to time violently. His contrary strength was scarlet, and black flames burned in him, surrounded by the same strange pale red color. It was comparable to a small dark sun showing its authority. Even if it looked like an account, no one could distinguish its real form; it was so dark that the light around it was partially swallowed and disfigured. Although the room was much colder than the rest of the palace, the two did not seem to care.

"Hmmm… did you manage to remove the seal?" The man in red asked.

"Kukuku… If I… manage to remove… kukuku… Seal?" A sad, self-mocking laugh echoed through the room. He sighed and slowly removed the top half of the robe, showing his well-built body, although he was nothing but an old, stooped man.

When the man saw the vision before him, all his apathy was gone; his body began to shake and release waves of dense and deep energy and intent to kill, his black irises twitching the size of a needle as he almost roared furiously: "Who-Who was brave enough to do this to you? !! ! "

Although the man was cursing the eccentric old man occasionally, he had no malicious intent. He was friends with his grandfather and as a member of the family, and they had known each other since he was a child. He had a cool personality on the outside, but he was a trusted person on the inside, so he absolutely couldn't tolerate the vision in front of him.

The old man's right arm was gone and strange scars and black burns could be seen on his back. The most attractive was a wide, deep scar that resembled a snake, crossing its spine. As soon as the old man turned, he could see the same injuries to his chest and abdomen; he could imagine that some of the guts were missing. The strangest thing is that the eccentric old man should have been able to recover, even though most of his body had been destroyed. However, he did not do that. If he had calmed down, he would have understood who or what hurt him, but his anger prevented him from finding out why the old man brought him to this room.

"Calm down!" He corrected his tunic and said bluntly: "Several times a year, the pearl becomes chaotic and unstable. I called this period Tsundere. As I desperately wanted to understand its origin, I ignored that I could control it during its Tsundere." The old man sighed slightly: "I miscalculated. From a mischievous child, she transformed herself into a wild animal before instantly shattering my body. I couldn't resist. HAHAHA!" He laughed wildly: "I didn't even have time to blink before I found myself lying on the floor in a pool of my own blood!"

The ominous silence that followed made the man nervous; "I'm not afraid of death, Feng'er," the eccentric old man finally said, "yet, during those moments, my soul was trembling with horror!"

Zhao Feng was speechless; he couldn't think of anything that could instantly cause such serious injuries to the old monster in front of him.

"Instead of living the rest of your Existential Cycle, you are wasting your precious remaining time trying to research a strange account of unknown origin that almost killed you more than once. Humph, just because you assume it has a connection to some energy strange stranger, what I must say is just an idea from a madman. The idea of ​​a third type of primary energy besides Primordial Energy and Celestial Energy is absurd, "he said with disapproval and debauchery.


The old man sighed in disappointment, as if he were looking at an ignorant young man who knew nothing of his life. He turned and looked at the majestic black sun.

"You don't understand, you children would never understand, some things, things like that are worth sacrificing your soul to obtain - knowledge that someone would sacrifice everything to realize the truth. You are still young and have mortal desires. If you have not been ordered of your father to visit me, you would sleep with your concubines or waste time fighting with brats. "


The man opened his mouth, but could not refute those words. He was not that young, but he had to admit - he liked deadly desires and was not too old to become a hermit in a scary palace. Furthermore, compared to the ancient monster standing in front of him, he was barely a child.

"But I am different from your current one; I lost those desires a long time ago, it seems like an eternity. I am no longer chained by them and I am only interested in discovering more mysteries of this world that the gods abandoned ..." He walked towards to the young man, his steps heavy and menacing.

His dark, bottomless eyes were looking directly at the back soul, making his heart beat faster. Raising his voice, he asked with a strange and doubtful look: "Tell me, Feng'er! Aren't we called gods by these wimps? What is a God? They say gods can do everything; they can create from out of nowhere, return the dead of the 'Underworld', The gods are immortal, aren't they? So tell me, am I going to live forever ?! CAN YOU RESURRECT THE DEAD ?! " The old man roared desperately.

The look of Zhao Feng looked away and a look of pain appeared at the bottom of his deep eyes. "Okay, we can't ..." He sighed. "... We are restricted by the same rules. We have no immortality; we simply have a long life expectancy just by supporting our powers, the higher we reach the more longevity we have. In the humanoid races we can live only for Six Star Cycles, only sixty a thousand years, unlike those despicable Dragons who live more than five hundred thousand years. We are not able to create something out of nothing and we cannot transform something into emptiness. We can create a new body for a soul. to resurrect a soul if it is destroyed. It doesn't matter if the ants call gods of slightly larger ants - we are all the same, cultivating by borrowing the power of the world, and what happens when we die? The world takes back what belongs to it " .

"We suffered difficulties and suffered tribulations to prove our power and existence, but ..." He pointed to the little sun that was having a heartbeat of its own: "This may be the key to our greatest achievements". Soon, a mocking look appeared on his face: "Or maybe I'm wasting my time, so what?"

"Now, do you understand? I can't seal. It has no meaning and I'm not qualified to do it!" He took a step towards the entrance to the room and, when he was about to leave, added: "If you want to broaden your horizons, stay! In a few days, it will be in your Tsundere period, maybe you will receive some illumination." The old man left.

Zhao Feng's eyes returned his questioning look, but there was something inexplicable inside them: "We can't do things beyond our capacity; why worry so much about something like that?" He watched the black sun for a moment before shuddering and left the room as he murmured, "Crazy old man ..."


A few days passed, at midnight, several full moons shining in the endless sky at the same time, which was an extraordinary sight even for growers who had an incredibly long life. Zhao Feng was looking up at the sky, marveling at the beauty of the moons. The deathly silence enveloped the palace, it was so still that he could hear his own heart.

Silence ... only silence remained, it was not a normal silence it was a silence that caused incomprehensible fear, it was something that caused a sensation of a storm slowly approaching ...


"Hmmm ?!"





Without warning, a black pillar shot up into the sky. It was black and dark with an occasional white glow. The palace started to shake.

"W-what is that?" Zhao Feng disappeared from his place and appeared in the blue room near the old man.

"Old man, should you ... Whaaattt ?!" His words got stuck in his throat when he noticed the origin of the black light. The black fist-sized cord shook vigorously and released a large amount of lightning-streaked substance.

A thick black pillar of energy was fired at the ceiling, ignoring it and continuing to rise. Generally, the black bill has no reaction, except for an accident that occurred two hundred years ago. At that time, the black cord shone and trembled, but it soon returned to its natural state. However, this time, his reaction was much more intense.


A middle-aged man was in a luxurious garden, with countless sparse plants and herbs shining, illuminating his surroundings. The deep energy here was so dense and wide that practitioners would kill to cultivate right here for a limited time. If an uncultivated mortal was placed here for a few days, his life would be extended to thousands of years.

The middle-aged man had a noble and real aura about him. He had striking features; his eyebrows looked like blades and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's. The golden tunic that covered his majestic body was inlaid with precious stones of unknown origin. The entrance to the garden led to a breathtaking palace, and it was so luxurious that it seemed imaginary. Parts of it floated magically in the air, while the rest were on the ground.

If it were someone with a low Spiritual Strength to look at the palace, it would be mainly covered by golden fog, as if it were a shame and blasphemy that this insignificant mortal observes that majestic palace.

The man was looking at the black pillar in the distance, his deep black eyes hiding his thoughts. Although he looked calm, he was shocked inwardly. Such a deep and dark burst of energy should have been felt by a strong cultivator like him, but he felt nothing but the ground writhing in agony. And not only was the floor in agony, but the space itself was also being abnormally disfigured. If it were just cracked, the man in the golden cloak wouldn't even move an eyebrow. However, he felt the terror that the universe was experiencing at that moment.

"Ancestor Jan, do you think Old Peng caused this?" He asked the old man standing next to him.

"It would hardly be the work of that old rascal, but if that is his doing he has outdone himself this time, my king." Old Jan replied in a voice with no ulterior motives. The man with the surname Jan was extremely common, which can easily be lost among the crowd. However, he had a cold aura around him with a twinge of intent to kill aimed nowhere. His entirely black tunic highlighted his inaccessible character.

"I sent Feng'er to visit General Peng ... He should be back with answers soon," the man did not seem to care about the old man's attitude.


Old Peng was looking at the scene in front of him with his mouth open. "My Tsundere… are you mad at this old man here ?!" He was stuttering repeatedly.

Before Zhao Feng nearby had a chance to scold, the ground stopped shaking.

The black pillar of the old light began to expand at an extremely rapid pace, swallowing everything in its path; it seemed that time and sound were stopped. In an instant, the old general, Zhao Feng, Ancestor Jan, the majestic middle-aged man and the whole kingdom, world and then universe was all swallowed up in black light, leaving nothing behind.

Time stopped, the sound ceased to exist and only the black abyss remained. It took an instant to dye the world black and an instant to return it to its original state. There were no destruction or casualties, nothing had changed, apart from the black fist-sized bead that was missing from the old general's palace.

Soon everyone in the world noticed a strange and mysterious black star that occasionally shone with different colors in the sky. No matter where in the universe it was, it was possible to see the new object. However, as an illusion, one could not approach, however much he tried.


Ten thousand years have passed since a black obsidian star deeper than darkness itself mysteriously appeared in the sky. Its occasional glow from its black flames attracted the attention of countless renowned masters. However, despite countless struggles and powers capable of destroying entire planets, no one has managed to approach it.

The star looked like a mixture of illusion and oppression. Thus, some even assumed that it was not a real star, but a phenomenon that could only occur in the beginning of the Divine Era and, during these thousands of years, received the name - Sun of Darkness.


Kingdom of the Eternal Venerable

In a peaceful and fascinating place, an impressive tower was piercing the sky. It was tall and magnificent, as if it were connecting heaven and earth through their cores. Inside the tower, at its height, a woman was standing and, as much as one looked at her, she was commonplace, absolutely common: below average in appearance, with a soft aura around her. And no matter how hard you were defeated, you wouldn't even consider that this woman, who seemed to be the only goal in her life, was drinking bamboo tea, was one of the strongest and most influential masters in the Region of the Eastern Deities ...


     … The Empress of the Eternal Venerable

The Empress of the Venerable Eternal was watching the black star calmly, marveling at its beauty, and she could only sigh. This mysterious light made her, one of the strongest beings in the whole Kingdom of the Primordials, feel an emotion that she had not felt for a long time ... Fear !!

It wasn't because she was feeling a malicious or vindictive aura, but just the opposite, she couldn't feel anything ... Absolutely nothing ... She was completely silent in a frighteningly unbearable silence, after a few hours she opened her lips and particularly looked nowhere in particular and said; "Grandma Li, the elders of the Sky Peek Realm couldn't feel anything… again…" He murmured softly before continuing; "... Since this Sun of Darkness appeared, they have been unable to predict anything related to this Sun of Darkness. Should I prepare for the worst that is about to happen in the near future?"

When the voice of the Empress of the Venerable Eternal faded, an old voice suddenly echoed in the empty world in front of her; "The Cord of Eternity was also unable to feel anything at all…" After an eerily scary silence the voice continued: "... Recently a strong feeling of unease came from the Cord of Eternity; however, it is not due to this obsidian star. … "

"Mhhhh…" The Empress of the Venerable Eternal could only sigh with the new information. As she was about to turn and leave the tower, a sparkle caught her attention again; "It's shining again ... this is the seventh time in less than a hundred years ... Mhh ...". His eyebrows twitched quickly.

The usual soft light was a deep darkness like the Abyss of the Sky-Devouring Devil, since that Sun of Darkness could suck the soul and throw it into the Depths of the Abyss just like the Abyss of the Sky-Devouring Devil. The strange phenomenon attracted the attention of the entire Kingdom of the Primordials. Soon the confusion became a complete shock when the black star of the abyss mysteriously began to fall from the sky. There was no pressure, nor did it make a sound. The world did not shake and no one in existence was injured. Its size was increasing rapidly and its brilliance was becoming brighter and deeper, it was hard to believe that such a deep black color exists in the world, so dark that it was swallowing the light completely and disfiguring the space around it. Instantly, the woman standing on the top of the tower was swallowed by the color black and, along with her, the entire Kingdom of the Primordials, and even the Lower Realms were not spared its black glow.

Nothing could be seen, the sound ceased to exist, time stopped flowing and someone could doubt its own existence during those few breaths. Just like ten thousand years ago, the black world disappeared as fast as it arrived and the mysterious star disappeared from the sky. An additional strange phenomenon occurred a few days after the shooting star's mysterious disappearance.

Those who were ready to submit to the Will of Lightning in Heaven were completely astonished - the Will of Lightning in Heaven had not come. They quickly made a discovery and entered the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit. However, unfortunately for them, the heavens never forget, the heavens never forget, the heavens never forgot ... and the Will of the Lightning from Heaven descended several days later, content with an invisible and incomprehensible fury ...

…. About 90% of the cultivators who crossed into the Kingdom of the Blessed Spirit that day fell before the heavens and the survivors developed Internal Demons in their hearts, they were condemned for the rest of their miserable lives to live as a cripple ...


He didn't know anything and he didn't remember anything either; neither the day of his family nor the place where he is currently. From the moment of his awakening, he only knew a world of a deep black abyss. In that cursed place, there was no sound, there was no life, there was no time and he could at least feel the time passing by, not even his own presence.

His only entertainment was a beautiful, brilliant glow that occasionally appeared.

Just who am I?

Just what am I?

Does my existence really have some kind of profound meaning?

He didn't know how many thousands of times he asked these questions, anyway, he couldn't care less about it ... because a fragment of words came to mind.

Opening his lips slowly, the young man said with what appeared to be another whisper that was coming from the abyssal depths of an unknown and unreachable place; "My… name… and Yao… Yingjie."