
Chapter 49: The White Wolf Tells a Story

Ryan and Teresa walked side by side through the streets of Mjordenhaven, with Banda following uncertainly behind. Compared to the previously visited Karcenhaven, this port town was much more prosperous. The town's roads were paved with artificial gravel, the proportion of low longhouses was significantly reduced, and more two-story houses and spire-topped buildings appeared in Ryan's view.

The residents looked healthier, many wearing robes, soft hats, and even leather jackets in addition to linen clothes. The aroma from a bakery by the roadside tempted Ryan, who had been in the wild all day.

Leaning on her staff, Teresa's eyes sparkled. "Can you tell me what happened? Don't tell me you defeated the Doomsday Bull with one move."

"It's not that easy!" Ryan pulled out the massive bull's head. The Doomsday Bull's head was enormous, making Banda, following behind them, gape. "I almost died."

"Can you tell me more?" The sorceress's slender phoenix eyes gazed at Ryan through her butterfly glasses.

Ryan recounted the entire process to Teresa, who listened with bated breath. Especially when she heard that the Doomsday Bull had evolved into a four-armed demon bull, her face turned pale. She looked at the scars on Ryan's face and his bandaged shoulder, imagining how thrilling the battle had been.

After a long pause, she murmured, "The Lady of Mysteries never forces us to face such powerful enemies. Perhaps... I mean, perhaps the White Wolf Lord is too demanding of you..."

"..." Ryan didn't respond. As a White Wolf Knight, he should at least explain and refute.

But he didn't. The words Lawen had said lingered in his mind. Ulric was indeed demanding of his followers, and many had lost their lives trying to please him or following his orders.

"Finally, I used my magic to ignite the wildfire oil left by Oliver and the others..." Ryan concluded the story, telling Teresa about meeting the questing knight Lawen.

"I didn't encounter him, but according to Vilt, they were indeed attacked by beastmen again on their way down the mountain. A questing knight saved them," Teresa nodded. She and Emilia hadn't caught up with the fleeing caravan. The sorceress had used her magic to slide down the icy river on a pine cone, arriving two hours before the caravan, whose members were all injured.

"Isn't that right, Banda?" To confirm, Teresa even turned to ask Banda, who was following them.

"Ah? Uh... yes, it was the knight who saved us." Banda, clearly lost in thought, blushed as he answered.

Neither of them noticed the mercenary's strange behavior as they continued discussing the terrifying battle.


Yeah!!! Why didn't I think of that? Throwing wildfire oil on the Doomsday Bull and then igniting it! Ever since hearing how Ryan defeated the Doomsday Bull, Banda's mind was flooded with thoughts.

It was so simple. Why didn't I think of it?

Banda ignored Ryan's earlier recounting of the hard-fought battle. He only remembered Ryan throwing the wildfire oil, igniting it with a torch, and easily defeating the Doomsday Bull.

Yeah, you should have thought of that. You should have done that. More voices filled his head: You should have won Lady Trovik's favor, but now everything is ruined!

No... that's wrong. Sir Ryan saved my life! I can't do this to him!

But your time is running out. In a few days, Lady Trovik will part ways with you!

Banda didn't notice the blood-red tint in his eyes as feelings of hatred and destruction began to dominate.

The road soon ended. After walking through the gravel-paved street, a White Wolf Church appeared before them. Ryan stopped. "I need to deliver the mission. Let's meet again later."

"I've already booked a room for you at the Butterbeer Tavern," Teresa nodded. The White Wolf Church generally didn't welcome women, and she had no need to intervene in such internal affairs. They agreed to have dinner together later, and Teresa left.

Seeing this, Banda quickly followed, but Teresa smiled and declined. "You don't need to follow me anymore, Banda. Go do your own things."

"But..." The mercenary wanted to say more, but looking up, he saw the sorceress had already walked away.


Inside the White Wolf Temple.

The white flames representing Ulric's divine power burned brightly in the brazier. The temple was filled with various trophies and weapons. Strong temple warriors trained inside, wearing only the simplest clothes despite the winter season. This was to show Ulric their strength, glory, and courage.

The temple priest knelt before the brazier, praying as usual. Behind the brazier stood the cold statue of the White Wolf God. This routine had been his life for over a decade, and today was no different.

"Ulric, grant me strength. May the white flames of the Wolf God forever illuminate the north of the Empire." For more than ten years, the priest chanted this prayer.

For more than ten years, he knew the answer would be silence.

But today, something unexpected happened. The white flames in the brazier roared, a fierce wind blew inside the temple, and a white portal opened. A giant white wolf leaped out, Ulric's herald!

"Oh, my Lord!" The temple priest immediately led everyone to kneel, tears in their eyes. After more than ten years of prayer, the White Wolf God Ulric had finally appeared!

But they quickly realized Ulric hadn't come for them. A White Wolf Knight stood at the door.

"Boy, you've done well." The white wolf spoke in human language, looking at the kneeling people and extending a furry paw. "All of you, leave. I have something to say to him... and prepare five pounds of cooked lamb and some wine!"

"Yes!" The priests complied and left quietly.

Only the white wolf and Ryan remained. Ryan respectfully knelt on one knee before the wolf, then presented the bull's head. "My Lord..."

"Your courage and faith please me," the white wolf nodded, indicating for Ryan to place the head into the sacred fire. Then, it added, "You will be rewarded."

Hearing the promise of a reward, Ryan's heart stirred, but his face remained impassive. He looked somewhat anxious. "My Lord, about the Old Ones..."

"Calm down, boy. As my follower, you must learn to eat while you talk." The giant white wolf's tail wagged, reminding Ryan of a husky.

Uh... I shouldn't think that. It's blasphemy.

But it really looks like a husky.

While Ryan was lost in thought, the priests brought in cooked lamb and wine. The wolf indicated for Ryan to enjoy the meal, then began devouring the lamb. "Boy, you want to know about the Old Ones, right?"


"Can you tell me why you're interested in the Old Ones?" The husky-wolf chewed on a large piece of lamb, speaking between bites.

"Because... I'm curious and want to understand why they were so powerful," Ryan pretended to hesitate before slowly speaking. "My Lord, don't you think that whether it's dwarves, elves, or other creations of the Old Ones, they are superior to humans?"

Ryan's implication was simple.

Compared to dwarves or elves, humans had natural disadvantages. Elves could easily live for hundreds of years, powerful elves for thousands. An elf once boasted that without the curse of the Phoenix Throne, their kings would almost never perish with time. This wasn't an exaggeration. Dwarves also had long lifespans, living for centuries without issue.

Elves were naturally attuned to magic, and dwarves were born warriors. Why did humans have none of these advantages?

"Young people always overthink. Fine, I'll tell you what I know. Listen carefully, boy. It's story time." The husky-wolf licked its lips and began. "Roughly over ten thousand years ago, the Old Ones arrived in this world."

Ryan bowed his head, listening intently, saying nothing.

"Was it seventeen thousand years ago? Sixteen thousand? I don't remember exactly. The Old Ones used star gates to come to this world," the large husky-wolf seemed to be reminiscing. It swallowed a large piece of lamb and continued, "They looked smooth-headed, with long limbs and big bellies."

This matches the information my father had! Ryan thought.

"The Old Ones did many things. I don't know how they created beings, but they changed planetary orbits to make the material world more suitable for life. They first created the Slann Mage-Priests, powerful magical beings in their image, and then the Lizardmen as their servants.

"Elves and dwarves were also created. You know of their former glory. The Old Ones soon left this world.

"But around seventeen hundred years ago, during the end of the Great Catastrophe, when Charlemagne was conquering, the Old Ones returned in haste. They seemed to be fleeing from something but didn't escape. Shortly after their return, the northern wastelands' star gates exploded. Whether the Old Ones escaped or perished in the blast is unknown. What I do know is that this explosion brought the four Chaos gods from beyond the stars." The husky-wolf licked its lips.

"You mean Chaos?" Ryan seemed to grasp something.

"Yes, this wasn't the first Chaos invasion. The one you know of as the first was actually the second. The first was shortly after the Old Ones left. We call it the War of the Great Vortex. Humans were still primitive then. The Slann, elves, and dwarves united to repel Chaos. The first Phoenix King, Aenarion, sacrificed

 his life. The elves created the Great Vortex to drain the Winds of Magic needed for Chaos to enter. The Slann used 'Great Warding' to close the portals," the husky-wolf said seriously. "But during the second invasion, elves split into High Elves and Dark Elves, embroiled in civil war. I judged that humanity and dwarves alone couldn't resist Chaos, so I descended."

"Let's not dwell on that. Back to the Old Ones. Their return had dire consequences. The closed star gates reopened permanently, leaving all life in the material world under perpetual Chaos threat," the husky-wolf drank a cup of strong wine, howling, "That's what I know."

"Oh, right, the appearance of greenskins was also the Old Ones' doing. Their ships carried green spores, which became those damned greenskins!" The husky-wolf, having eaten and drunk its fill, wiped its mouth with a furry paw. "Anything else you want to ask, boy?"

"Well, did the Old Ones leave any relics? Great creators like them must have left some relics for us to admire, right?" Ryan seemed to accept Ulric's answer but still looked curious.

"Speaking of relics, there's one near this city, an Old Ones' compass for tracking time," the husky-wolf grabbed the massive bull's head and vanished through the portal.

Hearing this, Ryan lowered his head, his eyes flashing with resolve. He respectfully saw Ulric off. The White Wolf Church priests returned, cautiously asking, "Did our lord give any instructions?"

"He said I would receive a reward."

The priests exchanged glances. The leading priest nodded, then took out a glass bottle, scooped some white greasy substance from a large barrel, and handed it to Ryan. "Here you go, sir."

Is that all? Ryan looked at the small bottle of white grease, his expression twitching. He said nothing, just nodded and left the temple.

No one noticed Ryan's hidden expression and clenched fists.

Only a bottle of oil! And a vague history!

White Wolf sacred oil is great for maintaining weapons, but it's not valuable. This small bottle can be bought at any White Wolf Temple for two gold dinars!!

That's all I get?!

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