
Chapter 126: Not All is Lost

PS: Special thanks to the book friends "I Don't Want My Account to Be Hacked Again" and "Pan Zunlin" for their generous rewards. Much appreciated!

PS2: That's the second update for today.

For Guilliman, his last memory was frozen in a desperate battle, where the Primarch clashed with a corrupted brother, their god-like powers wrestling against each other amidst venomous curses and taunts. His last conscious moment was overwhelmed by excruciating pain, the spread and invasion of toxins.

He painfully pleaded for his father's salvation, and his prayers were answered. A cold golden light embraced him...

The next second, Roboute Guilliman woke up, looking around in confusion. He found himself back in the Hall of Justice on Macragge. Despite the dim light, he could recognize the perfect forms of the Astartes and... the Emperor standing before him.

"Father? Are you alright?" was the loyal son's first thought. His face was overtaken by unstoppable joy at the sight of his father, unharmed and standing before him. Guilliman's voice trembled, "This is... wonderful."

"Things might not be as good as you imagine, Roboute," the Emperor responded coolly. He was about to say more when an Imperial Custodian entered: "My lord, a mixed force of humans... and Aeldari has suddenly appeared outside. Shall we eliminate them?"

"A coalition?" The Emperor's face showed a hint of surprise.

"They are led by Saint Celestine, Marshal Amalrich of the Black Templars, and Inquisitor Greyfax, with survivors from Cadia, and some Aeldari calling themselves the Ynnari, my lord," reported the Custodian, leaning on his halberd. "It seems they have formed a coalition."

"Good. Roboute, I'm giving you a few days to catch up on what has happened over the last ten thousand years," the Emperor said coldly, glancing at Guilliman before addressing the Custodian, "The Ynnari?... These Aeldari might be useful. We shouldn't eliminate them now. Let me talk to them."

"Yes!" The Custodian promptly complied. The will of the Emperor is the highest truth, requiring only execution.

"Ten thousand years?" Roboute Guilliman was still in shock, but the Primarch quickly realized the gravity of his question: "What year is it now?"

The Emperor didn't answer his question. The Master of Mankind left, clearly having other matters to attend to. His journey was of utmost secrecy, taking advantage of the Dark Gods' inattention, he had much to accomplish.

In the Emperor's perception, an unprecedented battle was unfolding in the realm of Chaos. The Knights of Excess under Slaanesh invaded Nurgle's Garden, perfectly timed as Nurgle's Plaguebearers had just launched a massive assault on Khorne's Fortress of Rage, and Khorne's Bloodthirsters had just invaded Tzeentch's Crystal Labyrinth. At this critical moment, the Chaos Gods were engaged in fierce infighting, temporarily oblivious to the resurgence of the Master of Mankind.

A fragile, hard-fought truce was reached between the Emperor and the Ynnari, a relief for Inquisitor Greyfax who had unilaterally agreed to ally with the Aeldari. They achieved their desired outcome and promised the Emperor to assist Guilliman in his forthcoming actions.

"We leave for Caliban immediately!" The Imperial fleet departed Macragge, leaving Guilliman, who had just awakened, behind.

About a week later, Roboute Guilliman sat back on his throne, heavy-hearted. Moments before, he had dismissed all his attendants and advisors, even the Honor Guard was ordered to wait outside the sanctuary.

"So, thousands of years have passed." The Ultramarine Primarch, Lord of Ultramar, sat painfully back on his throne.

His physical pain was healed by the Emperor, but his emotional wounds only deepened.

He desperately wished for his father's return or for a brother to have a heartfelt conversation.

"There's still hope, father is back." Guilliman murmured to himself, courage returning to the Primarch. Such darkness, such despair, the current state of the Emperor's empire couldn't break him.

Because the father returned, in this most desperate and darkest hour, the Master of Mankind finally came back.

He also learned that Belisarius Cawl's laboratory beneath Mars's surface had borne significant fruit. All of this convinced him that a more glorious tomorrow was still possible, the Empire could still rise from the ashes.

Under the father's guidance, humanity would once again unite under the Emperor's banner, and he, as a Primarch, would continue to fight.

"It's just... I'm alone now, just me." Guilliman clenched his teeth, sighing lightly. The Primarch had learned that all other Primarchs were either missing or had fallen. Now, the entire human empire had only him, a single Primarch, awake.

After thousands of years, he became the sole remaining Primarch.

"Who told you that, Guilliman? Who said you're the only one left?" At that moment, a towering figure in black armor entered the chamber.

Holding a lion helm in his hands, his noble features as pure as they were millennia ago, golden locks framing his face, his black power armor as pristine as ever. His expression was as cold as the Emperor's, but upon seeing Guilliman's disgrace, the visitor's face showed some disdain: "Afraid?"

"Lion! My brother!!!" Hearing the familiar voice, Guilliman's head snapped up, disbelief in his voice. But when he confirmed the identity of the newcomer, joy and sorrow filled his heart. He maintained his composure, only the tears at the corners of his eyes and his trembling hands betrayed him.

He rushed forward, joyously inspecting his brother, suddenly unsure how to express his enthusiasm. After hesitating, the Lord of Ultramarines gave the visitor a warm embrace, despite the barrier of their power armor.

The newly awakened Primarch of the First Legion was somewhat taken aback by Guilliman's enthusiastic embrace, unsure how to express his emotions. Realizing the person before him had also slept for ten thousand years, Lion El'Jonson reluctantly extended his hand, awkwardly patting Guilliman on the back, signaling him to let go.

The Emperor watched from outside as his two sons embraced, a flicker of regret in the Master of Mankind's eyes. His greatest creations were now reduced to just two under his command, the rest either fallen or missing. Some Primarchs he knew where to find but couldn't retrieve or awaken at the moment, and some were even unknown to him.

Then, the father and sons retreated to a private chamber to discuss their next steps.

The Emperor declined Guilliman's suggestion to sit, expressing his dislike for sitting.

"I have news for you, you have a new brother," the Emperor stood at the head, his gaze piercing the distance like a sharp sword. "He is the last gift from Malcador to me, key to my resurgence. Without his effort, there would be no revival of mine."

"He is my secret weapon against Chaos, the only hope to save the fallen Primarchs. He can reverse corruption, restoring the fallen Primarchs to their original state... with my help."

"Remember, his existence is top secret, known only to us three. If the chance arises, you will meet him," the Emperor spoke calmly. "The galaxy burns, now only we stand in the darkness."

Hearing this, both Guilliman and the Lion's eyes ignited with hope, the fallen brothers always a sore spot in their hearts. "What do we do now, father?"

"Guilliman, you just need to announce your revival. In the endless darkness, the revival of a Primarch is too important for the Empire. The son who awakens will embark on a great expedition to Terra to see his father, still decaying on the throne," the Emperor directed Guilliman first. "Your revival will draw the gaze of Chaos, and some fool will inevitably come knocking."

"Lion, take your men, follow me to Armageddon," the Emperor lifted his head, his face showing only coldness. "Let's go reclaim a fallen Primarch."

"One who was heavily tainted when I first found him, your brother."

"Not all is lost. All xenos, heretics, and demons will be ash before us! The galaxy will return to peace, and evil will only face destruction! Humanity will stand supreme."

The Emperor's black hair fluttered without wind, his divine aura filling the chamber, shining brighter than ever. After ten thousand years of continuous battle against the warp's demons and endless sacrifices from psykers, the Master of Mankind's power had grown even more terrifying.

Guilliman and the Lion stood up.

"The galaxy belongs to the Imperium of Man!" Guilliman roared from the depths of his soul.

"Let's continue that Great Crusade, father!" The Lion expressed his determination.

"Let it begin!"

Thus, as the human empire was about to plunge into its darkest and most terrifying predicament, a message full of hope was sent to every corner of the galaxy.

The Primarch of the Thirteenth Legion, Roboute Guilliman, announced his return.

And this returned demigod personally declared his forthcoming expedition to Terra.

A new era began.


It seems something monumental is truly happening in the world!

Ryan thought to himself as he walked along the mountain path, this state of contemplation having lasted for many days now.

He had a vague idea of what was happening.

"Lord Ryan, we are about to reach the edge of the Arden Forest. Do you see that mountain peak ahead?" Grail Knight Ulysses pointed to a mountain peak in the distance, speaking to Ryan.

After nearly ten days of travel, the army had entered the borders of Bretonnia.

"According to the plan, you will first head to the royal palace in Couronne, where King Richard will grant you your fief. Then, you will go to the duchy of Carcassonne in the south, to undergo a baptism at the Cathedral of the Lady of the Lake. We will take you to the Lake of the Lady, to meet the Lady of the Lake herself," Ulysses outlined the planned arrangements. "She will decide on your position."

Ryan nodded, pondering. This arrangement clearly reflected the characteristics of the Bretonnian nation, with political power divided between the north and south. The capital, where the king resides, is in the northern part of the kingdom, while the Cathedral of the Lady of the Lake is in the south, creating two centers of power.

As the army moved across the plains, suddenly, a commotion was heard ahead.

"Beastmen! It's the beastmen!" A dark mass appeared at the edge of the plains.

Grail Knight Ulysses raised his lance: "Prepare for battle! Knights!"

Abaddon: The era of Primarchs is over! Hahaha!


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