
Chapter 106: Come See! This Monkey Can Speak Human Language!

PS. Many readers have given me suggestions, and I take them seriously. I am someone who reads the book reviews, and I've read each comment, so feel free to speak up.

PS2. Many have asked why the protagonist doesn't touch the dark elf. I think I've made it clear; he has always just wanted a maid who can work, at least for now he has no other intentions.

The human festivals are not the same as the elf festivals. The elf New Year's festival takes place in mid-January, so there are still some days before their celebration. Since high elves are not a populous race, when Ryan arrives in Ifethal, he finds the area's atmosphere starkly different from the festive mood among humans, appearing very quiet in contrast.

The high elves once had a glorious history, ruling the continent thousands of years ago. However, due to a series of reasons, they eventually retreated en masse to their homeland, Aosu'an (also known as the Isle of the Void by many humans).

This retreat led to a split; some elves who chose not to return to Aosu'an stayed in the forests of the mainland and became known as wood elves, self-naming as Eslei. Those who retreated called themselves high elves, or Asur.

As for the division that led to the Duruzi (dark elves), there are many human theories. The generally accepted version among high elves is that Malkeith, the son of the first Phoenix King, attempted to usurp the Phoenix throne through dishonorable means. He murdered the then Phoenix King, but the Phoenix deity, Asuryan, with his keen insight, meted out justice to the treacherous Malkeith (Divine Judgement). Malkeith was burned by Asuryan's sacred flame upon his ascension, severely wounded, and fled with his followers, becoming the dark elves.

High elves were once extremely reclusive, only engaging in minimal interaction with the human Empire. It was only after the knight kingdom of Bretonnia had been established for five hundred years that the high elves belatedly realized there were other human kingdoms in the Old World besides the Empire.

After thousands of years of a desperate war with the dark elves, both the population and economy of the high elves had severely declined. The once proud high elves had no choice but to seek external contacts. The current Phoenix King, "Navigator" Finubar, visited the wood elves, Bretonnia, and the human Empire before his ascension, seeking opportunities for diplomatic relations.

The opportunity came 150 years ago when the human Empire's capital was breached by the forces of Chaos. The savior, Ludwig, led the remnants of the human armies in resistance. He first wrote to the high king of the dwarves, inquiring whether the sacred alliance set by Emperor Charlemagne and the dwarves was still effective and whether the dwarves were willing to lend a hand.

The dwarves did not disappoint Ludwig, with the high king personally leading an army to join forces with the Empire.

Under the direct command of the Lady of the Lake, the knight king of Bretonnia led the dukes' armies and the Grail Knights to join Ludwig.

Then, Ludwig received unexpected reinforcements; the high elf archmage Teclis, leading a group of Swordmasters of Hoeth and a high elf wizard group, joined Ludwig's forces.

After the Great Holy War, the high elves and the human Empire re-established diplomatic relations and signed a trade agreement, initiating trade that has been maintained to this day.

Ryan came to Ifethal today to find Estel, a half-elf with strong dark vision and archery skills, essential for exploring the mine. Thinking it over, reliable ranged support was scarce, and hiring spellcasters could be costly, making Estel a reliable choice.

Ifethal's architecture follows the high elf characteristic of smooth cylindrical and conical styles, with towering spires piercing the clouds, and buildings in gold, white, and blue scattered throughout Ifethal. Aside from the high elf guards, Ryan mostly saw half-elves or humans here for trade, with genuine high elves being rare.

Upon reaching the entrance of Ifethal, a high elf guard extended his halberd to block Ryan's way, then spoke in an oddly accented Gothic: "Human, state your identity and purpose, or show your identification!"

The high elf guard, adorned in a pointed feathered helmet and a luxurious armor patterned with various colors specific to high elves, and a skirt of iron scales, held a halberd engraved with red runes and carried a large bow on his back.

Ryan thought for a moment and responded in Elvish: "I am Ryan Macado, the Guardian of Marlinburg. I am here to find someone."

"Wait, what did you say?" The elf guard initially couldn't believe it, then turned to his fellow guard in confusion: "What did this human just say?"

"He... he seems to have spoken Elvish? And quite standardly?" The other guard said uncertainly.

"Hey, human, what did you just say? Can you repeat it?" The high elf guard asked Ryan to repeat himself.

"I said... I am Ryan Macado, the Guardian of Marlinburg, here to find someone." Ryan repeated calmly in Elvish, though visibly frustrated.

Even prepared, the innate arrogance of the high elves was particularly irksome to him.

But the high elves had the prowess to match their pride; every adult high elf was at least of novice elite strength, the guard in front of Ryan was of high elite level, skilled with both halberd and bow. Besides mastering various techniques, each high elf knew at least one or two spells, their natural affinity for magic making many of them part-time spellcasters.

Thus, elves were considered the favored children of the world, especially high elves, whose talents and longevity were the envy of humans, the born elite of this world.

"Good heavens! Everyone, come look, this human can speak Elvish!" a high elf guard shouted, attracting all their attention: "Come on, human, say a few more words! Let us hear more!"

"Indeed, let us hear more!"

"It's so rare to hear such standard Elvish!"

The high elf guards surrounded him like spectators at a zoo.

Ryan then extended his hand, a pale blue psychic flame emanating from his palm with formidable might, as he continued, slightly annoyed: "Gentlemen? I'm here to find someone."

The high elves then realized Ryan's strength, and the gate guard responded in Elvish: "Ryan Macado? Are you that..."

Before he could finish, a group of high elves emerged, led by the high elf ambassador to the human Empire, Tamarth-en-Karben, who curiously glanced at Ryan and quickly recognized him, as the ambassador had met Ryan as a member of the upper senate.

"Isn't this Ryan? What brings you to Ifethal?" Tamarth greeted in a flow of Elvish.

Ryan had to repeat his purpose once again.

"That's easy!" Tamarth took a piece of parchment from his aide, quickly signed it, stamped it with a seal, and handed it to Ryan: "No need for complications next time. This is a pass; with it, you can visit Ifethal anytime for sightseeing and shopping, but I hope you'll use only Elvish within elven territories."

"Alright, then I'll go find the person. Farewell, Lord Tamarth." Ryan took the parchment, bowed, and headed into Ifethal.

"Go ahead, have fun!" The high elf ambassador waved him off, leaving with his entourage.

Just a few steps away, Tamarth's aide asked: "Was it so easy to give that human a pass, Lord Tamarth?"

"He's quite a capable monkey," Tamarth remarked nonchalantly: "And it can speak human language. Let's give it some face; a pass is no big deal."

"Indeed, no big deal," the aide agreed.

"The real issue is arranging for Prince Yelian's return to Aosu'an as soon as possible. We've already suffered a terrible defeat; we cannot afford another!"



Ryan soon found Estel, who seemed to be having a tough time recently.

Living in modest conditions, the half-elf smiled bitterly upon seeing Ryan: "The famous human hero comes to visit me, a half-elf? Is there something you need?"

"Yes, I need your help, but it's not something to discuss here. Let's find another place."

"Okay!" Estel had no objections.

So, they left Ifethal, heading to the Shield Coin district to a bar. Ryan ordered rum, Estel orange juice: "What's up, Ryan? What do you need?"

Sitting in a corner of the bar, which was quiet in the morning, Ryan raised his glass: "Nothing else, Estel, happy Winter Veil."

"Alright, happy Winter Veil!" Estel drank his orange juice, though he noted Winter Veil wasn't their festival.

"Haha~ How have you been? You seem not too well," Ryan expressed concern for his friend.

"Well, I can only tell you it's been okay, Ryan. Do you understand the feeling of being treated courteously by your host but actually being ignored? That's what I've encountered." Estel shared his dilemma, feeling overlooked and disdained by the high elves despite their hospitality.

"So, living in Ifethal must have saved you a lot of money, considering Marlinburg's rent isn't cheap," Ryan joked, thinking of the knight Lops who had to constantly earn money due to high living costs.

"That's why after much thought, I've decided to stay in Ifethal. With the Winter Veil festival, many guilds and institutions are on break, leaving me without work. I plan to look for tasks in a few days," Estel said, getting to the point: "So, what do you need?"

"I have a task and would like to invite you to join the team," Ryan explained, offering a lucrative payment of 100 gold marks, a sum that would normally take Estel half a year to earn.

"Just you, me, and that paladin Alfred? No spellcasters?" Estel hesitated due to the lack of a spellcaster but eventually agreed, intrigued by the reward and the adventure ahead.

"Let's meet in a week," Ryan concluded, securing Estel's agreement for a mission that promised significant challenges and rewards.

"See you in a week!"

"See you in a week!"


High elves, ever so arrogant.


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