
Sun God - Soul Land I

A story about a mercenary from earth dying and being reborn in Soul Land. Let's watch as he creates an Undying Legend and spreads the glory of the sun across the universe.

DivineDeathy · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

New Dawn

Earth, USA, NYC 2019

Right now atop a random rooftop located in Bedford an injured man could be seen surrounded by four men in black as each pointed their gun at him.


"Why did you betray me?" asked the man in a calm voice despite the fact that he was dying.

"Why you ask?"

"Isn't it obvious?" one of the men in black responded with a sneer on his face as he looked down on the man bleeding on the ground.

"You simply knew too much" he stated hoping to see even a shred of despair in the eyes of his former captain only to see that even now those hazel colored eyes still only portrayed an indifference to everything.

"Tch! How annoying"

"Why don't you just hurry up and die you good for nothing?" mocked the man to the devil in front of him.

Despite the mocking he was receiving the man showed no emotion as he looked down at the bullet wound on his stomach while in thought.

'Hmmm , My body is shutting down faster than it should have, something isn't right, but what?'

As he continued to inspect the wound he finally found it.

"Poison huh?" He said aloud while raising his head looking at the man in front of him.

"It seems you figured it out, as expected of the Captain" the man responded while laughing.

"It's too late though, there is no cure in the world for that poison" the man chuckled.

"I have to say it's quite ironic that someone who was supposed to be the number one killer in the world ended up in your situation"

"Did you seriously believe that your past wouldn't catch up with you and that you could simply live a peaceful life after the amount of blood you've shed?"

"Honestly James I did"

"Quite naive don't you think?" asked the man bleeding on the ground as he began to wonder how it all came to this.

( Flashback/POV Change )

I never knew my parents. I grew up in a regular orphanage just like any other abandoned child or at least that's what it would seem like to most , but that orphanage was anything but normal, it operated on the rules of the jungle where the weak suffered and the strong ruled, the second we reached five years old we were on our own. The orphanage never had enough food for everybody to begin with and due to it being located in the slums of the city no one cared enough about the children there already labeling them as future criminals. Quite ironic isn't? Instead of trying to ensure that they didn't become criminals they simple gave up on all of us and treated us like trash but that's just how the world works.

Everyday was another fight for survival, there was no one I could trust but myself if I wanted to survive in that type of atmosphere. I remember there being days where I just wanted to give up and end it all but never had the courage to actually do it. For the next 5 years I lived there for there was not a day I didn't Wish for someone to save me, for someone to adopt me and take me from that pit of hell and so I rejoiced when I was finally adopted on my 12th birthday only to despair when I was thrown into the depths of hell.

I mean who would have thought that the people who had adopted me with the purest and kindest smiles on their face I had ever seen would turn out to be devils in disguise?

After my adoption I was brought to the base of the largest mercenary organization in all of South Africa where I would be forced to go through the worst experiences of my life. Each day I would have to go through grievous training that would always leave me on the brink of death, to the instructors there it was just a game for them to see who would break first among the cadets. I remember always wanting to torture the shit out of those pompous dickheads which I eventually did but that's a story for another time, though each day at the base sucked I eventually got used to it and was able to find joy in the small things around me and made a few....comrades I think? was never really sure, I mean none of us truly trusted each other. I always liked kids because they were easily able to change and because none of them truly had an idea as to what it is they wanted or maybe I just didn't want to see them suffer like I did, so whenever the base recruited new kids from the orphanages I would do my best to guide and protect them and eventually those kids grew up seeing me as their role model and all joined my squad like James did. James was quite the cute kid when i first met him, a bit malnourished but still cute, he would always cling to me begging me to teach him new things like a annoying little brother but I never hated it, if anything it was the only sense of normalcy In my life, you could even say that James was probably the only person i've every truly trusted. So maybe that's why his betrayal hurt so much?

I was never really the talkative type nor did I ever concern myself with good or bad I just did what I wanted,so I never had an issue with killing to me they died because they were weak it was never my fault. So I killed and killed and killed and eventually I somehow became known as The Reaper. Now that I think about wasn't I too good at killing?

Hmmmm, it's probably God's compensation for the hell I was put through.

Over time though I didn't want to kill anymore I just wanted to live a normal life like anyone else. A life with a family of my own, so I did what I wanted and faked my death on one of our routine missions without knowing just how my death impacted those around me.

For the next few years I tried dating but never really worked out. it wasn't that I was ugly or anything If anything I was actually quite handsome with hazel colored eyes, a tan and muscular physique along with a squared face and curly black hair. The reason why my relationships never last long is because of the way I viewed life and maybe just maybe it was because of the scars I had littered all over my body that I was never able to explain without seeming suspicious. And so after coming to the conclusion that it was gonna take a while for me to find a partner I decided to find some hobbies which ended up with me being hooked to novels and mythology. Why? well novels allowed me to feel as if i was adventuring into a whole new world with countless possibilities, as for why I liked mythology so much I just had a huge God complex there is just something about being above all and below none that just turned me on so reading about the various beings with the ability to bend reality to their will and hoping to one day do the same was just my dream.

As for why I'm here dying that's simple, about 5 hours ago while returning back from my morning run to my apartment I saw someone in my living room that I had not seen in a while.

(End of Flashback / POV Change )

"Indeed your way of thinking is incredibly naive" responded James now slowly becoming furious as he stared at the man before him who he once thought of as a mentor and elder brother.

"You've always done things without thinking of the consequences and how it would affect those around you"

"Do you have any idea how heartbroken I was as I stared at your supposedly dead body? James remarked as his voice trembled and he slowly started becoming hysteric.

"Do you know WHAT'S IT'S LIKE TO FIND OUT THAT THE PERSON YOU CARED ABOUT MOST BETRAYED YOU !!! ?" James shouted in anger as his body trembled and the men around him backed away seeing the state their leader was in.

"Calm down James this man isn't worth it" stated Goon #1

"What did you say?"James asked while staring at Goon #1

" I said calm d----"

"SHUT UP !!"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIS WOR--" James shouted furiously only to be interrupted by his elder brother / Mentor.

"I'm sorry"


" I Said i'm sorry for what I put you through "

"You never deserved that, I just never once saw the issue with dying, I never once thought that my death would affect you like that" The injured man stated calmly despite knowing that in 2 minutes time he would die. The only thought on his mind was how he would repent to his younger brother.

"I wish I had been a better brother to you while i was alive but I don't expect you to forgive me for what i've done, so before i die there is something i want to tell you" The Man stated as he his vision slowly started to dim due to poison now reaching his heart.


"And why the hell should I trust you?" James asked While in a fit of laughter.

"Are you scared of me or something, because no matter how I look at it there is nothing a dying man like me could possibly do to you so why don't you just hear what i have to say before i die"

"TCH !, do you think I'll be scared of you?"

"You're no longer The Reaper that everyone feared" James replied in anger as he bent down towards his mentor only to be surprised as his hand nimbly embraced him.

"Shhh ! , Dont worry everything is gonna be alright, I forgive you"said the dying man as he patted James head and smiled and his eyes lost all light due to him overexerting himself.





Looking at the body of his mentor who just died James began to quietly sob as he remembered all the times when he was in pain or messed up during his training and his older brother comforted him just like this,

{A/N : First time using this style of writing so let me know what you think about it? also Next chapter will reveal Mcs name and other information. Quick question should I bring James back into the story at a later date and if so why?}