
Summoning The Great Powers

What if just what if Japan wasn't the only one summoned, instead a plethora of contrasting countries were tied together by the strings of fate, what would this mean for the New World and it's inhabitants when the Earth's Mightiest Civilizations end up embroiled in an alien world?

Nyanko2409 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

New World?

United States of America,

Washington DC,

White House: 19:45 Hours

As dusk settled over the White House, President Charon was interrupted by an out-of-breath aide. "A colossal storm approaches from both coasts, Ma'am. It threatens to cover the majority of our mainland within hours, and its origin remains unknown."

Concern was evident on the President's face. "What's the projected impact?"

"Significant infrastructure damage across numerous states, and a potential death toll reaching into the millions," the aide conveyed.

"Declare a State of Emergency at once and deploy all disaster response units," President Charon ordered her tone firm. The room echoed with affirmations.

Russian Federation,


Kremlin: 02:45 Hours

The shrill of a phone disrupted the Moscow night's silence. Groggily, President Boris Lavrov answered, "Who's this?"

"A vast snowstorm is moving from Siberia towards our European regions," came the reply.

"Isn't that typical?" Lavrov mumbled, still drowsy.

"Ordinarily, yes, but this storm's magnitude is unparalleled. It's engulfing Siberia, threatening prolonged visibility issues," the aide clarified.

"Alright, issue a disaster alert and advise citizens to stay indoors," Lavrov instructed.

"Understood, Mr. President," the aide said, concluding the call.

People's Republic of China,


Zhongnanhai: 07:45 hours

During Premier Wu Xi's morning meeting, a CMA report detailed typhoons from the South China Sea and a snowstorm moving from Siberia into Chinese Mongolia.

"Comrade Premier, the public must be informed. The consequences of inaction could be dire," a council member urged.

"I concur. Issue public alerts regarding the storms and keep me informed," Premier Wu Xi directed. Nods of agreement filled the room.

The Republic of India,


Sansad Bhavan: 05:15 hrs

An alarm roused Prime Minister Aryan Singh within Sansad Bhavan.

"What's the situation?" he inquired, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"Sorry for the abrupt alert, sir. A formidable cyclone is forming in the Bay of Bengal, targeting our eastern shoreline," the IMD director informed.

Now alert, Singh queried, "What's the projected fallout?"

"This cyclone, potentially the fiercest in years, promises intense storm surges and heavy rainfall, risking floods and wind damage across several states. The devastation could be vast without swift evacuation measures," the director cautioned.

"Got it. Mobilize the National Disaster Response Force and start evacuations. Collaborate with state administrations to prioritize citizen safety," Singh directed.

"We're on it, sir," the director confirmed.



National Diet: 12:30

Prime Minister Toshiro's policy discussion was interrupted by his secretary's sudden entrance.

"Apologies, Prime Minister, but there's an urgent matter," the secretary began, his voice tinged with worry.

"What is it?" Toshiro inquired, immediately refocusing.

"Seismic activity has been detected beneath the Pacific. The Japan Meteorological Agency believes it might precipitate a large-scale tsunami targeting our Eastern coast," the secretary informed.

Grasping the severity, Toshiro, maintaining his composure, asked, "What's the potential damage scale?"

"If a tsunami ensues, we anticipate extensive coastal flooding, infrastructure damage, and potentially thousands at risk. It might surpass the 2011 Sendai Earthquake," the secretary cautioned.

"Engage our disaster response immediately and initiate evacuations. Alert all coastal regions," Toshiro instructed, his voice unwavering.

"Immediately, Prime Minister," the secretary affirmed, then departed.

The Diet's atmosphere grew tense as Japan, alongside other nations, braced for looming disaster.

Suddenly, a radiant light enveloped the nations, causing them to disappear from existence.

Central Calendar Year 1639,

Month 1, Day 24. 8.00. Morning.

The 6th Flying Dragon Squadron of Qua-Toyne Principality was patrolling the clear blue sky with clouds seemingly only on the horizon.

Within that sky, a gallant figure flapped its wings elegantly soaring through the skies with its jet black sheen and sharpened tail covered by silver armour.

Maarpatima a Dragon Knight of the Qua-Toyne principality was riding one of the dragons leading the squadron patrolling the principality's eastern area.

Looking as far east as he could see from the principality was only a shining blue ocean but with the rising tensions with the Lourian Kingdom, they had been wary of a sudden attack from this barren region.

Thus as a countermeasure, they soared the skies in hopes of detecting them before they could do anything meaningful.

The sea that spread out underneath him, was the sea where countless adventurers sailed towards the east to search for new lands, but until now, no one ever returned.

Suddenly a gust of wind hit them causing some to lose balance and stagger, Panicking he shouted "What is that?"

He had found something in the sky that should be empty with nothing but their squadron.

Wondering about the gust of wind, Maarpatima thought grimly, "Is it an ally or an Enemy?"

"In this place way beyond the cruising range of any wyvern from Louria, there should be nobody other than their squadron right now!" he pondered, though titanic warships known as Dragon Carriers had existed in the Three Continents there shouldn't be any this far out in what they consider barbarian territory.

Soon the objects that were as small as grains became larger and larger becoming completely visible.

As it came closer, he became sure that it was anything but a wyvern looking at the swarm in awe thinking "They don't flap their wings?"

Quickly using their only long-range communication equipment popularly known as the mana communicators, he reported the situation to their Central Command reporting "Identified Unknown flying object, will engage to identify, current location above the great dunes."

Luckily there was little difference in their altitude, thus to perform a pass by he incited his wyvern to speed up trying to close the distance.

Approaching the formation, he was struck by the sheer size of the aircraft, murmuring in awe, "They're colossal!"

The fleet of metallic leviathans was astonishingly large. Instead of flapping wings, they sported devices on their wings that spun at dizzying speeds.

Their exteriors ranged from shades of grey to pristine white, adorned with distinct symbols varying from a white background with red circles, a red backdrop with stars, blue and red stripes with stars in the upper left, a tricolour of saffron, white, and green with a central wheel, to finally, a blend of white, blue, and red.

Looking at them, he made the wings of his beloved partner spread out from side to side flapping, but the air pressure kept on increasing the faster he flew, they had crossed a large portion of the land mass in seconds but he struggled to catch up with them.

"What on earth...? What are those?" he exclaimed, utterly astounded by their velocity. A wyvern's top speed was an impressive 235 km/hour, making it the swiftest creature, surpassing any land beast or horse. Yet, these entities seemed to outpace even them.

Baffled by their nature, he ceased his attempts to identify them and urgently relayed, "HQ! HQ! The unidentified flying entities are exceedingly swift. Pursuit is futile! They're heading towards Maihark. I repeat they're en route to Maihark!"

Shortly after, the Proud Dragon Knight Maarpatima and his squadron separated from the swarm of flying objects.

Qua-Toyne Principality,

6th Flying Dragon Platoon Base,

Kalmia, the communications specialist, was taken aback by the transmission she received through the manacom.

"Unidentified flying entities in airspace 130 km northeast of the base. Impossible to pursue. These objects are vast, with no visible wing flapping, and their speed surpasses any known wyvern."

"Origin unknown. Unable to determine the nature of these entities; they might not be living beings."

Cold sweat formed on Kalmia's brow as she feared the implications. She hastily inquired, "Could they be elder dragons or wyverns from Louria?"

A swift response followed saying, "Negative. These objects don't match any known creatures. Requesting urgent reinforcements!"

"Understood," Kalmia responded, rushing to inform the Chief of the threat.

The chief, seated behind a sturdy wooden desk, regarded her with a stern expression. "An unidentified object, you say?"

Kalmia nodded, elaborating, "Yes, Sir. Their velocity greatly exceeds that of our wyverns. Moreover, they don't appear to flap their wings, as reported by Dragon Knight Maarpatima."

The chief pondered, recalling tales he'd heard from merchants about a craft from one of the Great Powers. They spoke of a contraption powered by something termed an 'engine' and referred to it as the 'Flying Machine'. Shaking off his reverie, he expressed disbelief, "Not flap their wings? That's inconceivable."

Maintaining her demeanour, Kalmia continued, "The unidentified entities are heading towards Maihark on the mainland. Given their current position and speed, they'll soon reach our shores."

The notion of UFOs advancing towards their nation at such staggering speeds sent a wave of panic through the chief. Making a swift decision, he declared, "Mobilize every standby knight from the 6th Dragon Knight Platoon. If there are only a few of these objects, they might be scouts. But if we face an assault, the honour of our military hangs in the balance!"

As the order was relayed men ran around the base informing the platoon of their orders.

Utilizing communication magic, a quick order was broadcast to the entire 6th Flying Dragon Platoon.

"All knights of the 6th Flying Dragon Platoon, scramble! Unidentified objects are nearing Maihark and have breached our airspace. Upon sighting, you are authorized to engage. I repeat you are cleared to engage!"

Almost instantly, the runway buzzed with activity. The knights of the 6th Flying Dragon Squadron, alongside their majestic wyverns, took to the skies in succession. Counting in dozens, they represented nearly all the knights stationed near the frontier.

Ascending rapidly into the azure expanse, they were soon fortunate enough to spot the distant objects, which appeared as minuscule specks growing rapidly in size. As they neared, powerful gusts of wind buffeted them, causing a few riders to be dislodged from their wyverns due to the intense air pressure.

Witnessing the approaching entities, they cried out in collective disbelief, "What are those monstrosities?" "Their speed is unparalleled!" others chimed in, fear evident in their voices. Yet, their resolve remained unshaken, driven by their oath to protect their fellow countrymen.

The objects quickly closed in, their speed astonishing even after considering their own relative speed.

As described in the report, these entities could fly at breathtaking speeds. The knights spurred their wyverns into pursuit, trying to keep pace.

The Captain, urgently, relayed commands through the manacomm. "Vanguard, unleash volleys of flame charges! Rearguard, ready your lightning spells. Our adversaries may outpace us, but we'll show them the culmination of our training."

After issuing the orders, he switched off the manacomm, murmuring to himself, his face ashen with trepidation, "What are these things?"

In seconds, about 40 wyverns aligned, opening their maws to release a barrage of flame charges. They were confident that anything caught in this fiery onslaught would suffer significant damage.

The magic-wielding knights in the rear quickly followed suit, conjuring lightning spells aimed at the mysterious crafts. As they channelled their magic, the skies grew ominously dark, soon punctuated by bolts of lightning targeting the five entities. However, with remarkable agility, the objects evaded the bolts of lightning.

Perhaps having anticipated their tactics, the unidentified objects began a steep ascent above the grey clouds. The wyverns, already soaring at their peak altitude of 4,000 meters, were taken aback. The objects showcased an astonishing ability to climb, quickly surpassing the wyverns' maximum altitude.

Realizing their attacks were futile at such a range, the 6th Flying Dragon Platoon reluctantly disengaged.

With a heavy heart, the captain reported to the base, his head hung low, "This is the Sixth Dragon Knight Platoon. The objects have evaded our assaults by ascending to higher altitudes. I repeat, they have evaded our attacks and are now en route to Maihark!"

Qua-Toyne Principality,

Trade City Maihark,

The Qua-Toyne Principality was nestled in the northeast of the Rodenius Continent. This land, kissed by the Goddess of the Land, was a paradox. Though fertile, it was a formidable place for mere weeds to thrive. Yet, if one were to ignore edible herbs or grains, they'd flourish without human intervention. A nation where food self-sufficiency soared well beyond 100%, where both water and food were abundant, and even livestock dined on the finest fare.

To the northeast of this agrarian haven stood the bustling Trade Center City of Maihark. Time-worn shopfronts stood shoulder to shoulder along the cobblestone main street, where carriages and avians added to the city's vibrant pulse.

Suddenly, a door burst open with a resounding crash. A woman, in her mid-20s, emerged, her face etched with urgency. Clad in armour with a sword hanging by her side and a bow slung across her back, she embodied readiness.

Trailing her, a group of individuals, presumably her aides, matched her pace. Their attire mirrored hers, and a shared sense of apprehension was evident in their expressions.

In stark contrast to the city's usual tranquillity, this armoured brigade sprinted towards a towering structure at the edge of Maihark Castle.

"Huff! Huff!" The people who had rushed to the top of the building clad in full armour breathed heavily, staring at the sky while regaining their breath.

The Captain of Maihark's Defence Knight Corps, Ine remembered the report from the 6th Flying Dragon Platoon and hastily ordered her subordinates " Soon the UFOs, will arrive in Maihark's Airspace! According to the Platoon's report, the objects will arrive at speeds faster than a wyvern. All hands prepare for Anti Air combat!."

Some members of the Knight Corps nocked arrows on their bows held in their left hands and once again gazed at the sky while others prepared weather spells to prevent them from escaping.

Ines shifted her eyes between the watchtowers at the city's four cardinals as every knight assumed their position.

She quickly began to assess the situation in her mind thinking "With the altitude and speed at which the objects shook their wyverns, they could only be conducting reconnaissance as, generally wyverns simply used their fiery breath as an air-to-surface attack being unable to carry anything too heavy on their backs."

Shaking off her apprehension with a couple of brisk face slaps, she pondered the enigma of these entities. "What could possibly outpace our wyverns and disregard our elite dragon knights?" she mused, a shiver of dread running down her spine. "Such a formidable presence..."

Her contemplation was interrupted when a sentinel from the eastern tower cried out, "They approach!" All eyes pivoted eastward. The speck-like objects grew larger, revealing their true forms. Accompanied by an unfamiliar, resonant hum, they dominated Maihark's skyline.

The objects slowed down and began circling around at altitudes well above any bow or magic could reach.

The varying colours of the objects larger than any wyvern in existence, their unflapping wings revealing various symbols on the sides.

"So fast!" one of the knights visibly gasped as the objects could fly faster than even the most proficient Wyvern Knights of their country, they had clearly intruded but didn't seem to attempt an attack.

It may have been possible to attack the objects with the 6th Dragon Knight Platoon but they were in the middle of returning and since the objects came so rapidly other than basic weather spells which didn't do much to deter the objects they seldom had anything.

The only option left was the ballistae on the walls but it was quite clear that they wouldn't be able to reach the objects.

The objects circled Maihark a few times, their presence predatory, their loud, resonant hum echoing ominously.

Panic gripped the city's denizens. "What are those monstrosities?" one cried. "A beast from the heavens is upon us! Take cover!" Fearful murmurs turned to screams as windows and doors were hastily shut, streets emptied, and chaos reigned. Even beasts of burden, spooked by the unfamiliar drone, bolted, causing accidents in their wake.

Yet, after what felt like an eternity, these harbingers of dread, having cast their shadow over the once-peaceful city, began their northward journey, leaving behind a populace grappling with the aftermath of their unsettling visit.

Central Calendar Year 1639,

Month 1, Day 27.

Qua-Toyne Principality


To the north of the Trade City Maihark lay its affiliated port, commonly referred to as Maihark Port.

At the port the 2nd and 3rd Fleet of the Qua-Toyne Principality navy was wrapped with tension due to an event three days prior, a large contingent of unidentified objects had effortlessly bypassed the Principality's air defence network, overseen by the flying dragon squadron, and hovered over Maihark. While they hadn't launched any attacks, their presence was surmised to be a reconnaissance mission. What was more perplexing was that these objects bore no resemblance to anything from the Louria Kingdom.

Furthermore, there was no intelligence suggesting that such entities existed within the major power of the Three Great Civilized Lands, the Papardia Empire. This raised the unsettling possibility that these objects weren't affiliated with any known nation.

Even so, it was a fact that the Principality had been scouted out by an unidentified existence, which doubled the military's air of tension.

The undeniable fact that the Principality had been observed by an unknown entity had heightened the military's state of alert.

As a result, every warship of the Qua-Toyne Principality was dispatched for offshore patrols. The vigilance of the 6th Flying Dragon Squadron was also intensified, with their observation network on high alert. Regular patrol reports streamed into the Maihark Defense Control Room, but all seemed normal, with no further sightings of the mysterious objects.

"What does Commander Nouka think about the true form of the Objects?" a young officer asked their commander his face strained.

Nouka, deep in thought, responded, "Since I didn't witness them firsthand, I can't be certain. If only one Dragon Knight had seen them, it could be dismissed as mere hearsay. But the entire 6th Flying Dragon Platoon, along with numerous Maihark citizens and the Knight Corps, have reported sightings. These objects undeniably exist."

He continued, organizing his thoughts, "To the east, there's no known country. The northeast has a cluster of islands with settlements, but none have reported such entities. They could be from the Louria Kingdom or the Papardia Empire in the north, but based on our knowledge of their armaments, nothing matches this description. While we can't rule out a newly developed unit, its design is radically different. My gut feeling says It doesn't belong to either."

"I see…" the inexperienced officer said, unable to conceal his uneasiness and slumped his shoulders, as if instigated by the unease the comms operator yelled at the top of his voice "Commander!! Commander!!"

Both the commander and the young officer turned sharply towards the operator, their expressions taut with anticipation.

"Warship Pima has reported detecting a fleet of sizable vessels, 60 km north of Clemens. They intend to approach and conduct an inspection," the operator relayed promptly.

"Large vessels?" The commander mused aloud, pondering whether these ships were related to the unidentified objects. While not entirely convinced, he couldn't shake off the possibility of a connection.

"If they've only detected them, the exact nature of these ships remains uncertain... Warship Pima is under Captain Midori's command, isn't it? Instruct them to provide a detailed report as soon as they identify the vessels. Emphasize caution during the inspection and ensure any anomalies are meticulously investigated," he directed, his voice resonating with the authority befitting his rank.

"Understood, Sir!" The operator responded without delay, conveying the commander's instructions to Warship Pima.

Qua-Toyne Principality,

60 km North of Clemens,

The warship Pima, a proud vessel of the Qua-Toyne Principality Navy's 2nd Fleet, charted its course towards the fleet of massive ships.

With sails unfurled, the wind's energy was harnessed, aided by wind mages, propelling the ship forward. The rhythmic beat of the drum guided the crew as oars pierced the water, further accelerating their pace.

The warship was on high alert, primed for combat. Every crew member was clad in sleek leather armour. Those wielding swords took their positions on the upper deck, their longbows drawn and ready. Wooden shields were strategically placed, promising protection from potential enemy volleys.

A formidable row of ballistae, complemented by a solitary catapult, stood poised to breach enemy defences. Nearby, jars of oil were prepped, set to ignite arrows into fiery projectiles.

In their midst, hooded mages, staffs in hand, stood ready to unleash their elemental magic. The ship's defences were meticulously orchestrated, leaving no room for vulnerability.

Yet, as they neared the colossal fleet, Captain Midori's face drained of colour. Perhaps he grasped the reason for their seemingly slow approach, despite their sustained efforts to close the distance.

"Captain, perhaps they've reduced their speed upon noticing our approach," the vice-captain mused, not yet grasping the full scope of the situation.

Midori, his face etched with concern, responded, "It's possible... Vice Captain, I'll lead the inspection team. Should anything befall me, command will fall to you."

The Vice captain sensing the unease asked "Yes Captain, is there something you're worried about?"

As Midori's gaze remained fixed on the looming fleet, the Vice Captain followed suit. It wasn't long before he too discerned the unsettling truth. The sheer magnitude of the ships had deceived their sense of distance. Their silhouettes grew progressively larger, revealing their true enormity.

"Vice Captain, their scale... It's unprecedented," Midori remarked, wiping away the sweat that had formed on his brow.

The Vice Captain, a hint of trepidation in his voice, agreed, "They resemble floating islands more than ships."

A heavy silence fell between them, but they soon found words to voice their thoughts. "The flags on each ship... they vary from a white background with red circles, a red backdrop with stars, blue and red stripes with stars in the upper left, a tricolour of saffron, white, and green with a central wheel, to a combination of white, blue, and red. Do any of these seem familiar to you?" Midori inquired, still reeling from the ships' sheer size.

Shaking his head, the Vice Captain replied, "I've never encountered any of these flags. And as for their size, even the Empire's 100 Cannons-Class Ship-of-the-Line, considered a marvel in Papardia where I trained, pales in comparison to these behemoths."

As the Pima drew closer, the crew was awestruck by the scale of the approaching vessels. From atop these massive ships, figures began flashing lights towards the Pima. Initially, the crew tensed, anticipating an attack, but it soon became clear that the gestures were signals of non-hostility.

Captain Midori, maintaining his stern demeanour, addressed his crew, "We'll dispatch inspection teams to each ship shortly. Unless I give the order, or we face a direct threat, no one is to engage. Their affiliation remains a mystery; they could represent a new nation on the rise. This could be the beginning of international diplomacy, so I expect nothing less than professionalism. Understood?"

In unison, the sailors affirmed, "Aye, Captain!"

Guided by the crew of the colossal ship, Captain Midori soon set foot on one of the massive vessels.


This is the first chapter, I mostly combed through the first two chapters of the prologue of the LN and wrote this, nothing new except some minor changes.

Also, the cover is temporary till I can make something good so don't mind it too much!

Though I hope you will like it.

Thank you for reading my try at a Summoning Japan Story.

Nyanko2409creators' thoughts