
Summoning The Great Powers

What if just what if Japan wasn't the only one summoned, instead a plethora of contrasting countries were tied together by the strings of fate, what would this mean for the New World and it's inhabitants when the Earth's Mightiest Civilizations end up embroiled in an alien world?

Nyanko2409 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Command Post,

Near Line of Actual Control,

Arunachal Pradesh,


06:00 hours,

Major Siddhart Singh paced restlessly, anxiety evident on his face, as he awaited the latest update from the frontlines.

It had been a nightmare since the Rogue Chinese Militants known as the 'Longwang Zhànshì' assaulted their positions a few weeks back, taking advantage of the chaos following the transference event, the audacious Longwang forces had exploited a poorly guarded portion of the border, swiftly intruding across the LOC. 

Their onslaught had been hindered only by the treacherous Himalayan terrain, which prevented the use of heavy vehicles and the lack of any significant air assets. 

Nevertheless, they had managed to breach 20 km from the Line of Control, resulting in the capture or death of an unarmed 3-man patrol near the border.

Much to Siddhart's horror, they had gone beyond mere military aggression. 

The bastards had stormed a border village, occupying it and taking its innocent residents hostage.

"Damnit!" he shouted, slamming his fist onto the table, infuriated by the strategic hellhole they found themselves in and even more by the bureaucratic red tape. The need for explicit authorisation from the High Command had hampered their initial response, leaving them susceptible to Longwang's ambushes.

Fortunately, relief was on the horizon as the formidable 42nd Armoured Regiment and the 24th Mechanized Battalion, escorted by the aerial prowess of the 106th IAF units Sukhoi Su-30MKI's, were en route.

Their imminent arrival would signal a potent counteroffensive against the Longwang forces and bolster their defence to prevent further incursions. 

Siddhart felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that the combined strength of these units would tilt the scales back in their favour.

Despite the reassuring thought of reinforcements, Siddhart's immediate concerns persisted. 

As a young lieutenant entered the command centre, his uniform slightly stained with dust and sweat, he promptly saluted Major Siddhart Singh, "Sir, the Longwang forces have stopped their artillery barrage on our forward fortifications. Our counter-battery teams are in position and ready to respond."

Siddhart quickly nodded and commanded, "Initiate the ATAGS for retaliation. We must maintain our position and create a buffer zone until the 42nd arrives."

The lieutenant's eyes reflected determination, acknowledging with a swift salute. "Understood, Sir!" he responded, turning on his heel and sprinting towards the artillery units, ready to unleash the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System's firepower on the enemy positions. The echo of war drums had sounded, and the Indian forces were ready to respond.

The thunderous roar of the ATAGS reverberated through the snowy mountains, momentarily drowning out all other sounds. Plumes of smoke trailed behind the 155mm ramjet shells as they arched through the sky, their trajectory meticulously targeted towards the Front Line. 

The sun glinted off their metal casings, making them appear like deadly shooting stars destined for death and destruction.

Soldiers nearby had taken cover, their hands pressed against their ears, feeling the concussive force of each firing. The ground trembled, and a wave of dust rose from the positions, blending with the smoke and creating a haze that partially obscured vision.

After the initial volley's deafening cacophony, a tense silence settled, punctuated only by the distant thuds of artillery impacts and the methodical movements of the artillery crew, swiftly preparing for the next round of fire.

The artillery barrage's sheer force was evident in the sporadic plumes of smoke and fire visible on the horizon scarring the land, as the shells found their targets obliterating poorly protected Long Wang personnel and equipment.

Suddenly, amidst the sporadic pillars of smoke, a bright yellow explosion mushroomed into the sky, illuminating the surroundings momentarily as, one of the shells struck an exposed fuel tank, releasing its volatile contents in a spectacular yellow blaze.

"Direct hit!" yelled a spotter, his voice cutting through the din as the artillery crew swiftly worked, reloading the cannons for another barrage.

Major Siddhart Singh, eyes glued to his binoculars, fervently hoped their counter-offensive would make the Longwang forces reconsider their advance, granting them the invaluable time needed for reinforcements to bolster their position. 

However, his heart sank as the smoke cleared, and he caught sight of the unmistakable silhouettes of the ZBL-08 IFVs and the ZTQ-15 light tanks leading the charge, signalling that the Rogue forces remained undeterred by their onslaught.

"Damnit!" he muttered as he tightened his grip on the binoculars, knowing that the imminent arrival of reinforcements was more crucial now than ever.

As the shadow of the advancing LongWang forces loomed ever closer, Major Siddhart Singh took a deep breath, steadying himself. The fate of his garrison hung in the balance, and all they could do now was brace for the impending storm.

Qua-Toyne Principality,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

While the flames of war brew in the Old World, the denizens of the New World found themselves in a whirlwind of their own within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the heart of diplomacy with external entities.

The Rought cut stone and mortar building was awash with chaos as public servants ran around frantically on a shoestring schedule preparing the much-needed groundwork for their Diplomatic Visit.

Scrolls and mana-imbued communications crisscrossed between hands, as preparations were underway for an ambassadorial entourage and the authority granted to the ambassador extraordinary that would redefine their relations with the the newcomers from the UN.

An official's voice rang out, piercing the bustling noise," Yagou!, I heard that you're joining the delegation to the United Nations. Man I'm so jealous, I also wanted to visit there!"

Yagou shot him a weary look, his long dark hair framing a face marked with experience. While it might sound glamorous to venture to another nation, the reality was more harrowing. In their tumultuous world, nations capsized into anarchy overnight. Governments were decimated, and vast empires splintered into warring factions. Stability was rare, with power shifting as swiftly as sand in a storm.

Breathing a tired sigh, Yagou pondered on his experience, he had witnessed firsthand the dire consequences of political upheavals: regions where societal order crumbled under policy changes, territories where living conditions paled compared to their own. Even their health wasn't guaranteed, often if a region were riddled with disease, poor sanitation would subject visiting delegates to local epidemics. Given these perils, many within the ministry loathed overseas diplomatic assignments.

Though their nation enjoyed one of the highest standards of living, often seen as a beacon amid the so-called uncivilised lands, the United Nations was a different beast altogether. 

Their capabilities were staggering, being able to field massive metal dragons which flew faster than even the swiftest wyvern at a height thought unreachable by conventional beasts.

Their enormous floating islands, replete with vast arsenals and often flanked by smaller metal warships, were unlike anything Yagou had ever seen.

Recalling documents provided by the member states of their confederation, Yagou felt a pang of unease. 

Even during his visit to the Parpaldian Empire, where he had marvelled at their intricate automatons and innovative gear ships, he never felt this profound sense of alienation. These newcomers, with their astounding claims, felt otherworldly, almost verging on the supernatural. Were they even human, or were they beings of legend, like the ravernal from their myths?

Shaking his head, Yagou glanced down, noticing a handwritten note from the Foreign Minister at the bottom of the document: 'Exercise utmost caution with the Newcomers. Under no circumstances underestimate them, and always remain courteous.'

Leaning back in his chair, he sighed, resting his head against its frame, he pondered about the capabilities of the newfound confederation, or at least that's what he thought the UN was.

Mulling over the information, Yagou tried to reconcile with the staggering claims of these Newcomers. In his world, a wyvern was a revered weapon. Capable of speeds up to 230km/hr, they were majestic and powerful, making their riders, the Dragon knights, the epitome of military prowess. Every foot soldier aspired to ascend to such ranks, for they were viewed as the elite, the pinnacle of their world's combat forces. Just as a mounted knight could decimate infantry in the past, a single wyvern could wreak havoc on an entire battalion with relative ease.

Hovering beyond the reach of any bow, these wyverns could harness their innate mana to unleash torrents of fireballs or breathe searing flames upon those below. Their might was rivalled only by the advanced steam weapons of the Parpaldians in their region. 

Additionally, their scales, tough as forged iron, rendered them virtually impervious to attacks from ballistae and most magical strikes.

Few creatures could pose a genuine threat to these mighty wyverns. Perhaps the legendary Wyvern lords from the three civilized lands, but they were a rare sight on the battlefield. And if one were to consider wilder, more unpredictable beings, only the calamity-class entities like the elemental lords, the titanic Krakens of the distant seas, and the celestial divine dragons could outmatch them.

But now, claims emerged that a man-made creation from these foreign lands could rival or even surpass such formidable beings. To think that such a craft, especially with its proclaimed wingspan, could exist was almost heretical. It was as if they challenged the very order of nature. The Muan mechanical civilization, as advanced as it was, had never hinted at such capabilities.

Time and again, Yagou stumbled upon mentions of these mysterious flying machines in the documents. The very thought of their existence stirred a mix of disbelief and profound curiosity within him. How, he pondered, could they achieve such a marvel?

With a sly smile, Yagou mused, "This expedition might just be the key for me to leave an indelible mark on history, revealing the mysteries of such a civilisation."

However, his reverie was swiftly interrupted by an official proclamation echoing through the chambers, "All delegates, please gather immediately. The assembly is about to commence."

As Yagou made his way into the opulent Grand Hall, he noticed the assembled members of the diplomatic mission gathered around the podium. The Chief of Diplomatic staff was meticulously set up, ready to brief the attendees.

Only five people were joining the mission to the UN, mostly all officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, except General Hanki who had temporarily been transferred to the ministry as a military liaison.

As the rest murmured among themselves, the Chief soon began, "The crux of our mission is to assess the true nature and intent of this 'United Nations Confederation.'

While their envoys push for diplomacy, their metal dragons, with unparalleled prowess, pierced deep into our skies, bypassing all our fortifications with unsettling ease.

They tell us that they come in peace, but their actions are not clear, perhaps the UN might be a hegemon intending to lull us into a sense of safety in the name of seeking diplomatic ties, or they may be an apartheid regime that discriminates against all non-humans like the Lourians, thus we need to be sure of their intentions before we engage in any form of alliance or trade."

The assembly buzzed with whispers and murmurs as everyone exchanged thoughts about the mysterious newcomers. The hall echoed with fragmented discussions until the chief's commanding voice sliced through the air, "Silence!"

He inhaled deeply, gathering his thoughts. "The exact developmental stage of this 'United Nations' remains ambiguous, but from what we understood, each state seems to vary a fair bit but is close enough to be considered in the same group. 

Yet, it's evident that their technological prowess is formidable, implying an equivalently potent military force. Throughout your interactions, maintain decorum, withhold criticism, and stand firm without inciting conflict. 

I also urge you to note any strengths and weaknesses about them. 

This knowledge could be pivotal in shaping our future negotiations. Now, direct your attention to the documents laid out before you."

The diplomats turned their gaze to the sheets, their eyes widening with disbelief as they processed the content. 

One exclaimed in absolute astonishment, "By the Ravernals, entire continents had been transported from another realm?!"

The chief nodded solemnly, "According to their words, a group of nations suddenly found themselves translocated to our world overnight. While we have yet to verify the authenticity of this assertion, I cannot stress enough the importance of treading cautiously. Do not show any doubt or scepticism; our priority is to maintain diplomatic stability."

Yagou's eyes widened in realization. "It mirrors the tales from the Muan legends," he thought.

In the distant lands of the Second Civilisation, the region of Mu was renowned. Their ancient myths spoke of an era, 12,000 years past when they were transported to Novae Terrae, their term for this world. The Muans, having kept written records from that time, were fervent believers in this legend. However, as with many old tales, the specifics had become exaggerated over time, leading the majority of the world to dismiss it as mere folklore.

Pulling himself from his reverie, Yagou refocused on the Chief, who was detailing their itinerary. "A ship provided by one of the United Nations member states, the United States of America, will facilitate our voyage. 

We are scheduled to set sail a week from now and after four days at sea, we will arrive at Murmansk, the northernmost port of the Russian Federation. From there, we will board the 'Arktika' for a journey lasting a day and a half to reach Moscow, where our initial negotiations will take place.

Subsequently, we will board an 'Airplane' to New York, USA, and travel by road to reach their capital Washington, D.C. for the second set of discussions. Our journey will then continue to Delhi, the capital of the Republic of India, where our third set of negotiations will be conducted. Following this, we will travel eastward to the metropolis of Kolkata, utilizing a transportation system known as 'Vande Bharat'. Our next destination will be Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, for further negotiations.

Within a day of concluding our discussions in Beijing, we will set sail for Fukuoka in Japan, and from there, we will take the 'Shinkansen' to Tokyo, marking the final leg of our journey."

He paused to let the information sink in before adding, "All in all, this diplomatic expedition will span over a month, with each country hosting us for approximately a week as we engage in vital dialogues and conferences with their respective administrations."

The diplomats exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to process the sheer length of the mission. 

A younger member of the delegation, unable to contain his curiosity, stood up. "Chief," he began, "why is the mission so lengthy? Are we moving at a slower pace, or are we dealing with a vast expanse of land?"

The chief let out a weary sigh before answering, "Indeed, the lands of the United Nations are expansive. Think of it as a new continent. Their total landmass covers about 41 million square kilometres."

In an instant the room erupted into chaos as everyone stood there arguing about such a large continent being undiscovered for so long, this only brought more credibility to their story of being summoned. What astounded them further was the notion of covering such vast distances in a mere month. 

Could their ships really traverse 2,000 km in just four days? The appearance of the metallic dragon in their homeland had been startling, but these 'Arktika,' 'Vande Bharat,' and 'Shinkansen' were said to be terrestrial vehicles. Perhaps these machines were powered by an immense quantity of mana?

"Quiet! Quiet!" the chief shouted garnering their attention again, "No matter, prepare yourself for a long journey ahead. You may now leave."

Many of the Diplomats including, Yagou left the meeting with a mix of bewilderment and anticipation. 

The sheer magnitude of what they were embarking upon was challenging to grasp.

Yagou, in particular, felt that these people simply couldn't be judged by common sense.

Overwhelmed, he decided the best course of action was to retreat and gather his thoughts in solitude.

Thus, as the assembly dispersed, they unknowingly sowed the seeds of a change that would bring about a new era in the New World, for what would come next in the following years was something none could have imagined.


This took longer than expected, as life is killing me right now with work, hopefully you like the first battle scene, expect things to diverge more and more from canon as everything goes on.

Also , i will clarify the countries are slighty in the future and not exactly in our timeline so some stuff is more developed than irl.

Anyways as Always , Thank you for reading.

And I will see you next time.

Nyanko2409creators' thoughts