__________(MC, POV)__________________________

I don't know how long or how much time has passed (again).

All I know is that I have been pulled or I am just falling into something or somewhere. dam, how long am I falling like this, few hours, few months, few years. I don't know or I just don't care.

I don't know how long or how much time has passed (again, again,).

All I know is that I have been going in some kind of sinkhole. I am going round and round and going in the middle slowly, dam, how long am I falling like this, few hours, few months, few years. I don't know or I just don't care.

But I am getting tired of saying the same thing over and over again can this reincarnate hurry up or something I don't know, I give up,



Am I in water or some other kind of liquid or something but Goddam this thing, make a lot of sounds, and this sound is irritating as hell.



After that, all I could feel or see is completely white and an earning sound. then I fell unconscious.

_________( Hospital doctor, POV)______________

Today is the day of delivery of pregnant women. All I know that the husband and wife are very important people.

I hurry up and get ready to do my job.

After some time the pregnant women successful deliver the child, But when the child comes it did not make a sound like crying or something, I got afraid, but then I realized it is he and he is inhaling and exhale, I finally give a sigh of relief, this kid just give me a heart attack.

All of my years of being a doctor this was my second hardest and breathtaking moment of my life

My first was when I was holding hand with my girlfriend( now my wife, nice ) on a date (a very awkward moment of my life,)

But still second, not kid you were playing with me now I will assault, cough, I mean check his health.

Then, I did not so Generally pick up the child, ready my hand where his ass or butt was then I realized, dam boi he has a nice ass tho.

Slap that dam, nice, ass of this innocent boy.

dam, what a nice slap sound.

then the boy starts crying.

__________( nurse 1 POV,)_____________________

Today is the day of the delivery of a pregnant woman of a very powerful background.

I am very nervous today.

After the delivery, at first, the boy was not breathing, I hold my breath, now I was extremely worried.

Then the doctor slap that boy's ass and the boy start crying.

I finally relax my body and breath a sigh of relief I was extremely worried when the boy was not breathing.

________________( mothers POV, )______________

After my delivery, I puff a lot of air in and out of my body.

finally, it is over, now I want to see my child

when I saw my child was taken away from me by the doctor I was angry, what are you doing with my child and where are you taking my child.

But when I use my essence of the soul, on my child and the doctor, my heart skipped a beat because my son's heart was not beating.

I lost color on my face, tear of sorrows was coming from my ears, I was about to lose all hope in my life.



His heart starts moving, I feel that my heart was moving, my soul was in my body back again.

But then I heard a nice slapping sounds. But when I look where the sound came from, I became angry, because the sound came from slapping my sons, He was crying, I feel pain see my son crying. I want to ask the doctor why did he slap my child.

But the doctor was fast than me. he announces that the boy was perfectly healthy.

After hearing his reasons I come down a bit.

Then I ask ( order) the doctor to give me the child.

He instantly gives me the child in my hand. I looked at my boy he is very cute and innocent and helpless and defensive less. like his father when he was young.

I look at a few more time then hug him with my care, like telling him he should not be afraid, He has his parents by his side.

___________________(fathers POV)______________

Today is my wife's delivery day.

I don't know how to help them put, the doctor in with them.

I know my wife for 25 years, I am 29 by the way.

yes, I know her from my childhood life.

and, yes, she is my childhood friend.

When I first met Her, hum.

------×-----×( FLASHBACK )------×-----×----×---×-------

when I was 4 years old me and my dad went to a banquet there my dad meet with his friend and one of the friend daughter was her, but he was 12years where I was 4 years old.

My dad and my dad's friend went to another room to have a drink and talk to each other about business.

I was left alone with her, she took care of me then. this is how I first meet her.

After then when my dad went exploring he would always leave me by her house,

At one time when I was 12 years when I say that I will marry her when I grow older.

she was 20, she was beautiful, and many people want to marry her some because of her look and some because of her background. but mostly because of her background.

when she was 22 years a tragedy happen, her dad was badly assaulted by a beast and mask man.

many people who want to marry her turn away, but the people who want to marry her for her looks stay.

when she was 24 years when she wants to earn money to pay for the hospital and to keep her family business on the line, she went to exploration sites to earn money, in exploration sites earning money is as easy as breathing, But she was assured, by a masked man and some beast, she was wounded and scared in the face, but she ends up killing the masked man.

when my dad found out about the incident he went to investigate the case and find out that one of the top family try to kill her because their family business is caused many problems.

my father did not know that her dad was assaulted.

you see in that period of 12 years my father found a very very valuable herb that helps him and his summoned best grow stronger very strong, my dad has a name in the top 15 strongest people.

If my father knows about this earlier he will have done some things about this long ago.

But her father did not want to be in debt, of my father, because he has a lot of life debt to my father, you see her father has been saved by my father 6 times, so he did not want to have 7 times.

my father files a case to that top family and my father wins, all the money that is given was given to her and her father, and my father gives a valuable heart to her father that ends up savings her father's life and heal her father completely.

But the scar done to her face was no ordinary scar, it was made by a special poison that causes a permanent scar.

After that, though who wants to marry her for a look also left her.

At that, I was 16 years old, I was a genius among genius, there was 8 years difference between us but I was stronger than her.

I saw her in the messy bed, where the mirror was shattered by a punch.

then I.
