
The Best Operative

"Have you found the person we're looking for?"

"Yes sir. We have successfully located the target."

Two silhouettes were standing in a field covered in black grass. As they conversed, a gentle breeze went by...stirring the still grass.

"Good...have you already decided who we will send to relieve the target of his meaningless life?"

"We are planning to send the best operative we have. They are currently getting debriefed as we speak."

"Good work...Hopefully this one won't be as disappointing as our last target."

The figure who appeared to be in charge, turned away from its companion and stared up into the white void that was the sky. Since his companion appeared to be pondering something, the other figure took that as his cue to leave, and vanished from the spot it was previously standing.


(??? POV)

I'm getting debriefed for my next assignment. It seems to be a typical mission, nothing to special. Should be an in and out kind of thing.

I take a final look over the document containing the information about my target.

Name - Ryan Billings

Age - 17

Sex - Male

Height - 6'1

Weight - 152 lbs.

Personality - Kind of an asshole

Projected Difficulty - D

Another typical teenager.

Apparently the reason why so many of my targets are teenagers, is due to the fact that they have the highest chance of success when the reincarnation process takes place.

Despite what the novels that have some of my kills in them say, not all people who are told they will get reincarnated into a different world actually survive the process.

There have been many instances where people became retarded from the process because there mind couldn't handle the transfer to a new body.

It is slightly frustrating...seeing my work become nothing more than a slobbering stupid mess. All I can do is suck it up and continue doing my job.

The demographic that has the highest chance of success are teenagers. Why is it like that? To be honest...I have no fucking clue, nor do I particularly care.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the cold voice of my boss.

"Are you ready to start the mission?"

"Yes sir"

"Good. We expect you to have completed this mission by midnight...don't let us down."

"Yes sir!"

**4 hours later**

I have been following my target as he goes about his day.

It has been a very boring experience.

Nothing of particular importance happened. He went to school for a few hours, went to a convenience store after school, met up with a group of what I guess are his friends.

Just a bunch of boring shit.

I eventually decided to just wait outside of his apartment until her arrived. I figured I would just eliminate him when he was alone.

I ended up waiting for about two hours before I finally saw him walking into his apartment. The only problem was that he went to the 4th floor.

<How am I supposed to get him when he is up there?>

This difficulty has just increased by a fair amount. I was never the best at taking out people who are on higher elevations. I'm more of a ground floor type of killer. However, I have done a few missions like this in the past, so as long as 'that' is around I shouldn't have much of a problem.

I did a quick look over my current location...and thankfully I found what I was looking for.

What I was looking at was one of those trucks that have the ramp like attachments on the back. The type that cars would ramp on in the movies.

It was conveniently positioned so that I would go straight towards my targets apartment.

<The boss most likely pulled a few strings in order to get that here.>

I wasn't complaining though...my job has just become a whole lot easier. All that's left is to wait for the streets to become less crowded.

**2 hours later**

It's time.

I position myself so that I am aligned with the ramp. I am far enough away from the ramp that I can get the required amount of speed in order to actually make it to my targets apartment.

I slowly start to roll forward, getting faster and faster as I near the ramp. I finally reach my max speed when I am only a few meters away from the ramp.

I barely notice the slight lurch when I first make contact with the ramp, so focused on completing my mission I ignored all other sensations. When I soar off of the ramp...a feeling of weightlessness overcomes me.

Moments like these rarely come to me due to how I am built. How I love the feeling flying...gliding is probably a more accurate term.

How I envy Airplane-kun.

Time seemed to slow down as I draw nearer to the apartment. Luckily I will hit a pretty big window, so there shouldn't be any lasting defects when this is all over.

In what I assume to be another instance of my superiors pulling the strings of fate... my target walks right in front of the window. I can see his head turn towards me in what seems like slow motion. Several different emotions fly across his face. Shock...Panic...Fear...and finally a look of acceptance.

All of this happened within the span of a few seconds.

A loud crashing sound reverberates across the mostly silent neighborhood as I make contact with the window. Under the loud crash...I can hear a faint crunch as well. I know exactly what that sound is. It's a sound that I have way too many times.

As the dust settles I can already hear the faint sounds of sirens drawing nearer, but they will be too late. I have made sure that they will not find a living person within the wreckage of this apartment.

If the boy had somehow lived, which I find highly unlikely, then I couldn't call myself the best at my job. If he did live...then it would be an insult to my thousand year record of successful missions.

No...the boy won't live...I, Truck-Kun, will make sure of that.

The best of the best ain’t no joke.

This chapter is a little short, but don’t worry. When the MC gets reincarnated, the chapters will become longer.

SinNercreators' thoughts
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