
Summoner of Strawhats

Earthling crashes dimensions and gets thrown onto the deck of the straw hats. As he is weak he bets on his future knowledge to survive. He will have a special power, that he will find out later. He will not be totally selfless and a bit manipulative, but no human is perfect in the face of their desires. It started with me sick and bored in bed with only my phone to write on. (I don't own the art. Artist:Amanomoon)

Natsujan · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Another koala?

"Wow, the main square is big as hell!"

I stare at the wide space left between buildings, with the execution stand at the back.

"Oh! Luffy is already there? Well I guess the show will soon begin!"

Smiling I walk further to the front, to see the moment that pissed off the marines more than showering them in a giants diarrhea.

"Hey you! Get down from there immediatelly!!"

On my left side a policeman screamed into a megaphone.

"Why?" Luffy

"That's the special execution scaffold! It's under the jurisdiction of the World Government!! Come down ri-!"

The policeman is launched away from a mace to the head by the woman now standing beside me.

"Striiiiikeee!!! You are out!"

I couldn't help myself commenting at the policeman, earning the tall womans odd look.

She lifts her mace again.

"Hi, I'm Lynx, the newest member of the Straw hats."

I offer her a handshake to which she hesitates to strike me now.

"You really are part of his crew?"

"Well yea! HEY LUFFY!"


Luffy waves back with a full smile.

She retracts her mace and turns to Luffy.

"I've found you at last Luffy! It's been a long time! Surely you haven't forgotten this face?"

The crowd goes wild with heart shaped eyes,while I roll my eyes.

'If you woke up with he in bed with how she looked like before, you would die from fright.'

"I don't know you beautiful lady. Who are you?" Luffy

"Well, I'll never forget you. You were the first man who everr hit my lovely face!" Alvida

"What?? I hit you?" Luffy looks genuinelly confused.

"It' s Alvida Luffy! The one yu defeated when you saved Coby." Lynx

"Alvida?! Where?!" Luffy tries to find her.

"It's her." I point at her.

"She looks a bit different..."


A bomb goes off, sending the fountain straight at me and Alvida.

"Oh fuck!" I dice for the floor while leaving Alvida to brush it off.

"Well of course she if different, she ate a devil fruit."

"Heh heh, nice for you two to notice! I ate the slip slip fruit! Now my skin will always stay unblemished of an attack!"

She throws her cloak off, showing her curves.

"sadly it didn't enhance y beauty beside gettind rid of my freckles!" Alvida

""Riiiiight... " Lynx and Luffy.

"And if you want to become my man, you have to defeat this man. We teamed up to find you." Alvida

another group takes off their cloaks as they start a weird power rangers pose and monolog use.

"Since the day you defeated me, I have dreamt nothing besides killing you! It wa-!" Buggy

Having enough of the embarrrasment they are, I pick up a random rock and throwing it. My aim holds true as the fist size rock flies directly into the open mouth of Buggy down his throat.

"Strike two! Youuuuuu'reeeeee oooooouuuuut! Hahaha!" Lynx

'... Why did I just do that? Am I getting affected by Luffy' s stupidity?! I don't have any powers or plot armor to stand behind yet!'

Buggy gags out the rock that is now coverred in his saliva.


"Ah it's just Buggy." Luffy


The Buggy pirates occupy the square with their guns pointed out. Next moment, cabaji locks Luffy on the execution stand.

"And as for YOU! Momoji! Get him! I will deal with him later."

Buggy points at me before walking away. Now The weird ass beastmaster and the lion Richie are coming.

"Oh looks like you got some food, Richie!"

"Well that sucks then, since I am poisonous. I ate the poison poison fruit, so you will die Richie." Lynx

"Nevermind then! Just squash him!" Momoji

"But what about your bosses order of keeping me for later? You want to eat a buggy ball for not listeninng to orders. " I ask innocently.

Alvida is already sparing me a look to see what happens. Momiji and Richie shudder for a second.

"Fine! Just capture him!" Momiji

"Oh look! A giant turkey is above you!" Lynx

Both the idiots look up at the sky. Quickly picking up some rock I throw two at them. One hits Momiji straight in his forehead and the other hits Richie's snout.

Momiji falls down while Richie grabs his snout. Running towards them I ready myself for a kick.

"Ya YEET!" My kick connects directly with Richie's crotch.

He released the girliest scream I ever heard with bulging eyes.

No matter who, every man grabbed their croth from seeing such a merciless kick.

"Just kill the bastard! I don't care anymore!" Buggy screams from the top of the scaffold already starting to monologue to Luffy.

I quickly grab Momoji and hold him as a meats held, stopping the rest of the crew from firing their guns..

"Damn it guys! Come already! Damn it, when you transmigrate, you should get some power... Wait that book world! The third book was One piece, second one was... Crossover' and the first one! It was summoning! Summon summon me someone strong!" Lynx

First time there was nothing.

"C'mon! Summoning... " I start repeat myself summoning in my head until something clicked.

"In my name I summon a friend willing to help me!"

"HE-YAAA!!" A giant person crashes with an even bigger shield in front of me.

Immediatelly after a giant glacier enrupts from underground in that line.

The whole square goes quiet in surprise.

The man stands up with a smile, lifting the shield.

"When life gets tough, you call BRAUM!"

I punch Momiji uncoscious and quickly approach Braum.

"Thanks Braum! You up for a fight?" I pat his lower back since he is so tall.

"Haha! First we fight, then we eat, no?" Braum smiles back at me.

"Let's go to our captain!" I run towards the pirates.

The buggy pirates started to shoot their guns.

"My shield is here for you!" Braum jumps to me and erects a shield to block all the bullets like it's nothing. His whole shield became transparent.

"Keep pushing Braum!" I pick up rocks and throw them through the transparent shield at the pirates striking them one by one.

When the two of us start walking over some fallen ones I pick up their guns and start to shoot with those.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Buggy looks speechless.

"SOOO COOOOL!" Luffy keeps staring with shining eyes.

"Never mind, let's finish this quickly! And last words? Not like anyone wants to hear them." Buggy


"Is that all you have to say, rubber head?" Buggy

"STOP THE EXECUTION!" Sanji and Zoro rush into the square.

They arrrive near me and Braum, giving us a weird glance before engaging the Buggy pirates.

"Bwahahahaha! You can see the whole thing from there! You captain is dead." Buggy

"Bye guys! I'm a goner!" Luffy smiles happily.

"Don't say that!" Sanji

Buggy swings down his sabre and before it could hit, a lightning strikes the scaffold- destroying it in the process.

Under the ruins a hand picks up the falling straw hat and puts it on his head.

"Ha ha ha ha! I'm alive! Lucky me!" Luffy

Everyone in the square looks dumbfounded when he is without a scratch.

"Hahaha nice job Luffy!" Lynx

"Haha that's quite the strong friend here!" Braum

"Do you believe in a higher power?" Sanji

"Don't talk nonsense! We are not in the clear yet." Zoro

"Then run, bitch, run!" Lynx

All five of us dash out of the square towards the ship.

"So who is this guy Lynx?" Zoro

"Yea! He was so cool with that ice smash!" Luffy

"I finally discovered what power I obtained when i crossed over. I can summon people from other worlds to help me! I'm a summoner!" Lynx skips in his steps from happiness.

'I'm glad I will be useful for something at least!'

"That he is! Braum is happy to have new friends!" Braum

"Then join us!" Luffy

""Again?!?!" Zoro and Sanji.

"Don't worry, as long as I am in the crew, then all my summons can be counted as well." Lynx

Sanji pokes my side with an elbow, catching my attention.

"So, uh! Can you also summon pretty ladies?"

"I can, but as their summoner, they will like me the most. If just for company then I can arrange that." I smirk at Sanji.

"Damn you lucky bastard! But please do summon a few!" He makes a perverted expression.

Zoro just shakes his head while Luffy laugs his ass off.

"Roronoa Zoro! You didn't tell me you were a pirate! Were you making fun out of me? I'm going to take wado ichimonji away from you." Tashigi

"What did you do to her Zoro?!" Sanji become pissed off again.

"Non of your business curly brow! Go on! I'll catch up!" Zoro then crashes with Tashigi in a quick battle.

"He is fighting a woman!" Sanji hisses.

"That's the least of our problems! There is smoker! He ate a smoke fruit so your moves will do nothing to him! Braum! Winters bite!" Lynx

"On it!" Braum sends a shining projectile at Smoker.

Smoker shifts to smoke form but the chill still affects him in smoke for, confusing smoker wildly.

"Luffy and Sanji! Can you distract him?"

"Sure!" Luffy charges smiling at Smoker but is unable to hit him.

Sanji joins the fray but is also helpless and is throw to the side by Smoker as he grapples Luffy to the ground.

As this moment he feels something on his back.

"Thanks˜" I fly over him like a missile, while yanking his seastone baton away.

Landing a bit away by rolling, I stand up and give a thumbs up.

"Nice throw Braum! Now we can actaully fight this bastard!" Lynx

"You are getting really annoying!" Smoker conjures another smoke cloud towards me.


Braum jumps to me and conjures the transparent shield again.

"Life is fun, no?" He asks Smoker.

"I don't need to listen to your crap, scum!" Smoker

Braum doesn't like his character, so he taunts Smoker.

"You hit like baby ram, no horns yet!"

"Let go of your shielf and we will see!" Smoker

I ignore their bickering and just start to swing at the smoke on the other side of the shield with the baton.

"You little shit! Give me back my baton!" Smoker

"Let go of Luffy first!" Lynx

"Not a chance!" Smoker

"Oh but there will be." A hand grabs Smokers shoulder, making him let go of Luffy.

"Run Luffy, Sanji and Braum! Zoro get your lost ass over here!" Lynx

"Who are you calling lost, you bastard?!" Zoro jumps after me, trying to give me a kick, but Braum blocks it with his massive arm.

"Thanks!" Lynx

"I'm here to help, friend!" Braum.

We arrive at the going Merry, earning weird looks from Nami and Usopp for bringing Braum.

"Just ignore him and sail!" Lynx

We all untied the ropes and lowered the sail as we escape the shitstorm called Loguetown on the begginning of a storm.

"Yikes! We are about to capsize." Usopp

"There is a light!" Luffy

"It's the guiding light. Beyond that light is the entrance to the grand line. So what's it gonna be?" Nami

"Let's blow this sip into the great ocean!" Sanji prepares a barrel on the deck.

"Do we have to do it right now in the storm?"

"ALL RIGHT!" Luffy

"I'm going to find the All blue!" Sanji puts his heal on the barrel.

"I'm gonna be the king of pirates!" Luffy also puts his heel on top.

"I'm going to become the greatest swordsman!" Zoro joins.

"I'm going to make a map of the world!" Nami joins.

"I'm going to become a brave warrior of the sea!" Usopp

'What do I actually want to do here? What goals do I have? Ah I know!'

"I'm going to have the best adventure and have a family!" I put my leg on the barrel with a grin.

"Family is good, no? Braum and the others will join you in your advantures and have fun!" Braum puts his massive leg on the barrel.

"GRANDLINE HERE WE COME!" All seven of us raise our feet and bring them down to destroy the barrel.


Everybody is inside the cabin besides Braums shield outside.

"The entrance to the Grandline is a mountain!" Nami

"A mountain?!" Usopp

"That's right! The first time when I looked I didn't believe it either, but the arrow points at the reverse mountain on the red line.

"We are supposed to ram agains a mountain?" Zoro

"No there is a canal here!" Nami points at the map.

"My world has many crazy things, but yours feels like cukoo crazy." Braum

"Well, it's true. The reverse mountain has some laws of physics reversed, so the water flows up from the four blues to the mountain top and then through the sole canaldown to the Grandline. " Lynx

"Whoa, really?" Luffy

"Really. But guys, we need oars NOW! We accidently sailed into the Calm belt." Lynx

"You can'tbe serious?" Nami pales.

"It was a storm, but no we are calmly standing on the water." Lynx

"Everybody grab an oar and start paddling!!!!" Nami screams with a devils face.

We all exit when I hear a comment from Braum.

"I thought there is nothing scarrier than seeing your mother sad. But no one in the Fyord can compete with that face."

I burst out laughing like an idiot, when we start to paddle the ship toward the stormy waters.

Nami explains the idiots about the calm belt as we row just fast enough into the stormy sea, before the sea kings emerge.

"Look it's the Redline!" Luffy

"I can't believe it! The ocean water really is rushing upwards the canals!" Zoro with binoculars.

"Be careful! We are getting sucked into the upwards stream!" Nami

"Braum! Grab the rudder and steer!" Lynx

"My strength is here for you!" He positions himself on the rudder.

"We are steering off course! To the right!" Nami

"The rudder is too tiny for this power... *SNAP* Uh-oh!" Braum

"We are going to CRASH!!!" Usopp

I grab my reccently stolen baton and throw it to Braum.

"Braum! Lodge it inside and steer!" Lynx

"Ok!" He uses a lot of strength to pierce the whipstaff remains and turn it right.

"Not enough!" Nami

"Luffy!" Lynx

Luffy jumps and inflates himself into a ballon bouncing the Merry away from the pillar arc.

Grabbing his leg I pull him up after the bounce.

"WE ARE IN!!!" Everyone screams.

The Merry goes her away up the mountain. At the top we are launched into the air. Sadly, its foggy, so we are unable to see the New world at all... Or anything for that matter.

The Merry lands in the only stream going downward and off we go entering the Grandline.

'Ah! We will find Laboon, Crocus and Vivi here.'

"Hey, what's that? Nami I see a mini mountain in the way there!" Usopp

"Not possible! There should be open sea there." Nami

"It's not a mountain, it's a whale!" Luffy

Minor panic ensues.

"Turn portside, there is a small area we cn escape."

"It's no good! It's not turning!" Braum tries to change direction but the current ignored the change of the rudder.

"I have an idea!" Luffy disappears under deck.

Just as we are about to crash into Laboon, the frontal canon fires at him, slowing us a bit, but still breaking the figure head of Merry. .

Everyone had a face of despair besides me who was smiling.

"Did it work? Did we stop?" Luffy runs back and sees the Merry.

"My special seat!!!!" Luffy

Laboon growls maing our ears tremble in pain from the loudness.

"Everyone get rowing while we can!" Zoro

"Listen you! That was my special seat! What did you do to it?!" Luffy attacks the eye of Laboon scaring the shit out of everyone now.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" Even Braum joined in that scream, while I went to catch Nami that collapsed, giving up on life.

Before Luffy could do anything more, Laboon opened its mouth and sucked us all in.

... (I'll skip the introduccction to Crocus)

Luffy bursts through a door with two other people flying into the acid ocean.

"Hey, so you are okay? Then save me!" Luffy and the two others plunge into the ocean.

"I'll go for the blue one! Zoro, you got Luffy?" I decide to have a look at our dear little Vivi.

"Go for it." He jumps into the water and I follow his example.

As I find her drowning in the water I quickly dive and grab her. But then a weird feeling came over me, like the time I spawned Braum. My right hand starts to glow and a lasso madeof light is conjured. Following my feeling, I put it around her neck. There the lasso tightens itself around her neck, unntil it enters he body. With no other feeling, I swim us both up to get fresh air.


POV Vivi

The last things I saw was an being passing on an angelic glow to enter my body. Tough my gaze was hazy, I saw that being pulling me towards the light.


POV Lynx

Swimming back to the ship. I find Luffy already drying himelf with Zoro and Sanji, the guy with the crown is kneling while I gently put Vivi onto the floor and check her vitals.

"Damn it! She drank too much of the ocean/acid water. You guys tie that guy up, he is bad!"

I start to perform CPR under the shocked gazes of everyone for a solid two minuted before she starts coughing up the water.


POV Vivi

Oh, I am seeing something else than light again... There is someone in front looking at me... This warm feeling... I can feel some connection... Oh, it must be my prince that saved me...

"My prince~"


POV Lynx

'OK, I know I wanted to get a better look at Vivi and she is beautiful, but WHAT THE HELL?!'

"MM, my prince mmm!"

After doing CPR to vivi she suddenly grabbed onto me like a koala and with hazy eyes started calling me her prince and kiss me.

'WHOA princess! EVEN THE TONGUE?!'

Now she is making out with me without letting me breathe.

'Holy shit I' m weak in this world! I can't even pull off a princess from my face.'

The now tied up mister 9 or whatever looks shocked with bulging eyes.

Sanji is crying blood and his leg is itching to kick me.

Zoro is rolling his eyes, Usopp and Nami are gawking, Luffy is laughing and Braum is nodding with satisfaction.

Luckily the whale stopped flailing like crazy,.

"So the whale's calmed down?" Nami

"Well? Who are you guys?" Zoro

"AS LONG AS I LIVE I'LL NEVER LET YOU HARM LABOON!" Crocus marched back out of the door.

He focuses his eyes on our ship only to see mr 9 tied up and Vivi still smooching me while we roll on the deck as I try to get her off.

"What the fuck is happening???" Crocus.

I manage to roll to Braum so I could pull on his pants.

"Alright, that's enough from you kiddos." Braum gently picks us up, and with a little strength tears the koala like Vivi off me.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAH! WHY DID YOU ASSHOLES NOT HELP SOONER?! I ALMOST SUFFOCATED!" I scream at everoney while looking a the dazed Vivi who was still extending her arms towards me even when Braum is holding her in place.

"YOU GO SMOOCHED BY A PRETTY LADY AND YOU COMPLAIN?!" Sanji jumps at me with ferocity fromhis jealousy which I barely dodge.

"Fuck off! I still plan to live longer than four days in this world!" I start to argue with Sanji as he keeps taking kicks at me.

"Does this happen often?" Crocus

One is a hopeless pervert and the other is crazy." Nami

"Hahaha best crew ever! But who are you old man?" Luffy

*Crocus starts to explain about himself and Laboon*

"What do we do with the two fools?" Zoro asks as we exit Laboon.

"Toss them into the sea." Crocus

Sanji just tales off the ropes and tosses mr9 off.

"I don't think this one is right in the head..." Braum is still holding Vivi by the back of her shirt. No matter how he turns her, she keeps facing my way, extending her arms as if to grab me and calling "My prince~".

"Must have drunk too much acid ocean?" Crocus

"I think we should look after her until she is better." Braum


"Yuck!" She kicks Sanji away before again going "Prince~ Prince~" towards me.

"You bastard! Is that why you wanted to save her?! You KNEW this would happen!!!" Sanji grabs my collar and shakes me.

"Dude! She. Is. Not. Such. A. Person! I. Have. No. Idea. Why. She. Is. Like. This!" I try to speak while he keeps shaking me.

'Though it has to have something to do with my summoning. I will have to confirm later with Vivi.'

Braum plays a bit and let's Vivi go, but she doesn't even stumble as she rushes towards me, kicking Sanji away and attaching herself to my back.

"... Ok leave the koala girl for now. Can we focus on Laboon?"

Crocus continues with the story as we relax at the lighthouse.

When Luffy is about to take off, I quickly stop him.

"Luffy, don't break the mast! I have an better idea!" Lynx

"Oh how did you know?" Luffy

"You were about to do WHAT?!" Everyone from the crew screamed.

In the end, Luffy is now waiting with a bunch of lumps on his head, while everyone is waiting for me.

I rush to make a violin from the materials I bought. In the end of the day, I manage to make a functional one, it's rough around the edges and unpainted before I walk to the edge of the platform. STILL with the koala Vivi sticking to my back.

I first try the notes out before calling.

"LABOON! I brought you the song that you waited to hear these fifty years! Enjoy~!"

The violin start to excude sound, garnering immediate attention from Laboon.

|| Binks sake (Enjoy to sing along)||

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

Umikaze kimakase namimakase

Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu

Sora nya wa wo kaku, tori no uta

Sayonara minato, Tsumugi no sato yo

DON to icchou utao, funade no uta

Kinpa-ginpa mo shibuki ni kaete

Oretacha yuku zo, umi no kagiri

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

Warera kaizoku, umi watteku

Nami wo makura ni, negura wa fune yo

Ho ni hata ni ketateru wa dokuro

Arashi ga kita zo, senri no sora ni

Nami ga odoru yo, DORAMU narase

Okubyoukaze ni fukarerya saigo

Asu no asahi ga nai ja nashi

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

Kyou ka asu ka to yoi no yume

Te wo furu kage ni, mou aenai yo

Nani wo kuyokuyo, asu mo tsukuyo

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

DON to icchou utao, unaba no uta

Douse dare demo itsuka wa hone yo

Hate nashi, ate nashi, waraiba nashi

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~

Edited the chap a bit

Natsujancreators' thoughts