
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Seven Days and Seven Nights.

Tiamat and Vander both did not hold anything back in the first exchange which resulted in a massive shock wave tearing up the Underworld for hundreds of miles. Vander's Halberd had met with her giant claws and from the look of it, they were even.

No more words were needed as Vander's muscles swelled larger. His entire body began to crackle with Blood Lightning and Shadow Lightning which was his favorite move. Especially when the creators were in Resonance with him caused the powerful technique to grow in power.

This was all filled with pure Infernity and caused Vander to become a massive lightning rod as he attacked Tiamat over and over. However, her two front-clawed feet continued to match each of Vander's strikes. Serafall had avoided physical confrontation with him at all cost, while Tiamat reveled in it.

Even as the Divine Soul Bound weapon crackled with power her Chaos Karma flames managed to equal it and even out the damage. Each impact of their blows sent chaotic energy emissions so dangerous that this area would be tainted beyond repair for many years to come.

If that was not enough the impact alone was tearing up the ground for countless miles. She continued to exchange each and every blow that Vander threw her way and had a response without fail. That made Vander's mouth twist into a huge snarl as he raised Dawnbreaker above his head.

He found someone that could meet him in physical combat which he reveled in. What could be better than that? He brought Dawnbringer down with so much force that the very mana in the air caught fire, but Tiamat clentched her right hand into a burning fist.

Even then they both seemed totally even as she held Dawnbreaker from moving while he did the same. They flew into the air away from each other as Vander's tail wagged behind him. His wings were tensed as he gazed at Tiamat's uninjured figure.

"So, Heavenly Dragon class strength. Impressive."

Tiamat's blue wings flapped with power as her blue eyes looked at Vander.

"I at first just wanted your weapon, but now, I want you."

Her massive body was ignited in her dangerous Chaos Karma flames at full force this time. Her magic reserves as a dragon were truly gigantic which caused a literal eruption of dark blue flames for hundreds of miles.

They both did not care that they had already alerted the whole Underworld about their fight. The Devils, Fallen, and even the other pantheons' unique realms that they used as their Underworlds. They were all part of the larger Underworld and they all knew two extremely powerful foes were in a battle.

Too bad this had all just been a warm-up for the two of them and it was about to get worse.

"You aren't bad yourself, but I am not losing this match. You will be mine."

Vander snarled as he figured out that he would actually have to put some effort in. Once again his body crackled with Blood Lightning and Shadow lightning which made Tiamat scoff as thousands of magic circles and runes appeared over her body.

In her centuries of training, she had learned many cultures' runes and had perfected this method. From defense, speed, physical boosting, and magic resistance to many elements they came with everything.

"Show me what you got Vander."

Vander road as his Plasma, Fire, Glacial, Inferno, Energy of Destruction, and Toxic magic all fused into one volatile mix of energy. It had so many opposites of magic that any average mage would have lost all control and be consumed by it, but not Vander.

He roared as he circulated this mix of energy into his magic pathways, veins, and muscle fibers that made a rainbow-like glow emerge from the cracks of his scales. He vanished as he boosted his speed with Time and Spatial magic to appear above Tiamat many times faster than what Vander had showed her.


'Chaos Impact.'

Her right fist ignited not in Dark Blue flames, but dark purple as she answered Vander's strike.

'Persephone Roa, Breaker of Worlds.'

His stab hit Tiamat's fist which caused destruction for thousands of miles as both of them were actually launched backward over a hundred miles only stopping when Vander dug his left clawed hand to stop his momentum.

Tiamat used her weight to do the same as she raised her right fist. Gushes of blue blood leaked from the spot where she met Vander's halberd. Her thought scales got pierced and cracked which was surprising.

Her face turned into a big snarl as she wound regenerated. She looked at Vander even a hundred miles away from her she could still see his form. His right arm did not look pretty, but she knew better than to expect that to be a cripling wound.

"Now, I really want you."


He shifted Dawnbreaker to his left shoulder as he popped his bones back into place all over his arm. The wound he inflicted on her was already gone, but the damage he suffered was also fully healed. His wings tensed as he took off into the sky to clash once more with the Chaos Karma Dragon.

Vander's aura began to turn volatile as the sky filled with plasma clouds with his many types of magic. Tiamat matched him because of her long life span training that she did not lose out to even Vander.

They vanished from sight as they once again began to exchange brutal blows. Vander and Tiamat were beginning to pull out more moves as Vander pulled out his magic skills.

'Dark Scorcher, Reality Slash, Chrono Stasis, Chimera Shadow Garden, Fiendfyre, Gravity Melstram.'

He held nothing back as hundreds of magic circles released his different learned spells. Tiamat herself was just a good mage if not better.

'Chaos Lance, Karma Reversal, Chrono Imbalance, Karma Buster, Immolation Zone, Draconic Ruling.'

Massive explosions could be observed even thousands of miles away as battles of this scale were cataclysmic in scale. Vander and Tiamat roared as they rose even higher into the sky where they continued their storm of magic spells and physical blows.

As they continued to fight they began to land blows on each other. Vander received horn strikes, chunks bitten out of his large body, deep claw wounds, and even burns, that dwarven flames immunity did nothing to protect him from Tiamat's flames.

Still, Tiamat herself was no better as with every class Vander's halberd slashed open her scales, cut her muscles, and his spells began to land on her body. But that did not bring Vander the advantage as for each one that landed she hit him with one of her own.

Still when dragons fought they could fight for days on end as no matter how wounded a dragon always had more energy to go on. Dragons had a nearly endless source of magic with their dragon heart and someone as studied as Tiamat had made sure hers was perfect.

While Vander's heart had yet to reach the level of a dragon heart the more he battled Tiamat the more his dragon blood was stimulated. He clenched his right fist as he punched Tiamat in the face. Instead of dodging she used that moment to bite Vander's extended arm.

He stabbed Dawnbreaker into her bottom jaw forcing her to let go as they split apart. Already the battle had gone for a full day, which had drawn some spectators. Vander and Tiamat were far too riled up to take notice as they were locked on each other.

These included Azazel who made sure to keep as much distance from them as possible along with the 4 Satans and even Zekram Bael. Grayfia had come along as well as her daughter had asked her to use some magic to let her watch.

With her were Nerezza, Naerdeath, Raynare, Dohanseek, and Kalawarna. Just then Tiamat and Vander vanished as they began to clash once more with even more ferocity as the bloodlust began to push them to outrage mode.

Serafall, Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, Grayfia, and Zekram all created a unified barrier to resist the chaotic energy that would even hurt them. Serafall was regretting her choice to tell Vander about Tiamat as she did not think that Tiamat had gotten so strong in secret.


Zekram was shaken to the core as he could see Energy of Destruction being used by Vander.

"Sirzechs, is that your son?"

Sirzechs shook his head as his eyes were glowing red as he watched the fight closely.

"Not in the slightest. Focus."

Azazel in the distance was the furthest away as he was using several of his artificial sacred gears as shields. At his side was a teenage girl with long silver hair watching with shining eyes. If not for the glasses she wore that was another artificial sacred gear she would not be able to see a thing.


From the Divine Diving from her back spoke the Vanishing Dragon Albion.

"Just as you think Valina. Tiamat has grown to rival both me and Ddraig at our peak. Who she is fighting is a mystery to me, but one thing is for sure. They are part dragon."

Just then they saw a giant body flung toward the ground which turned out to be Vander. His back hit the ground with so much force that he was buried for miles under the ruble. Tiamat took deep slow breaths as she waited for Vander to rise.

Just as she expected he shot out of the earth with the force of a nuke roaring in rage. Dark Light burst around him as he boosted his time to 100 times faster than normal. His right knee hit Tiamat straight in the gut, but she grabbed him with her claws.

She raised him above her head and opened her mouth. A giant beam of Chaos Karma flames hit Vander straight in the face causing his scales to be singed and even his armor to get scorched.

He aimed his hand at her mouth and fired a bolt of chaotic energy which caused her to let go of him. She raised her head to the sky as a rainbow-like explosion erupted from her mouth making both of them look at each other with a blood-thirsty aura emanating from the two of them.

Albion warned both of them about what was about to come next.

"They just got done with the second phase now comes the third and last one, Outrage Mode."

Tiamat's blue scales began to fill up with blood red glow as she grew a size larger. Now she was a good 30 feet while her body and roars seemed darker. Her snarky attitude was gone and now the pure wrath of an angered dragon appeared.

Around her different artifacts began to appear as they covered her large body like armor. From pendants, rings, bracelets, magic chains and even weapons of different makes floated around her. She even pulled out her treasures as this was now about pride for both of them.

Vander's whole body began to steam as his very blood began to evaporate from how much power he was surging with. As a Blood Mage, he did not let it go to waste and dragged it back into his body to fuel his power output.


Even in her enraged state she still had control over her mind to an extent.

"Where have you been all my life?"

She answered as she also had something to say.

"Just know Vander, if I win, I will show you heaven."

She licked her lips as they charged at the other fully embracing the outrage mode. Grayfia who was holding the recording device looked at her daughter through it and saw her deadpan face.

"Is it just me or does Vander seem really attracted to Tiamat? I mean we have slept cuddled up with him and he was never this sultry."

Hearing that made Sirzechs look at her with pure shock. It caused their group shield to weaken.

"Excuse me?"

La Folia ignored him as she was annoyed. She met Vander first and he was more turned on by a dragon ripping him apart than her. How could she not be annoyed? As for Naerdeath, she tried to keep her calm.

"Well he is a battle junkie and he is part dragon, I think he would like a dragon more."

La Folia swore to give Vander an earful when he got done, but she would have to wait. From the look of it, neither Vande nor Tiamat was tiring. They had already been at it for 24 hours and they were still going.

Just as Albion had said once dragons got into it they would fight until one could not go on. More people began to gather as far as possible to supervise the battle as if they moved from this spot the damage would spread further.

Hades had actually sent some Executive class Grim Reapers had to observe as even he could feel the shock waves of the battle. They stayed away from Azazel, The Devils, and the others who had gathered. The battle had been ongoing already for seven days and it was nearing the seventh night.

The light show had not ceased even now, but for Tiamat and Vander things were different. They were on their last legs and Tiamat had even lost several of her treasures for this. Vander himself had his gauntlets and Dawnbreaker suffered cracks from the intensity.

They were both panting and covered in wounds that refused to heal. Vander's Infernity was running so low that he was barely staying awake. For the first time in her life, her Dragon Heart was starting to feel sluggish and it was burning with each pump.

Vander and Tiamat even then refused to yield as they charged at the other for the last exchange.

"Chaos Karma."

Her right fist ignited in Red and Purple Fire, but it was more like a flicker compared to the original. Vander's Halberd was drenched in his blood and had long since been in its awakened state.

"Ichor: Eos(Blood of Dawn)"

Vander charged on foot, without the same force as before. Just when it looked like both of their attacks would land on each other they froze. Tiamat's Dragon Heart reached its limit and froze up causing her to suffer a heart attack.

Vander was no better as his presence was dispelled with both Daisy and Ripper in critical states. When Vander collapsed he stayed in his transformed state, but Tiamat fell on top of him as her body shrunk down to normal

Everyone watching had different intentions as Zekrem wanted to get rid of them both before they woke up. His arm was pulsing with Energy of Destruction as he planned to end them both. However, Sirzechs placed his hand on his shoulder.

"What are you doing to my son-in-law?"

Hearing that made Zekrem annoyed. He could not just say that he wanted to kill talented members of the Satan faction so he just scoffed.

"I was going to defend them from our enemies."

No one believed him though. Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Serafall flew down to offer both of them some aid. They first had to get Tiamat off Vander which they did not have to. Just then Tiamat's body began to glow bright blue as she began to shrink down.

Before long she was in her human form with quite revealing clothes. As for Vander, he began to shrink down into his human form as well so they were both in a nearly half-naked pile. Vander opened his eyes and reached for his lower area.

She sighed in relief that he still had shorts for some reason.

"Did I win?"

Tiamat who was on top of him shook her head.

"No, I believe I did. I own you now."


Grayfia and Serafall shook their heads at the two of them. Serafall grabbed Tiamat's arms to help her off.

"Put on some real clothes, please. Your breasts are nearly in full view."

Grayfia picked up Vander who walked up to Tiamat with some trouble.

"I win. We had a deal."

She shook her head.

"No, I won, but I will join your peerage as you did take me to a draw."

Vander was glad about that at least.

"We both better recover first."

Tiamat had to agree.

"That would be for the best."

Suddenly Vander felt someone pull on his ear.


He looked next to him and saw Grayfia holding his ear.

"Mother powers."

'They are real.'

"You have a lot of explaining to do young man."


"I am your mother-in-law. Close enough."

Suddenly grabbed Tiamat's ear which once again shook the Dragon as she felt pain. Sirzechs laughed at the sight as his wife was terrifying like always. Even Vander and Tiamat were no exception as her ear pulls would even work on those without ears.

Serafall sighed as she knew that Zekrem would somehow pin this on her. He did hear her say that she was the one who told him.

'Maybe Vander will still take me into his Peerage if I beg?'

She was at least glad that he got Tiamat to agree as that was something at least. Falbium next to her looked down at her with a bored look on his tired face.

"I am leaving. This chaotic atmosphere is making me sleepy."

He teleported away while Ajuka decided to stay.

"I am curious what this place will evolve into one day in the future. It has been saturated with the power from their fight and even their flesh and blood."

Grayfia was nagging away at the two responsible as they had caused great damage to a lot of places. The good thing was that he successfully got her service so he could be forgiven for that. How would he explain this to his angry mother-in-law though was the real question?

(Tiamat's Human Form)

Her horns are nowhere as big as in Fate. Normal sized around her head. Also, I think Kuroka is better as a Pawn as well.

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