
Meeting with Chiron and Dionysus.

Vander carried Mordred who was asleep toward the meeting room to talk with Chiron, Dionysus, and his own group. He rested Mordred's head on his lap as she slept which made La Folia squit her eyes at her once they were all seated.

"First thing I want to know is where she came from. Why was she part dragon? Why did you make her your knight?"

Naerdeath had to agree.

"She is right. You just left and came back with her. She is not a demigod, like she said she is part dragon and very angry."

Vander just smiled.

"Do you want the easy explanation or the complicated one?"

Chiron spoke up.

"I am sure you aren't talking to me or Dionysus, but how about both? Might clear up your 'groups' questions."

Serafall squinted her pink eyes.

"What do you mean by group? You said it in an odd way."

Dionysus who was drinking a diet coke answered for him.

"You devils are known to be very harem oriented so he was calling you his harem. I guess."

Thalia turned to Vander.


He chuckled as he ran his hand on Mordred's hair. Her face was curled up in a small smile as Vander made her feel the feelings a father would give. Something she never had which kids are better off with than without.

"Thalia, you are too young for this talk so I won't be telling you."

She glared at him.

"I am not a kid, tell me."

Naerdeath patted her on her black hair.

"You are 12. That is too young for you so wait until you are older."

Either way, Vander started his explanation while Thalia was curious about the harem thing.

"The easy way to explain who this is is by her name. Her name is Mordred Pendragon."

Serafall tilted her head.

"Pendragon? As in Arthur Pendragon? The Pendragon family and stuff? From what I remember Mordred was a boy and the one who led to the death of King Arthur and the kingdom of Britain. Of course by the time I was born the story had already been in circulation as it all happened during the 6th century so 1400 years before I was even born.

My dad would be a better source of information as he was a child during that time."

La Folia looked at Mordred totally confused.

"I read those stories. Mordred was said to be the son of King Arthur. This is not a boy, but a-"

Dionysus interrupted.

"A girl. Well, I was alive during that and I remember specifically that Mordred was male. So, who is this?"

That made everyone look at Vander waiting for him to answer. He explained it by telling the truth.

"You would be right. She is Mordred Pendragon, but not of this world. Have you ever heard of the multiverse theory?"

Chiron nodded.

"Quite famous, but there has never been any proof. Are you saying this girl is a Mordred of another universe?"

Vander nodded as he still played with her blonde hair. It was like a lion's mane which made him happy. Plus that smile she had on her face was too cute. She muttered about her dad as Vander did that which made him feel warm inside.

"In a sense. Don't ask me how I did it as I have no clue. I killed Ubel, ate him, gained power, some how got her soul from the other side."

La Folia looked into Vander's eyes as while she did trust him, this was too weird.

"In that order?"

He shrugged.

"More or less."

Just then Mordred's once again green eyes began to open. They stayed draconic, but not red anymore. She looked up at Vander who smiled at her.

"Oh, your up. Would you prefer to be called hatchling or Mordred?"

Her eyes twitched as he helped her up. She rubbed her head as she shoved him off.

"Just call me Mordred."

Now the focus went from Vander to Mordred. She however focused more on Vander who showed his might.

"I accept you as my master. As long as you keep your promise my sword is yours. I will be your knight."

Vander was glad.

"That is great. Welcome to the team."

Mordred's first line of sight went to Dionysus and Chiron. She could feel that Dionysus was not weak at all as he was still a god. Now that her dragon heritage she had become more senstative to divine energy as she had her own.

"Your team has a fat man and a Centaur in it?"

Serafall covered her mouth as she barely restrained her laugh. La Folia and Naerdeath had to do the same as Dionysus got called fat to his face. Not just anyone would call a god that to his face. His eyes glowed a light purple as he squinted his eyes at her.

"Excuse me?"

Vander and Mordred did not even look at him as he corrected her.

"No, not him. Not even the Centaur. I mean the rest. They introduced themselves to you earlier, remember? Except the her."

He pointed at Thalia who simply said her name.

"My name is Thalia Grace."


She thought back to her spar with Vander before he knocked her out.

"They did not tell me their names. Just that those three were your lovers."

La Folia thought that the interrogation could wait. She placed her hand on her chest and bowed a bit.

"I am La Folia Lucifuge Gremory. As I said before the big guy behind you is my boyfriend. I am also the Queen of the peerage. He will explain what that is in a bit to clear your confusion."

Naerdeath just waved with a smile on her face.

"I am Naerdeath Wildroar. I am also the girlfriend of Vander. A Rook."

Tiamat was up next.

"I am Tiamat. I am known as the Chaos Karma Dragon and also a Rook. I also lied as it is not official between me and him."

Vander rolled his eyes.

"I never said I wanted you, too old. Beat it granny."

Tiamat felt her heart break in two while Serafall snorrted .

"Hey, that hurt. After what you did to me. You even drank my blood."

Vander looked at Mordred who did not know how to take what she was hearing.

"Ignore her. She is the oldest of us here and the most bored. She is a dragon like the two of us."

Tiamat crossed her arms as she looked away.


Mordred felt that jab be directed toward her.

"Hey, it's not my faut."

Serafall cleared her voice.

"Come on Vander, do you really mean what you said?"

Tiamat gave him the cute eyes, but Vander just leaned back into his chair.

"Nah, but this conversation is going on too long. We can talk about that later."

Tiamat nodded.

"You better."

Nerezza bowed politely as she ingored their outbursts.

"I am Nerezza, I am a vampire and the Bishop of the group. Mage pretty much."

Serafall extended her hand which Mordred shook.

"My name is Serafall Sitri, the second Bishop. I am sure you are curious about what I am talking about so let Vander explain."

Vander shook his head as they left it all to him.

'These lazy girls.'

Mordred turned to Vander who explained to her what peerage is and what each piece does. He even explained to her his unique Divine Energy and why she was feeling stronger which made her pause for a few moments.

"I see. So you are a god?"

Vander shook his head.

"No, I don't consider myself one."

Dionysus who was the only god here turned to Vander curious.

"Alright, I felt that whatever that black energy you used was divine, but I have never seen this Inferinity before. How does it work?"

Vander gave him the obvious version of the answer.

"It is the opposite of Divinity. Can't go into detail, but we should get back on track."

Chiron cleared his voice as he agreed.

"Right. hat answers one thing about who Mordred is, but now the second thing. Thalia. How did you bring her out of the tree?"

Thalia turned to Vander as he was the one who did it. He explained how he did it.

"I just used Infernity to keep her soul alive and reconstruct her body from it. As for why I wanted to add her to my peerage, it's because she is Zeus' daughter. He owes me a favor. I talked with Zeus and he allowed me to come and take a few demigods as long as they agree to it."

Dionysus was honestly impressed he got his father to do anything.

"You saying Zeus, the most prideful of the Olympians to agree to something?"

Tiamat just smiled at him.

"Would he say no to me if I asked him to give me his throne?"

Dionysus shook his head.

"No, you could probibly kill him and many of us if you wanted."

"There is your answer. So, Thalia would you come with us?"

Thalia did not know. She turned to Vander to ask him.

"What is joining a peerage like?"

Vander thought about it.

"It depends on who you join. I joined La Folia's mother's peerage so I was pretty much given almost total freedom. Some peerages are very strict and annoying, but joining mine is more of a job offer. Of course, you have to earn it as you won't be the only demigod I take."

Thalia wondered about it.

"I am thankful you saved me from the tree, but I am not sure. This is going very fast for me. You can't just expect me to leave with someone I just met."

Vander stood up as he popped his back.

"Well, think about it. Chiron, would you bring here, Percy, Luke, Annabeth, Clarisse, and Charles? I will heal Percy and just offer this to the rest. If they want to bring more they can and I will return the ones who don't pass my screening."

Thalia perked up.

"Luke and Annabeth? They are still alive?"

Vander nodded. The only reason he knew who they were was that he had his senses fully spread out searching for the demigods and they caught his attention.

"Two blondes, One son of Hermes and the other daughter of Athena. One 19, the other 12."

Thalia scowled a bit at hearing the ages of her friends. She had just aged physically while mentally she was still just a 12 year old girl.


Chiron sighed, but he accepted the situation.

"If Lord Zeus gave you permission then I shall do that. But you better answer some of my own questions before you leave."

Vander felt it was fine.

"That is fair. I kind of just broke in and now I am asking to take some of the kids you are in charge of."

That was Chiron's concern. He cared more for the kids here than the gods themselves did as the Greeks had zero care for their own children.

"What do you have planned for them once you take them? You said you wanted to screen them, but do you intent to take them all into your peerage?"

Vander shook his head.

"No, I do not. I am planning on just taking the ones who have the best potetiol, mindset and drive. Zeus himself asked me to allow them to return to the camp from time to time which I had no issue with."

Dionysus was on board as it would allow him to get rid of a few problem children.

"Hey, are you willing to take a few more?"

Chiron frowned at the god.

"Dionysus, he only asked for a few of them."

The god just smiled as he drank his coke.

"But, he is only taking a few. Would it not give better results to take a few more than just 5. I recommend taking about 12. Just to give himself more options."

No one believed the god as he did not like demigods. He just wanted to get rid of more of them so he would have a easier time. Vander looked next to him at La Folia who felt it was not up to her.

"We got the space and you are quite good at screening people. Take a few and decide from the ones who pass your tests and return them after that. I think it is a sound idea and you are not sure if they will just agree to your request. Having more would give you better chances of recruiting a few."

Vander turned to Dionysus and nodded.

"Alright, who else do you think is a good pick."

Dionysus reached into his coat and pulled out a small list. He placed it down on the table and pushed it toward Vander.


Vander took the list and in big bold letters he saw the words 'Problem Children.'

'Of course he would.'

At the top of the list were two names. Travis and Connor Stoll.

"So these are the kids who you find trouble?"

Chiron turned to Dionysus who shrugged.

"They are annoying, but they are capable. Won't lie about that."

La Folia, Naerdeath, Tiamat, Serafall, Nerezza and even Mordred looked at the list. They were just curious about it so they started to read some names off ot it while Dionisus spoke up. Vander began to list off.

"Connor an Travis Stoll?"

Dionysus snorted.

"Son's of Hermes. They are irritating, obnoxious, and like to play pranks, They however did gain their father's skills and traits. The older one is stronger though."

Serafall explained a bit about Hermes.

"Hermes is the messenger god so they are going to be fast. He is also the god of thieves, travelers, and merchants. I consider him one of the more relaxed gods compared to the others."

This went on for another hour as the God of Wine managed to weasle in 20 more demigods to go through Vander's screening. They would be back, but getting rid of theme even for a month was worth it in his opinion.

Either way Vander was getting more bang for his buck so that was fine with him.