
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Expert of Combat.

The Yudon was a strange hybrid as it was much larger than either of the two creatures it was made from. It was as big as a T-rex but much smarter and meaner. Being a hybrid made it share many mental instabilities just like Ripper and Daisy, but a bit tamer.

She was hyper-aggressive just like them, but at the same time a bit tamer. The less mixed DNA made it a bit calmer than the Indominous which was a true beast of murder. She hunted for sport while Ripper reveled in torturing his prey so the Yudon was really different from Daisy.

Vander watched as her feathers and body ignited in blue flames that began to freeze the air and surroundings solid. She turned into a giant blue ball of ice fire as she roared at him with rage and ferocity.

"So you use Ice Fire magic, no now that I realize it is magic and at the same not. The source is an innate ability to produce your powers while mana simply empowers it. Interesting."

His answer was a storm of massive ice fireballs rushing toward him. He boosted his body with mana as he dodged out of the way. When the fire exploded they froze the ground into ice, which began to turn into dust.

'I am going to be busy with these.'

For the rest of the day he played around with her, but he didn't want to hurt her much. He focused more on defense to try to gain her trust slowly. His plan would have worked if not for the teacher that slammed his hand on his desk.

He was snapped out of a focused state while he was with her annoying him. He looked up to see the very annoyed teacher.

"Mr. Vander, if you are not going to focus in my class I ask you to leave."


Vander got up and now it was obvious how much taller he was than everyone else. The teacher was a short man barely 5 feet while Vander was a whole 17 inches(43 cm) taller than him. For the first time, he felt nervous about a student, but Vander simply left the class.

Issei who was in his class looked at that with awe.

'So badass.'

After he left the class Vander walked back in as he forgot where he was.

"Where am I again?"

Many wanted to face palm while the teacher got over his nervousness to yell at Vander.


Vander titled his head.

"You told me to leave?"


"What is that?"

Vander did forget his location, but he was just messing with the teacher right now. After a whole minute of back and forth talking, he managed to make the teacher feel so bad that he apologize.

He set back down as he focused o the lesson. The first period was history, Japanese history to be exact, but as he was American he had zero clue about it. As such he promptly stopped carrying and went right back to playing with the Yudon.

His grades would suffer, but he would soon regret that. The whole day he did as he wanted and played with the Yudon, but found it would take much longer than Terror or Ripper. At the end of the day, he got up after not paying attention to the math class at all.

He walked to the Occult research club where Rias, Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno were waiting. Rias sighed when she saw Vander as she heard the reports about him.

"You don't pay attention in class at all. You did not even put your name on your worksheets. If you keep that up you will be forbidden to join clubs you know? Are you spending your entire time trying to tame your pets?"

Vander scratched the back of his head a little.

"Well, I am glad that I did. I managed to get Ripper to like me and now I can probably summon him without having him kill all of you. I even got this."

He pulled out the large tooth from his pocket that made them all look at it. Kiba walked toward it as he looked at it.

"May I?"


He handed the tooth to Kiba which was as long as Vander's palm. They had serrations on the edge and a razor-sharp point. Kiba ran his hand on the serrations which cut his finger enough to draw blood.

"How sharp are these?"

"Very, they can cut metal like butter."

Kiba decided to test that out so he produced a single sword from Blade Blacksmith and swung the tooth like a dagger. His entire sword was cut in half by the tooth which made Akeno touch her face.

"My head was almost split into chunks."

Vander took the tooth back and put it in his pocket.

"Well let's go train."

Rias shook her head as she knew that Vander would soon be forced with a lot of catch-up homework. There was one rule about this school, if your grades got too low you would be kicked out.

"Alright then. We can teleport there."

She opened up a magic circle and stood in the middle of it. The rest of her peerage and Vander stood in the middle of it.

"Here we go."

She activated the circle and teleported them to a forest on the outskirts of Kuoh.

"This is a training location for us. We have a house here in case we need to train so it is time to see where your talents lie. Kiba will test your speed and your swordsmanship, Koneko your physical combat, and Akeno your magic.

While she is not a bishop, a queen is the perfect blend of the other three. Who is first?"

Koneko raised her hand as she pulled out a pair of gloves with a cat paw on them.

"I will."

Vander nodded as he placed his hands in his pockets.

'Might as well go Sanji style.'

Koneko noticed that while he looked defenseless, he was actually fully prepared to fight.

"Do you only fight with kicks?"

Vander shook his head.

"No, but one of my martial arts relies on it."

Rias, Kiba and Akeno decided to watch as they were curious about how he would fight. Koneko felt that was fine as she pulled her gloves on.

"If I break something I am sorry Vander."

He shook his head.

"Just do your best and so will I."

He took a deep breath as he channeled mana through his whole body causing him to gain far more pressure. Koneko squinted her eyes.

'Not Touki, but similar. He does it with pure mana.'

Kiba raised his hand in the air as he decided to be judge.


Vander and Koneko were ready.


Vander stayed where he was, but Koneko charged right toward him at her full speed. She was fast, but she moved more like a full body berserker as that was her style of combat. Vander in middle school, high school and college joined many martial arts clubs as his second hobby.

He charged forward and lept into the air to land a triple kick on Koneko. One her right knee, waist and shoulder sending her flying into a tree. Kiba, Rias and Akeno had their eyes open wide as they saw Koneko stuble from the tree.

She staggered a bit as she was still dealing with the pain of the three kicks he landed on her. She was gasping as the kick to her waist hit her liver. He pulled his hands out of his pockets as he did not expect to be able to hit that hard.

Then he realized that Ripper was just that much more durable to take so many of his hits and kicks like it was nothing. Koneko got up as she forced herself to push past the pain to try to get up.

"I, can, still, fight."

Rias shook her head.

"That is enough."

Koneko did not look satisfied though.

"But Rias."

Rias waled toward her and hugged her tight.

"You don't have to go further."

Vander rubbed the back of his head as he hit some trauma.

"Sorry if I hit her too hard."

Kiba face palmed as the issue was she could not take Vander's hits. They thought he was a normal human with talent in Soul magic, but he was actually a High Human. In terms of species, normal humans were lizards while High Humans were dragons.

Rias thought about something as she looked at Vander.

"You were not this strong when we first met, Did something change?"

"You could say the way I got Ripper to accept me was to beat him in a fight."

Hearing that he beat Ripper was enough to surprise them. Rias was not confident that her entire peerage could beat him so she felt that she might not be good enough of to take Vander into her peerage.

"Kiba, your turn."

"Yes Rias."

He got two wooden swords and tossed one of them to Vander. Vander was a martial artist not a swordman, but he had a instinctive knowledge on how to use it.

'What did the Gods do to make the High Human race?'

Rias clapped.


Vander blasted off the ground toward Kiba at a shocking speed.


Vander use of the sword was crude as he mostly used his extreme physical strength and his speed to overwhelm. Rias was even more shocked than Kiba.

'Stronger and faster than my peerage.'

Vander face curled up into a blood thisty smile as the connection with Ripper was strengthened. His eyes turned bright yellow just like Ripper's as the Indoraptors feeling, emotions and desires were shared through their soul bond.


Rias wanted to tell Kiba to not take it to heart as it was normal for Soul bonded summoners to be effected by their familiars. She could even see the eyes of Vander turn into those of Ripper, but she knew Kiba too well.

He was far too angry about himself being weak to understand that. He boosted his speed to the max and vanished as he tried to hit Vander in the liver like he had done to Koneko. However as if he had eyes in the back of his head he bent backwards and placed the wooden sword in the way driving it into the ground.


He left the sword and lept in the air and landed a spinning axe kick on Kiba's head knocking him down to the ground. Rias sighed as Vander was really strong and not to mention fast. Vander felt the urge to kill Kiba which he promptly ignored. He shook his head to try to get the bloodlust of Ripper and Terror out of his mind.

He walked away as he sat down against a nearby tree. Rias rushed to check on Kiba and saw that he was just bruised, but unconscious. He might have a concussion, but with magic that was treatable.

"Oh Kiba."

She held him in her embrace a little annoyed with Vander. They wanted to train him, but him being too strong was annoying. That meant she was not good enough which hurt her pride.

'I might actually have to cash in that favor with sister in law. I want him so badly though.'

A piece like Vander was a one in a billion, but he would be held back if she turned him. It would be better for someone more capable to take him in. Akeno kneeled next to Vander as she saw his eyes were bright yellow slits like Ripper.

"Are you alright?"

Vander closed his eyes and opened them again. Once again in their natural green that looked like those of a crocodile.

"Yeah, I just needed a minute."

She looked at Rias and shook her head.

"I will do something easy for you. It's a way to see if you can use magic."

He shook his head as he stood up.

"I already can use magic. I learned all this yesterday."

He covered his legs and arms in fire and he started to attack the air with many types of kicks and punches. He jumped in the air and did a Johny Cage overhead kick. Akeno clapped for him as he really could use magic and quite well.

"Amazing use of fire magic, however it is a bit diffrent than normal. How does it work?"

He rubbed the back of his head a habit he had when he was thinking.

"When I tamed Terror I got his innate ability to use fire and wind magic. When I did the same for Ripper I got something else. I am currently trying to tame another one of my 10 familiars, but that is hard."

Rias groaned internally.

'Nothing but a queen can match him. A mutation piece will probibly be needed as well considering the power that he already has. If I tried to turn him it would take two Rooks, Two Knights, or all 8 of my pawns.'

"It seems that I will really have to ask my sister in law to turn you into a queen piece. You are a perfectly blend of a Knight, Rook and a Bishop so it would be unfair for me to offer you something weaker than you deserve.

Also the legal perks you get from being her servant out weigh the ones I can give you. I think you would even get a pay check of 20,000 dollars for you being an American. You have been here only for a month after all."

Hearing the paycheck alone got him interested.

"Alright. Also, tall Kiba I said sorry."

Rias shook her head as she picked up Kiba.

"I think he would just be more angry if I told him that. I don't want him to hate you, but he has some problems. We all do."

Vander started to knock on his head as he tried to remember what was so wrong with all of them. Sadly the plot of this particular series was not very important to him so most of the events were gone.

'I think Koneko had a sister maybe.'

That was the only thing he remembered so he decided to stop trying.

"I am sorry about that. I will try to be more careful next time. Now, are we going back?"

Akeno nodded.

"That is right. I will teleport us this time. I will have to teach you some teleportation magic so you can do this on your own. Your own magic reserves are massive for a human or Devil after all."

"Thank you I guess."

He walked up to Koneko to check on her. She was holding her side as the liver kick hurt.

"You ok?"

She nodded with a bit of a grimmace.

"I am fine. Just angry for being defeated in my specialty."

"I see."

She walked on her own next to Akeno to get ready to teleport. Rias with Kiba walked next to her as well as they found a lot about Vander. Once they all grouped up Akeno teleported them away in a flash of light.

When they returned to the Occult Reaserch Club, someone was waiting for them there. When Rias saw who it was she sighed.



(I'll stop here.)