
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Daisy Adapts and Learns.

Vander had managed to keep the Demonic Power from making any of his familiars other than Ripper and Terror stronger so he had a new advantage. He knew that Daisy was going to be his strongest hitter along with the Chromospinus so he was very interested in taming them quickly.

Once he left the Occult Research club he decided he was going to gamble it all. He spread his senses as he was not sure what he was. His base was still a High Human, but he still felt that he was not a Devil.

"If I had to put it into words, I feel like I am above Devils. I guess I will just call myself a Demonic High Human or something. Time to fly."

He spread out his giant wings which were 4 meters in total wing spans of two meters each. Before he became this new race he had mana, but now he had Demonic Power. However, something was different as he felt it begin to merge into one new energy.

'Demonic Mana. Time to put it to the test.'

He used this to boost his body and wings and he found it to be even stronger than either. He took off into the sky as massive shock waves from the propulsion of his flying went in every direction. Rias, who was looking at him out the window felt bitter.

'Let it go Rias, he is too good to be held back by you.'

As for Vander, he was laughing as he could actually fly.


He decided to leave Kuoh Town or at least a few miles out as he was going to be fighting Daisy. He felt that now that he learned how to fight and he got a boost by becoming a new species he had a better chance. Daisy could feel his intentions so she was also getting ready for him.

Her intentions told him to bring it. She was much stronger than Ripper or Terror and that was a fact. He looked down at Kuoh Town and found that it was actually a pretty small town. His gaze went toward the abandoned church in the distance as a test.

'I don't feel any fear or apprehension about it. Am I immune to holy energy as I am not a Devil? I should find some holy water and a cross to test it out, but for now, let's put these wings to the test shall we.'

His wings flapped powerfully and fired him in the distance at extreme speeds. The wind did not sting his eyes, but it did ruin his hair. Either way, he was having the time of his life as he flew out of Kuoh Town about 40 miles away.

He landed in a clearing that seemed to be just perfect.

"Here we are. I will have to apologize for the forest fire that will start, but I can just blame it on Lightning."

Terror grunted in his mind that there were no storm clouds.

"They won't know that will they?"

Terror did not agree as it was obvious that it was a sunny day.

"Ok, blame it on children. No one will care. Now, no distractions. Are you ready Daisy?"

He heard the massive Indominous grunt in agreement so he extended his hand forward as he began to summon her. He made sure he only used mana to summon her to not give her even a tiny speck of Demonic Mana that could affect things.

Once the circle was complete the massive form of Daisy began to emerge from it. The Indominous Rex at max size was 50 feet long(15 meters) and 22 feet tall(7 meters) while Daisy was even bigger.

She was 70 feet long(21 meters) and 29 feet(9 meters in height. Not to mention that her entire back was covered in razor-sharp red spines that were also like a suit of armor. The moment she was free she looked at Vander with twitching fingers.

Blood began to leak from her spines, her fingers, and her mouth while lightning crackles around her. Both began to merge to make her deadly Blood Lighting which was a mix of Blood Magic and Lightning magic. Around Vander, shadows wrapped around him like a suit of armor while Blood Red flames appeared over that.

"Today you accept me as your friend Daisy."

She expected him to say master, but that no longer mattered. She roared at full volume which caused the trees to tremble like they faced a storm. Vander braced as the force of the roar was enough to send him flying if he did not do that.

He let Demonic Mana course through his body as he charged toward her. She did not hesitate to do the same as a massive arc of Blood Lightning fired from her in all directions. The destruction was far greater than the soul scape as here she had free reign.

Several of them were launched toward Vander who shadow walked through the shadows that they produced to avoid them all. He leaped from them to leap through Daisy's shadow, but she was ready for him.

It was hard to hide their intentions from each other and Vander did not think of this as a fight. He thought of it as a game where they rough housed to not make Daisy feel like she was a slave. He did not want to have slaves, he wanted pets that loved him.

When he emerged from her shadow he was met with a giant clawed hand. He used her massive size to slip through the gaps of her claws to land an upward blow to her chest. The fire and shadows exploded to increase the impact, but she tanked it like a champ.

She faked her opening so she could strike him with a full-force lightning barrage. A massive wave of Blood Lightning fired which hit Vander head-on. He launched a distance away and he found something interesting.

He felt a little woozy and found something unique about Daisy compared to the movie Indominous.

'With Blood Magic, she can bring out the traits of the species she is made of. She used the Pit Vipers venom through her blood. Not to mention it is magical venom, cleaver.'

His Demonic High Human cells began to break down the venom Daisy had plenty more of the stuff. Her teeth and claws began to leak the stuff which made him smile.

"You truly are magnificent."

Lightning began to gather in her jaws she fired as if she was a lightning dragon that ripped the trees, ground, and surroundings up. Vander rushed toward her as he avoided the massive attack while the forest was ignited on fire.

He flew into the air where Daisy slashed toward him launching massive waves of lightning. He flew toward her while avoiding her attacks and he saw her turn and tilt her body.

'I watched Godzilla girl.'

Just as he expected when he got close she waved her tail which would have probably killed him if it hit. He used the shadows to wrap around her tail to slow it down and allow him to reach her head.


He roared as he put his full power into the punch that hit the top of her skull. Her massive head was thrown down, but she used magic to boost the strength of her osteoderms. Carnotaurus DNA made her bones much denser than other creatures.

However, a massive explosion of fire exploded on top of her head which caused her thermal vision to make her unable to see Vander. He took that moment to land a massive ax kick right on the spot he landed his first hit.

A second explosion erupted from his kick causing her a minor headache. Seeing as her thermal vision was useless she simply turned it off to see in normal light. She spun in a circle with more agility than something her size should and dispersed the flames.

Vander jumped back as he saw Daisy was a little dizzy. She shook her head as she rubbed the spot where he hit her with her large arms.

"Sorry about that."

Strangely enough, he could feel she was actually feeling joy right now. While she was fighting him with the intention to kill him, she also took this as a game. A deadly game where one wrong move would result in either her temporary death or permanent death if she killed Vander.

Vander sent even more mana to his shadow armor which made it look far more solid. It took the form of some kind of riot gear that he had seen police officers use for riot control.

The flames around them began to turn purple as he added hydrogen he ripped from the air with wind magic. The heat become much stronger so he felt he was ready.

"One more round girl."

Daisy looked at his armor and began to make her own. More blood began to leak from her backing a downpour, but she made her own armor. The blood took the form of dark red metal that covered her in a suit of armor.

Because it was her blood she could turn it back into a liquid and change its shape along with being the perfect conductor for Blood Lightning. Seeing that made him pause as she really did learn.

"You really are smart."

She charged toward him not slowed down by her armor as the parts closest to her body were still liquid. That way she could better absorb the impacts as she learned from the fight. Ripper was just as smart and he was taking notes of Vander's use of the shadows.

He also began to use the fire and wind from Terror and Terror did the same with shadows. Soul connections were deep and it meant that all those involved benefited. As young creatures, they were learning especially ones as smart as Daisy and Ripper. Vander charged forward as flames increased in intensity around him.


Vander brought down his fist as he launched a massive blast of dark purple flames down. Not to be outdone Daisy used her lightning to ignite the oxygen to make it burn. Her magic acted as a fule so she also made her own Blood Fire.

She took a deep breath and launched her Blood Fire against Vander's Demonic Fire. A explosion of flames of both colors which proved how destructive each one. Vander began to launch punch after punch, but each one of his attacks was coutnered by Daisy.

Seein how range would not let them win they went deep into the mellee. They let loose into their basic instincts as they exchanged brutal blows. Blood sprayed in the air, Blood Metal was cracked, spikes were destroyed and Vander lost chunks of his body.

Either way both of them were improving in real time as they were having the time of their lives. It reminded Vander of his martial arts tournaments he had won which he always felt a rush in. As for Daisy she felt she could relate to this as she was design for battle.

Vander no longer could overwhelm her with his strategies as she was just as smart as a human. She learned, adapted, and improved on her fighting style which he did as well. She added more ranged attacks, faints, and even just sheer brutality.

Vander roared as blood covered his body and he landed a overhead axe kick to her face. She used the momentum of the blow to strike him with her large tail, which he elbwed breaking a few of her spines.

He still got launched backwards as the burns, broken spines and torn muscles while painful made her feel alive. Vader broke several of his ribs and his right arm was barely hanging from a few strands of flesh.

Daisy roared as she began to control the very clouds to make lightning strike down to boost her own power. Vander began to burn all the hydrogen around them to increse the ferocity of his flames. He added wind magic to make fire twisters and shadow magic to make endless ranged weapons like he was Gilgamesh.

Despite that Vander could see her tail twitch like a wagging dog, but it was possible she was just getting ready to hit him with it. Either way both of them were on their last legs as they could barely stay awake.

Daisy's blood metal was melted and evaporated in several places. She was feeling dizzy as she was losing blood faster than she could produce it. Plus her magic was running on empty.

She was panting and she was teetering about to faint. Vander saw that and dispelled his armor and his flames. He was too tired to keep going and he was getting worried about Daisy. He made sure to keep just a bit of his sanity intact so he would not go too far.

Daisy could feel he was not going to play anymore which she wanted to keep doing. She took a step forward, but the cracked bones in her legs gave out. Her remaining Blood Metal armor turned back into the blood and returned to her body.

Her lightning ceased and her entire body ached and refused to move. Vander walked toward her head as she tried to use her arms to push herself up. When Vander got in front of her he sat down infront of her.

"Did you have fun?"

He smiled at her despite his arm barely being attached by a few strips of meat. He was regenerating at a decent pace so he was not very worried about not having an arm. He was more interested in how Daisy felt.

She stopped trying to get up as she decided to rest. Vander got up and walked toward her placing his hand on her snout again in a loving way.

"Here, you earned it."

He gave her some Demonic Mana which was just enough for her to start healing. Some of her back spikes had cracked and fallen off. Just as he was going to return Daisy to the familiar space he felt something he did not expect to earn so soon.

The connection between them stop being blocked by Daisy and was solidified. Feeling it so soon made him smile as he hugged her face.

"Thank you girl."

He stopped blocking her access to Demonic Mana which began to enter her body like a flood. He sent her back to the familiar space so she could recover. He was so giddy that he felt like he was drunk.

Just as he was going to fly back he glanced toward the destroyed and burning forest. All the fire twisters, lightning strikes and brutal melle had damaged it beyond repair. He began to pick up all the broken spikes, scales and teeth from Daisy and his own flesh.

He could use this to maybe ask someone to forge some guantlets for him from these. Once he picked up every piece he made a contained of shadows for this.

"I feel bad to just let it go to waste. As for the forest, not my fault. Lightning did it."

Suddenly someone reached out and pulled his ear hard.


That actually hurt more than the wound on his arm. He glanced next to him where he saw Grayfia looking at him a little annoyed. She did not expect him to do something so flashy so soon. Kuoh Town had several magic formations around it and they still detected the magic shockwaves of Vander's and Daisy's game despite over a hundred miles of distance.

"Vander, if you needed to fight your pet you could have just asked. I am sure anyone with some strongly felt that and you did destroy a forest. What do you have to say for yourself?

Vander touched his ear which was still red. She was a lot stronger than she looked, but even Grayfia was shocked at Daisy.

'Ultimate Class and throughout the fight, she adapted and learned. How many abilities does she have? No, how did Vander become so strong so quick. Sure my Evil Piece would help, but what is his race? Was he really human?'

Vander had one excuse that he felt he could really on. He started to knock on his head as he looked at Grayfia. Seeing him do that made her expect his excuse.

"Who are you and what am I doing here?"

Grayfia's eyes twitched at this shameless boy.

"Don't act like you forgot who I am? Your forgetfulness is real, but becoming a Devil and taming one more of your pets will certainly have helped you. You totally know who I am you brat?"

She heard Vander smacked his teeth making her annoyed. She smiled as she looked at Vander like he was prey.

"So that is how it is."

A dense aura that made even Vander and Daisy together look weak emerged from Grayfia. Vander began to back away as he felt nervous.

"My master, I was kidding. How could I forget someone so beautiful as my master? She is so kind and only a little old. Her white hair that looks like that of an old woman still gives off the air of youth despite her being so ancient."

Hearing all that made Grayfia freeze. Her smile turned into a blank look which made Vander shiver. He started to back away as he took off running. He summoned Ripper and jumped on his back.


Ripper did not hesitate to do just that. Now that Vander had a connection to Terror and Daisy he used that to boost his speed with Lightning that he imateated from Vander's memory. He shot forward with fire and lighting to escape.

Grayfia snorted and waved her hand and created a massive ice wall to keep them trapped. Ripper jumped into the ice wall's shadow to go past it, but Grayfia already made a counter. She used her own Demonic Power to prevent his shadow walking.

Ripper started to run up the wall of ice which turned similar to liquid which wrapped around Ripper and Vander. Vander tried to use his flames, but something in the ice stoped him. Grayfia flew over him with a serious look on her face.

"Today you regret calling me old?"


"That was that, this is this. Get ready Vander."

Vander's screams echoeched in the forest while Ripper looked away in pity. Persephone shook her head as she looked at Vander's file.

"Men will never learn."

With her was a large dark skinned man sitting in a throne next to her. He was dressed in a demonic suit of armor as he glanced at Vander being punished.

"I like him. Can I give him my Divine Proctection my love?"

"I was going to wait until after he dealtt with the champion of he Evil God of Demonic Castle's."

"You two have a rivalry as I choose you over her after all? If it were up to me I would have taken you both."

"And I told you I would have killed you if you did."

Hades chuckled.

"Fine. However, I think your champion already forgot."

Persephone frowned as she looked at her husband.

"He did not forget."

Vander totally forgot.