
Summoner's Path

KoonAgnes · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Miracle or Luck?

Sam's observes the marketplace situated on the Southwest of the village. After she finished tending the five seeds, 2 hours gone by. As stated on her initial contract, she could receive her salary after a days worth of work. Thus, with excitement, she tries to check the marketplace.

But we must also not forget that she also gains experience.

Adventurers could gain experience by completing a mission task or kill Spirit Beasts. They could also gain experience by drinking specific Potions, fruits and herbs. However, it has astronomical costs.

'Here, rabbit pelt for 5 bronze coin each!'

'You can check this wooden sword, it is still 100% durable!'

'Magic potions here, for your adventure!'

'You would like me to repair your armor and weapon?'

'Hungry, grab your foods here'

Noisy and crowded, as what marketplace always is. Sam observes that players and NPC's alike feels poorer than she imagined.

Maybe a disguise.

Fortunately, knights patrols around.

It is a golden rule for anyone, Villager's or players, that no fighting must occur inside the village. If someone breach the protocol, knights would capture them. They may be imprisoned or fined.

Some players thought that these patrolmen are just displays, frightening those residents. Lots of them experienced cold prison inside. And the worst thing is, even they logged out inside, their own sentence inside the game doesn't change as time goes by. They have to stay inside the game to finish their time sentences. A hard lesson to those experienced it.

If I can find another employment type quests. Hmmm.

She was looking for any tavern available in town.

However, she finds a simple Monster Shop in a little end of the marketplace. It named, Monster Ranch.

The shop's overall design is simple, without any extravagant furnitures. Docile monsters and spirit plants were organized into orderly manner.

A scholarly looking guy is seen sitting behind the counter, focusing into the book infront of him

'Hi!' Sam enthusiastically greet him.

He just stares at her and resume his reading. An awkward silence befell.

'Umm... I am trying to find a suitable job, and... I've seen your advertisement outside the store.' she awkwardly explained herself.

He look at her again, and said:

'Okay, you could tend the plants here. As you can see, we have plants display here. However, there are lot behind this door, on my garden. You could check the books there to determine how to take care of different plants. You can see different soil and fertilizer behind. The water was also there. You can start now' he explained while pointing the different specific locations inside the store.

And then, he went back in reading books.

Huh? Just like that, I am employed

'And also, you can work anytime you want. I would pay you depending on your capability' He adds while still looking on his book.

'Ummm. Yeah .. Thank you mister!'

Then she awkwardly look for the different plants displayed and check if she needs to do anything.

What the hell, did he thinks I'm an expert newbie. Didn't he look at my pitiful outfit? I'm not a 10 years experienced fresh graduate!

She grumble inwardly.

However, due to her first skill, she has a little trust not to kill these plants.

'Wait! If I suddenly kill his plants, will I compinsate him?'

'Um, Mr. If I..... Kill... ' she stammered

'No compensation needed. However, if it really habitual, I would just kick you out here' He said even she did not finish her question. He somehow reads what her thoughts are.

'Um ... Then I would start checking the garden' Then she sprints towards the closed door.

In front of her face written her next Mission

Mission: Employment Type.

*The owner doesn't care what you would do as long as you tend his plants in his garden. The compensation would be different depending on any success you could create inside his Shop. However, 3 days without any success would permanently banned you on seeking employment again*

Time remaining: 2 days and 23 hrs

Difficulty: ***

'So awkward, yet still, there are lots of spirit plant here. Also, an opportunity'.

She could see fruit bearing trees, flowers, grasses and plants that she would never see outside the real Earth.

Although my boss is a little awkward and aloof, I could study these different plants while tending them. He seems he doesn't care anything as long as I doesn't kill any plants here. Also, with

3 days time limit, I would study a lot and create my first miracle, huwahahaha'

But the very first thing she would do is to learn the names and characteristics of the plant she needs to improve. With her 1st skill, she could obviously improve the soil of any plant here. However, she thinks that a medeicore success is not bound to great accomplishments.

'Hmp! I would be the greatest! Let's see if you plants would bow on my greatness after three days, hahaha' She whispers before laughing softly. If someone could hear her, they would think she became an idiot.

However, her enthusiasm doesn't last long.

As she saw one of a spirit plant that relied heavily on soil natural content and quality, she learned that the soil has a very good quality to begin with. Even she pours a lot of her magic ability, the improvement is minimal. However, the good thing is her level increased by 1.

But she was really drained.

'So, even using my skill simultaneously could increase my experience? Or due to the nature of the skill itself. As it was a supplementary type skill to the soil, I could increase my exp by pouring my abilities?'

Sam muttered. She never reads any discussion related to this.

'If this is true, I must try harder and pour more. Maybe I could gain more experience just by doing these! Even my health plummeted into a critical level, as long as my health gradually goes back, I would not be dead!'

She used 6 hours of her time pouring her magic power to that specific pot. The owner of the shop would never know her struggle between life and death by just sitting in front of a spirit Plant.

No one may ever had this experience of death by giving nourishment and Sam would never want to be the first record holder. She would be super embarrassed if that would happen. She also felt this Spirit Plant felt the same.

She could feel pity, encouragement and embarrassment from that plant.

What a strange plant, San thought


On a simple hut where Sam just ate her lunch, an ordinary guy is sitting and happily talking towards the old couple. He came from one of the Capital City to study Spirit Plant program. His name is Mikal, the only person who successfully passed Jorge's assessment.

But before he came toward this hut, he passed by on his Uncle Jorge's farm. He also saw the path of soil where Sam planted her first seeds.

Mikal thought that this soil is a little bit special and he felt the spirit of those five seeds.

He became curious and use his magic skill, Time Nourishment.

Time Nourishment

Passive: Slightly increase the seeds and Mana Absorption of the plants tended in few days (even without using any skills).

Active: Use time element to help the seeds and accelerate plant absorbs Mana nourishment.

He is now a 3rd Class Summoner and his skills greatly affect plants.

A hazy lights shoots towards these seeds. In just few minutes, the five seeds Sam planted sprouted and grow quickly into different Spirit Plant.

A single leaf, then the stalk gradually became taller and another leaf blooms.

Mikal observes the plants and satisfaction written on his face.

'Yes, that is most likely.'

He use the water inside his spatial purse and water the plant a little bit. After using his ability, the plants absorbs quickly the nutrients and water around.