
Summoner's Path

KoonAgnes · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

'Ting! You accept the Mission, Legory's Favor!'

'Legory's Favor: Because he could see potential in you, you are accepted as an employee with high freedom. You would just produce a similar effect of Node Grass weekly to maintain your employment. However, you could produce more to obtain better seeds. Any plants you produce in your 'land' could be sell through his shop with only 10% commission. Your employment status would be revoked if you fail to maintain your Satisfactory Stat of your employer. On the other hand, you could resign on this job anytime.'

'Even here, capitalism is still rampant.' Sam mused.

'Let's check Satisfactory Stat.' Sam muttered while clicking the help button.

Satisfactory Stat: This could be only used in Employee - Employer Relationship. Failing to maintain desired stat would result to termination. Killing the boss while under the employment status would automatically reduce your Satisfactory Stat into Zero.

'Ohhh. It feels like to Earth, even labor rights and laws still enacted here' She said softly.

After reading a little more, she close her window and look at the barren land.

'The quality is on the F-Rank,' She said.

Like beasts and skills, soil could be categorize into this System. Or more likely, almost everything here is categorize into this System. F- Rank us the lowest, after Normal Rank. Then E, D, C, B, A, AA, S,SS,and SSS Rank at the top.

She started to plow the soil, create holes and put her another batch of seeds. Same with yesterday's wage, she received Moren Seeds to Mrs. Rose. She also transferred her moren seeds to her plot.

Right now, she planted 10 stalks. She slowly breath before using her First Skill.

Greenish light faintly emits from her hands. As she grow stronger, her mana and health consumption become bigger, but her skill become more effective. However, she still needs to focus as she's afraid to die nourishing her land.

'Even a single path of land is hard! And I am poor!' She complained as she finished her 6th round of nourishment. All her time were used by this single patch.

Still, she's glad as she levelled-up into 13. Her Mission shot her level. For players with passive skills, without XP Train, her rate of growth is a little faster compare to other players.

She consume all her time remaining before logging-out.

On the next day, Sam routinely went to both places. Rose was taken a back on how much improvement she has on her few days working with them. She also learned the 3 herbs with magical effect. Surprisingly, one of the herbs has Grade D Effect, Earth Forest Cumins.

Earth Forest Cumins - Has an abundant Earth Magic with a little Life Magic.

Just like the Earth's version, it comes from a flowering plant and its seeds were used as spice. It is widely used in a variety of foods and health products.

However, the Earth Forest Plant here looks like a dried plant, with no nourishment at all. Its leaves were dried while the flower buds were bright red. However, when these buds would be plucked, they slowly turn into dried brown seeds, so hard that you need magic to process it. Although for high grade chefs, these seeds were easy to handle.

'What would be the best skill right now?' She asked herself. After rounds of nourishment, she levelled-up into Lvl. 15 today. However, she is not in hurry.

'Based on some movies I saw, I could try to look for skills with time element. In this way, I could accelerate their growth. However, nourishing soil and plant are time-consuming. My time mustn't used just for planting.' She pondered again.

Based on the first skill she choose, her hypothesis lies on the nature of its element.

'Maybe my first skill is a lower grade skill with life element. Or maybe a lower version of powerful Nature Element.'

Even the devs gives a common guide of the possible elements each players could get, like fire, water, lightning, Earth, light, dark, space, time, players still discovers more version of this element. For example, water type players may produce ice type skills.

'Which means, my Soil, which is Earth in nature, may leads to life or nature type element.'

Nature and Life Element is possible for Earth Type Elemental Soil.

'Which means in this way, I could force it to produce skills suitable to life elemental skills.' She muttered.

Suddenly she thought of a bold and risky skill.

While Sam ponders for her next skill behind the store, four high level players were looking inside the store. This party include three male and a female.

Unique tastes and persona could be seen on each players.

The female wears a Blue mage robe, with pointy hat. Silvery lining like scales scattered can be seen on its robe. She has a red, fiery hair, a great contrast from her blue robe.

One of the male looks like a lumber jack in ancient time. He wears plain brown shirt, cut into sleeves and his defined muscles are proudly displayed. His short shorts were cut just above knees with pair of brown sneakers, blending on the earth. He looks like a young adult but with a star studied body shape.

The other one could be describe as simple. A middle age simple man. He wears plain white shirt and a plain black shorts. He even wear slippers which is rare in a fantasy word. Who wouldn't try, even in this fantasy game, branded shoes and clothes if you would given a chance?

Furthermore, he just silently look around, with no emotions displayed in his face.

On the other hand, the last male looks extravagantly dress. He dressed 'your typical prince theme costume party' clothes. Furthermore, he wears a magician hat, which surprisingly complimented his dress.

'Hi, we are looking for a Usmeporn.' The female mage inquire. Surprisingly, she's respectful towards Legory.

Legory displays a surprise expression. Based on the level of this party, he confers they are at most Grade D. However this plant is a rare Grade B.

Usmeporn are favorites of different beasts, especially low level ones. However, even strong and high class beasts likes to eat this plant. This plant also emit a strong fragrant smell that only beasts could smell. Everytime this plant grow in the wild, some powerful beast would snatch and guard it until fully grown.

'Assuming one of them could summon beasts,' Legory thought.

'Your lucky. I have spirit plant here!' He said. '250,000 Gems.' He said.

The faces of the three players became stiff. They look at each other. After a few minutes of discussion, they accept the price and hurriedly went outside. 250,000 Gems were a big amount of money. Four Class D adventurers, this expense mostly emptied their wallet.

'It was nice to have some strong adventurers buying here.' Legory thought then resumed his reading.