
Summoned to Elysium

Three Friends are Summoned to a Different World called Elysium to protect it from an impending Apocalypse. Writing Prompts Contest #216 Multiple Protagonists

Krishna_Is_Here · Fantasy
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6 Chs

STE CH 6 Training Methods for Other Attributes

After the Grand Celebration, Alina and Rudra were put under special training which was overseen by various teachers that were experts in their field.

They were taught all kinds of subjects ranging from Combat to Etiquette. If he didn't know better, then Karna would have thought that these were two Heirs of a Kingdom undergoing formal education.

Karna was mostly left alone, except for once every few days when Sariel would come to him and chat with him about the events of the past few days, the training progress of his friends and his feelings.

Around two weeks later, Karna was in the Training Space, looking at the holograph like screen above his Training Clone.

Karna (Training Clone)

Training Method: Basic Meditation Technique (LV 2)

Training Speed: 1x (+)

Training Benefits: Increase Mind and Spirit Attribute

Karna had been waiting for this all this while. This was the last confirmation of his ideas about Idle Training Innate Skill. In the games he had played, there were ways to increase the speed of training. But in his skill, there had not been any such indication thus far.

However, as soon as his Basic Meditation Technique had leveled up, he had noticed a '+' sign popping up wight next to the Training Speed section in the Training Clone's Progress Screen.

'Here goes nothing …' Karna thought as he gently tapped on the '+' sign. As soon as he did that, Training Speed changed from 1 to 2.

Immediately, Karna felt a certain jolt deep within him, as if something had changed permanently. In front of his eyes, the aura of the clone started fluctuating faster than it did a moment ago.

Though it was still sitting like a status, Karna could sense that it had started using the Basic Meditation Technique with twice the speed as before. This proved that the benefits from the Training method will be twice as effective as compared to before.

'My final hypothesis of my skill has proved true. As the training skill I use levels up, I can increase the speed at which the Idle Training takes place.'

'But, what if I use multiple training skills at the same time?' Karna suddenly thought of another feature in one of the Idle Games he had played, "Will my Training Skills get stacked? Or can I only use one Training Skill at a time?"

With this thought stuck in his mind, Karna immediately left the Training Space and arrived back in the real world in his room. He then immediately left to find Sariel.

After searching for a while, he found Sariel in a chapel, praying to the Goddess Elyria. Seeing as she was immersed in her prayers, Karna sat near the the entrance and waited for her to finish.

"Its rare that you come to visit me, Karna." Sariel said as she finished her prayers and opened her eyes.

"Well, you did say I can come to you anytime when I need something." Karna said.

Sariel shook her head gently with a smile with a quiet laugh, "Well I did say that."

"I decided to not waste my time while I am in this world and do my best to get stronger." Karna said.

"I am glad you decided that. What can I do to help?" Sariel asked.

Karna took a deep breath and placed his request, "You told us that I can still increase attributes by using training methods. I need training methods for every attribute, so that I can do the best I can."

"Hmm." Sariel gazed at him for a while before nodding "Alright, I will see what I can do. I think you already know that Basic Meditation Technique also trains your attributes?"

"Yeah, I have already seen improvements in my Mind and Spirit attribute." Karna nodded.

Unnoticed by Karna, a gleam of light flashed in Sariel's eyes when he said that, but she hid it immediately, "Well, in that case, you need training methods for Strength, Vitality and Agility."

Sariel led Karna to a certain room. The room was small, but its walls were covered by floor to ceiling book cases. Sariel walked slowly as she ran her fingers along the tightly stacked books.

"I collected many of these books through my personal efforts. This my personal Library. Church doesn't have much use for training methods, since we rarely have to struggle as much in front line."

"However, I did at least gather the basic training methods for every attribute long ago, I guess that will be useful to you now." Sariel said as she grabbed three books from a certain shelf.

She first gave him a book with a green cover that had a Turtle engraved in golden color, "This technique is called Stubborn Turtle's Life-Force. This Training method develops your Vitality Attribute."

She then brought forth the second book, Red velvety cover with humanoid figure having three heads and six hands. The face of the humanoid being felt fierce and terrifying, yet there was a sense of safety.

"This technique is called Asura's Wrath. It is said that it has the potential to enhance the Strength attribute to incredible levels if diligently practiced. The creator of this technique based it on an extinct race of beings who, according to the legend, challenged Gods with just physical prowess."

Finally, she brought forth the third and final book. This book had thick black cover, with the design of a crescent moon and a rabbit sitting on top of it. She caressed it gently before passing it to Karna.

"This one was actually the first training method I received for my collection. It was a gift from an old friend. Its called Moon Rabbit's Celestial Feet and grants improvements to Agility attribute. The previous owner of this book was the fastest mortal I have known in my life, and I hope you will be able to tread in her steps."

Karna gently held the three books in his hands as he gazed at Sariel. He felt Sariel was in some ways going even beyond what she would have done for Alina and Rudra. However, he was clueless about why he felt that way or why Sariel was doing this if it was true.

"Thank you Sariel. I will make sure to treasure these and do my utmost to practice these training methods to perfection." Karna said solemnly.

"I have faith that you will." Sariel smiled "After all, true value of Light is only known by one who has experienced Darkness. True Power is only appreciated by one who has felt True Weakness."

Karna soon parted from Sariel and returned to his room. After he reached his room, he immediately started reading the three books.

At first, he found these books very different from Basic Meditation Technique. These felt more like stories and anecdotes at first glance. But as he finished reading them, he understood that there were training methods interwoven within these stories.

This was further confirmed when his tablet emerged on its own and displayed a new message.

[Information on the Stubborn Turtle's Life-Force, Asura's Wrath, and Moon Rabbit's Celestial Feet has been acquired. Would you like to commence training?]

As he selected the 'Yes' bubble, he once again arrived in the Training Space. This time, there were three more translucent clones forming to join his initial training clone here.

He noticed that each of these clones were placed in their own private areas that were at least 15-20 feet away from each other. Also, unlike his first clone, these three clones seemed to be 'training' differently.

The clone practicing Stubborn Turtle's Life-Force seemed to be standing still like a statue as large ghostly hammers were floating around him, hitting this clone all over.

At first glance it seemed like this clone was a masochist. But as Karna had read the Stubborn Turtle's Life-Force training method, he knew that this method was all about getting hurt and recovering using body's internal energy.

This eventually strengthened the body enough that getting hit by a speeding truck would be no different than getting hit by a bale of cotton before training.

The clone practicing Asura's Wrath had various objects around him. One was a huge pot filled to brim with hot sand. The clone pierced it rhythmically wit his bare hands, while keeping them flat in a knife pose.

There were also large pots filled with viscous mud and large rocks, that would serve as next stages of training for this method.

Finally, The clone practicing Moon Rabbit's Celestial Feet had the largest training area. In this area, there was a large dug up hole, with upright bamboo poles embedded in the hole.

The sharp top ends of the bamboo poles were covered with plain parchment roll and the clone seemed to be trying to walk on the bamboo without tearing the parchment rolls.

As he saw the clones practice these training methods, Karna marveled at the potential of his Innate Skill. Some of these training methods were so difficult that he doubted he can replicate them in real life.

But with his skill, as long as he accurately understood the training method, his clones would perfectly use them.

"Now, I just have to wait until my attributes progress to a decent level. Then I will go and find my own opportunities and make a name for myself apart from the tag of Hero I have been forced to accept." Karna thought as he saw his clones training.