

A rocky plain stretched towards the horizons, illuminated by countless stars. Nothing had changed on this plain, not even the positions of the pebbles for a very very long time. It should have been so in the future as well.

It should have been so. A vague figure suddenly appeared on the rocky plain! There was no flash of light or sound. The being seemed to have just phased into existence.

The stars seemed to twinkle in curiosity at this being who was disturbing the silence.


It was.....not a normal day. It was raining heavily and lighting could be seen flashing in between the dark clouds through the window. The students were sitting, some nervous, some bored. The class had been canceled, but no one wanted to go out in such a bad storm.

The weather reports had stated that It was going to be sunny all day today but....clearly, other than watching the cute female host, and listening to her voice, it had reached an all-time-low in its uselessness.

Suddenly the lightning and thunder intensified. The wind seemed to howl and tore branches off the trees and garbage was rolling around which added to the din. The students were badly startled. A sleeping fellow even leaped and fell off his seat in fright. The lights, which had somehow held on until now, finally went out...only to be replaced by an eerie glow which seemed to light the classroom floor.

Geometrical shapes connected by lines in the form of circles in many colors appeared underneath every student. Outside a flash of lightning illuminated the heavens and a peal of thunder rattled the windows until they broke. The students began to shout and scream in fright. A teacher in the hallway kicked open the door of the classroom to check on the students. Only to be greeted by an empty classroom, the students seemingly disappeared along with the lightning, leaving the screams echoing in the classroom like ghosts.








The teacher fainted.

The prologue is short because I only wanted it to explain how it all starts.

Worldwolf67creators' thoughts
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