
Summertime Loving

The Main Character of The Popular Game Summertime Saga, wakes up after dreaming of the game . Watch as he uses this Information to his advantage.

deadpotential · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 40

Travis walked out of the bathroom, feeling very happy about his new look. He went back to Jenny's room and found the two girls sitting on the bed talking.

"Thanks for the cut, Jane. You really know how to cut hair. In fact, wait here," he said. He went back to his room and opened his closet. Travis took two hundred dollars from the pile of cash and walked back to them.

"Here's $200, give me your number. If I need a cut, I'll call you," he said as he passed the bank note. Jane stared at the money, then back at Travis.

"For real? Well, thanks," she said happily. Jane got off the bed and hugged Travis, to which he patted her back.

"You're welcome," he turned towards Jenny, who was pouting. Travis raised his hand and did a peace sign, then licked his tongue between his fingers. Jenny blushed and looked away hurriedly.

"Well, I should go. If you need someone to walk you home, Jane, you can call me," he said.

He walked out of the room and entered his own room. He sat back in his chair and opened his phone.

"I don't really feel like going out tonight. I'll just sneak into Mia's room since that's easier. While with Eve, I'll see her tomorrow morning."


Mia: Travis, I'm outside

He opened her chat and started typing:

Me: Just go inside. I'll come to your room.

Mia: Okay. Be careful, my mom has this thing in her that makes her sense when I'm doing something she wouldn't like.

Me: Don't worry, you won't even hear me entering. You'll just see me, so don't be shocked.

Mia: Cool then. Hurry up. We gotta be done by 9 because I usually sleep at that time.

He turned off his phone and walked out of his room. On his way out, Travis saw Jane.

"I'm leaving now, so let's go," she said. He nodded in response and they walked downstairs and left the house. Jane lived on the next block. Unlike the game, this town had many more houses and locations. It was basically a normal town with normal things.

"So tell me, Travis, did you and Jenny do it?" she asked. This question undoubtedly caught him by surprise. Then again, when thinking about how intuitive she was, Travis couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, we haven't. Why?" he asked.

"Well, I'm just curious, you know. I could clearly feel the sexual tension between you two. It was as if I was disturbing you two from doing it or something."

"For real, I honestly thought we were discreet. Guess we weren't. Why are you asking, though? I feel that you have a bigger reason."

"You're right, it's because I've always wanted to have a taste of you. But your sister always told me that she would beat the hell out of me if I did," Jane said.

"Damn, so she's been cock-blocking you this whole time. Well, now that I'm a bit older, I'm sure she won't mind if we did," Travis said with a smirk.

"Oh, so you want to do it?" she asked, smiling smugly. Travis stopped walking, and she did as well. He pulled her by the back of her neck and looked down at her beautiful face.

"Sure, if you think you can handle it," he said. His voice sent waves into her mind, turning it from neutral to aroused. Jane enjoyed the tight grip Travis had on her neck, which he had done on purpose.

"I'm sure I can. Why don't we find out? My dad is probably sleeping now, so I'm sure we can get two or three quick rounds in," she said.

"No, that wouldn't be fun since that would barely satisfy me. So why don't we do this on another date? I'll call you when I need you," he said.

"I'm a little disappointed, but that's fine. I'm sure I can wait a couple more days. My house is right over there, so let me run. Also, text me so I can slowly seduce you through text."

'Wow, that kind of turned me on,' he thought. Travis nodded. He brought his other hand around her waist and slowly lowered it, grabbing her ass. Feeling its nice shape as he shook it up and down, making her ass jiggle like jelly.

"I'm gonna enjoy hitting that," he thought. He let go of her ass and slapped it slightly.

"Run, I'll stand here and see if you went in," he said. Jane nodded, turned back, and started to jog lightly until she got to her house. Jane then waved her hand and walked inside. Travis turned back and began to stretch his body. The next second, Travis ran at alarming speeds.

A few seconds later, Travis had reached Mia's house. He went to the side of the house, looking around to see if there were any cameras or anyone walking by. He then leaped and caught himself on the windowsill. He pulled himself up and opened her window.

Travis got inside and closed the window when he had fully entered. Seeing the room covered in pink, he started imagining fucking Mia in this room.

She wasn't in the room, so Travis sat on her bed and opened his phone.

Me: Where are you at?

Mia: I'm taking a bath. Where are you?

He didn't answer. Travis walked out of her room and looked for the bathroom. When he heard the sound of water splashing, Travis smirked. He opened the door and saw Mia in the tub, washing her body. She didn't see Travis since her back was turned. Travis closed the door and locked it. Hearing the lock, Mia turned back and saw Travis standing there.

Her face brightened in happiness, yet the next second, she stopped smiling when she remembered that she was in the bathroom, naked.

"Travis, when did you come in?" she asked in a whisper, which only he could hear.

"A couple of seconds ago. You don't need to stop. I'll just sit here and watch," he said as he sat on the toilet seat and took out his phone. Mia could only shy away as she covered her face.

'I'm tainted. Now he has no choice but to marry me,' she thought with a smirk.

"Would you like to join me?" she asked. Mia used all her courage to say those words. She looked at Travis as her face lit up bright red. Travis turned slowly as he smirked.

"I thought you'd never ask."