


Jack not hearing her say this was already back in his room he sighed "First the Russians then the bitch."

He woke up the next morning in his same routine. He worked out and then went back home to take a shower getting ready for the rest of the day.

When he went back in the room to change he could not find any socks. After looking for a bit he noticed one peeking out from under his bed. He bent down to grab the pair and raised an eyebrow when he noticed a large case under his bed.

After grabbing his socks he reached down and pulled the case close to him. He opened it up seeing a guitar. His eyes lit up "Man I haven't played in forever…"

He grabbed the pick in the case and started to string together a few notes. After playing for a couple minutes he gained a smirk "The music in this world is limited only certain bands and singers exist maybe I can make some extra money this way."

His phone then started buzzing he looked down and saw he was getting a call from Keanu he quickly answered "Hey what's up."

Keanu seemed to be relaxed "Just wanted to give an update on those men you killed last night. The mafia is pissed but they have no idea what happened."

Jack raised an eyebrow "How do you know?"

Keanu smirked "I have some contacts. Anyways just wanted to let you know. Also we might have a mission by the end of the week."

Jack smiled "Oh I can finally go on a mission with my sensei?"

Keanu rolled his eyes "Yeah, nothing insane just killing a few guys. I'll call you again when it's time to move."

Hen then hung up. Jack smiled as he decided to keep the vase in his room. However he did decide to practice when he had free time.

He walked out the door from his room and saw Jenny walk out of her at the same time. Her seeing him she instinctively covered her ass with both her hands. Jack chuckled "Relax. I'm sorry if I went too far."

Jenny rubbed her ass with a frown "You better be it's still sore."

Jack came close to her and whispered "Just stay in line and it won't happen again."

Jack started to walk away but Jenny called out to him "Hey Jack can you help me later tonight?"

Jack stared at her for a moment before shrugging "Sure why not. Is after dinner fine?"

Jenny nodded "Perfect."

Jack then headed downstairs and started to eat breakfast. Debbie gave him some more bacon an asked "Hey Jack Diane says you have not been over in awhile is everything alright?"

He kept eating "Yeah just been really busy. I'll head over today."

Debbie smiled "Okay good, I'll let her know."

After that Jack headed to school. He went to gym class as usual. While he was changing in the locker room he heard Erik off to the side "Damn Jack, when did you get into such good shape?"

Jack looked down at himself. He now had a well defined six pack and while he still was not insanely muscular. There was little fat on his body. He still wanted to build more muscle but everything else has been working out for him. He shrugged "I've just been trianing a lot. If you want you can train with me."

Erik shook his head "I'm fine with my body. I just want to be a pro gamer anyways. Training like that would detract from my video game training."

Jack chuckled "Well as long as you know what you want to do."

They then walked outside for gym class. Coach Bridgette came right up to Jack "Alright Jack let's see how many push ups you can do now since it has been a couple weeks."

Jack smiled "Right away coach."

Be then dropped down and did fifty push ups. It was hard and he was sweating but he could have done more. Coach Bridgette nodded with a slight look of approval "Im impressed Jack you really got into better shape. Looks like you will be ready for the finals in two and a half months after all."

Jack smiled "Thanks coach."

She then walked away leaving Jack to do whatever he wanted for the rest of the period. A group of cheerleaders were talking to each other. One of them had long brown hair an a thin athletic build. She smiled "Becca hasn't Jack been looking cuter lately."

Becca a girl with red hair and a nice sized rack that was only shown to be smaller when compared to Roxxy the blonde next to her rolled her eyes "Maybe but he's still just a nerd Missy."

[Image of Missy]

[Image of Becca]

Roxxy looked over "Can you two bitches focus im trying to practice cheerleading here."

Missy pouted "Oh come on Roxxy even you must think Jack has gotten cuter."

Roxxy side eyed Missy as she sighed looking over at Jack "Sure but he's still just a nerd. Can we focus now please."

Missy pouted "Fine."

Becca sighed "Finally."

Roxxy nodded as she turned to the whole cheer squad "Alright from the top."

After Gym Jack took a shower in the locker room and then went on to his music class having already talked to Miss Dewitt he knew that he just needed to participate in the talent show. He walked in and decided to talk to her about it.

Jack walked up to her "Hi Miss Dewitt I wanted to talk to you about the talent show."

She turned to him smiling "Oh of course how can I help you sugar?"

He smiled "I just wanted to let you know I'll be playing guitar for the talent show. I found my old one and remembered how to play."

She clasped her hands together excited "Perfect. I was wondering if I could get your help as well."

Jack nodded quickly as he wanted his grades to get up "What can I help with?"

She sighed "Well Principal Smith says that if we don't have enough people entering the talent show she will cancel it. Right now it's just you and Tyrone. You think you can convince more studnets to enter?"

He shrugged "Sure I can try."

She ran over and gave him a hug. Her giant breasts covered up his arm "Perfect thank you. It's a couple months away so you have some time. I'll do my best to convince students as well. Now I need to start class so take your seat."

Jack nodded and took his seat as the class proceeded. After class he called in and told Tony he could not make it today saying he had to help someone who was like family. Tony did not care in the slightest saying family always takes priority.

So after class and informing Tony on his absence he went over to Diane's house ready to help.

Word Count

(A/N Give me powerstones. Also give me five star reviews if you like my story so far. I plan on releasing multiple chapters again on Sunday as well.)