
graduation night (part 1)

we got home and I was still worried, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I have asked myself so many questions but I don't have the answers to. 'did he recognise me '? did he not want to talk to me? do I look really bad? so many things were running through my mind that I didn't hear my mom calling my name. a knock on the door jolted me away from my thoughts.

"Kimberly are you in there "? my mom asked with a pint of worry in her voice, I quickly got up from the bed and opened the door "yes mom, sorry I was bathing then " I lied to cover up. she looked at me and I knew she didn't believe it, but she just nodded her head and said "come down let's eat, I just finished cooking and I made a lot" she said smiling

"Okay mom I'll be down in a minute " I replied. she went back to the kitchen and I went back into my room I put on a cashmere sweater, and an oversized sweat pants. this was my most comfortable piece of clothing I own. I went to the kitchen and the table was full. there was chicken, to salads, to potatoes to gravies and lots more. my mouth watered just by looking at it. the coffee shop brought enough money for I and mom so we always ate decent when it is time to but this was a lot.

"ma you didn't have to make all these" I said. "you're my only child and it's not everyday you get to graduate from college so my lovely daughter, I had to" she said and continued "and besides it's meal best fit for the best graduating student" she finished and smiled. I laughed and said "thank you " we said our prayers and started eating. we talked about everything and my mom kept telling me of how proud she was of me and I was so happy I could make my mom this happy. we finished eating and she said "I made the food and now you clean all the dish" I laughed and said "ma yes ma" while giving a salute. she always laughs when I do that so she laughed and said "I'm going to retire to my room now, I'm tired, if you need me, you know where to find me". "Okay mom ,good night and thanks for today " I said while hugging her and she leaves.

I quickly gathered all the dirty dishes and washed. then after I cleaned the kitchen and tabletop then after making sure I turned of the gas and locked the front door, I switched off all the lights and went to my room.

I got to my room and I took off my clothes, got into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and went under the shower. the hot water against my skin was so soothing because of how chilly it was this night and I loved it. I let the water rain on me for a while then I took my bathing soap and started scrubbing I finished showing and I got out off the bathroom. I used a towel to clean my hair and the droplets of water falling down my body. I then went to sit in front if my vanity and I took my face cream. I applied a little bit on my palm then I rubbed it on my face. while looking into the vanity, I stopped applying cream on my face then I looked at myself. I have come so far from the little girl I was some years ago and now I look like a woman and my life was about to start.

the cold air was nipping at my skin so I put on my comfortable sweatpants and a big T-shirt. I brushed out my hair a bit then braided it into two cornrows. when I was all settled I got on my bed and turned off the light.

laying on the bed and waiting for sleep to find me, my mind went back to everything that had happened today and I didn't know how to feel about everything. I was really happy that all my years of toiling and hard work has paid off and I'm finally done with college. but I couldn't also help but think about my dark haired boy, which was now a man and was the successful Axel Giovanni.

since I met him that evening at the cemetery, I couldn't stop thinking about him or forget him. even when I tried to. I told myself that I might never see him again so why continue thinking about him but I couldn't stop. so meeting him today, I was really happy but seeing that he couldn't remember me was a bit hurtful. maybe I have changed so much physically that's why he doesn't remember me.

I was starting to feel dizzy so I connected my phone to the charger and made myself comfortable. I was already sleeping when I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the screen and Rachelles' name was written on it.

I answered the phone and said "hello... " and a loud noise came from the other side of the phone "bitch wake up, don't tell me you were sleeping on the fucking night of your graduation " Rachelle screamed.

"well I was trying to but thanks to you I can't anymore, how and why do you still have this kind of energy at this time of the night" I asked surprised at my crazy friend .

"well unlike you some of us actually have a life and we're not all boring creatures that just lives" she said sounding with a voice that's as if she's saying 'duh'.

"well thank you Mrs life lover for all the insults, now tell me why you're calling me AT THIS TIME!!" I said faking irritation in my voice.

"calm down Kimmy " she said using that nickname that my mom gave me that I hate so much and she knows I hate it. but I still accepted it cause it was my mom that gave it to me. "we have to party, it's the first night to the rest of life, common we have to go out" she said trying to sound cute.

"oh come on we always go out Elle, can't we just skip this night", I said "no no Kim, we can't and we won't, I'm already dressed and I'm coming to pick you up in 15, get dressed". she said and ended the call leaving no room for me to argue.

knowing that if I don't heed Elle's warning to get up and get dressed she'll actually come and drag my ass out of the the bed and throw me into the car. I love that girl but sometimes mehn she can be pure evil.

I quickly got out of the bed and went to my wardrobe trying to look for anything that was appropriate for a night out with Elle, cause they're always over the top. I found a denim gown the was bodycon and had tiny straps. the back was a bit low to my bra line and it stopped at my knee. then I looked down of the wardrobe and I picked my black Stilletoes. I put those on and went to the vanity to do my hair. I took my hair out of the cornrow that I put them in earlier before I slept. cause of the cornrows it already had a wavy look too it, so I just twirled it around with my hand and it was Okay.

I don't really do much make up cause it's so uncomfortable to be honest so I just applied mascara on my eyelashes and rubbed red lipstick on my lips, I added a little bit of lip balm on it to make it glossy. when I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and I liked what I saw, simple and sexy.

i picked up my black purse, put my phone, lipstick, my mini money wallet and that was all, I was ready. and right on time, Rachelles car honked so loud outside my house and I felt like choking her.

I went down stairs to the kitchen contemplating whether to go wake my mom to tell her I'm going out or leave a note. I decided on the latter and I left a not on the counter top and walked outside.

I saw Elle's car on the driveway "anytime soon " she mutter exasperated as if she's been waiting there for years. "oh come on, you've not even been here for 5 min " I said getting into the car. she sighed "you're lucky I love you"