
Summer Heaven

A mystery, love triangle, realization, dark family history.

Kymoa · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"What is this?" Ary asked, picking up the old looking book. It had weird symbols, with a star with two tentacles surrounding it. Ary placed it in his purple man bag, then grabbed Josie's hand. "Ary what are you do-" before she could finish, her and Ary started to float. When she looked down, she saw the same star symbol on the floor beneath them. It wasn't any ordinary star, it was a protecting star symbol. Then there was bright light and Josie couldn't see anything.

"Ary-" Josie grunted. She felt Ary's grip tighten on her hand, and then everything stopped. The bright white light faded away, and she found herself standing in a completely different place. She was in a large room that was filled with stars and constellations, and she saw what looked like a giant map on the wall.

"Ary, what the hell is going on?" Josie asked, as she tried to take in their surroundings.

"I think we just stumbled upon a magical portal, Josie," Ary said, grinning from ear to ear.

Josie couldn't believe her ears.

They had so many questions, but they didn't even know where to begin. They had camp at Camp Talent to get back to. "Uh, ms, we have to get back to camp. Before the counselors get worried," Ary said, grabbing Josie's wrist and awkwardly walks away quickly.

"I am aware of your obligations in the mortal realm. But before you go. There is a dark presence in your realm. Please be careful and don't trust anyone."

Josie and Ary listened intently, worried and confused because they hadn't seen anyone who looked suspicious. They thanked her for the guidance and she sent them back to their camp.

As they settled in for the night, Josie decided to customize her room again so Ary would have a place to sleep, when she got done she added a feature that when she pressed a button under her pillow, a bed like her's appeared next to her bed. But during the night Josie couldn't shake off the feeling that they had just witnessed something extraordinary. She whispered to Ary, "Do you think we'll ever come back to the Celestial Plane?" Ary turned over on his side so he could see Josie cause Summer Heaven Josie's familiar was like their own night light. And Luna Ary's wolf familiar had a blue mane that glowed and let off sparkles and small floating crescent moons.

"I don't know, but all I know is that we need to be more careful around here. Any one could be that dark presence the guardian was talking about." Ary said, his face looking serious.

Josie turned over on her back, and gazed at the floating sparkles and small crescent moons Luna was making. She wanted to find out who that person was, even though she had no tension to, it was just the feeling about the effect if she didn't do something. Something might happen, so she wasn't taking any chances.

Just know only chapter with minor language okay.

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