
Summer Days : way to their heart

Akabe's life has been full of nothing but crap, he got nothing in his life beside his addiction to novels. But not just any type of novel. He was an eroge fan, as if his life couldn't get any worse. He never dated anyone, but one day during his school break, Akabe stumbled upon a group club that focuses on same hobby he has. Surprisingly, all the club member was all girls. Having this turning point of his life, he was invited to join the club. Will this event became a savior for him or will he just fall deeper into the rabbit hole?

Nanashiowo · Realistic
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


I looked at Eri who's standing before me.

" Is there something wrong? " Now that she's finally in front of me, I feel relieved.

But I also couldn't say what I wanted to, instead I could only ask her.

Being honest, is hard sometimes.

Today is not an exception.

" Well, You see... I... " There's stuttering in her words and anxiety in her voice.

Should I expect something?

She paused.

Hesitant to let her true feelings out.

Did it really became awkward?

" Are you still mad about what happened between us? " I went ahead.

I couldn't surpress my feelings any further.

The way she acts is killing me.

I hate that.

Does she only see me as a fool?

" How could you act so normal when we almost-- "

" So, you chose to avoid me? " I confronted her with a straight forward question.

She was shocked, unable to speak.

Looks like I got her.

" You're a complete opposite of a heroine in an eroge. " I laughed.

But my laughing didn't last long because of the wounds causing me to freeze in pain.

" Ack! " I howled.

" Holy fuck, that hurts a lot. " I almost cried.

Now, I was more embarassed to look at her.

But then, she laughed.

" Ahahaha! " I was surprised.

" Eri? " I wanted to call her but the table has turned and I was the one who's unable to.

" You're so thickhead. " She smiled.

" But that's okay, I like you the way you are. " Her words and smile penetrated through me, making me weak.

What the hell?

That's a critical.

What does she mean by that?

" What do I mean by that? Well, I've been thinking these past few days. "

" I'm gonna make you fall in love with me. " Her voice was so low I couldn't hear it properly.

Is that a declaration?

" So... " She placed her hand on her chest, blushing hard.

" Expect more! " She rushed out of the infirmary leaving me dumbfounded.


Today, it was something else.

As I thought that it was over.

Another girl came.

" So, she declared her love. "


So unexpected for her to appear out of all the girls.

" Ufufu! This is fantastic, a well made story. " She nods.

What is she talking about?

What is she even on?

First a girl who craves to be an eroge's heroine and now a weird writer.

The gear on my life is totally changing.

I have to brace myself.

" Are you gonna build this harem of yours? "

" Let it go? "

" Reach for the special route? "

A lot of words and question came out of here mouth, yet none of them made any sense to me.

" Hold on, what's going on? " I looked at her.

" Nothing, i'm excited for you. "

" You have a lot of girls fighting over you. "

" Girls? Surely not. " I huffed.

" Now I see why they say you're a thickhead. "

Now that's not nice.

I'm being verbally attacked.

" I'll be going now, i'm satisfied. " She let out a victory laugh and left.

Next day, I woke up a bit early.

Time check : 6 AM

Yeah, too early.

My class starts at 8, I wonder why.

I decided to try and go back to sleep, thankfully it worked.


" Waaah! " I woke up like having a nightmare, gripping my sheets tight.

My breathing was static, I wipe up the sweat on my forehead.

I'm late!


" Huh? "


I looked at my side to see a girl, sleeping like a log.

" WHAT? "

" A GIRL? "

The girl mumbles in her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes.

" Mhm... "

" Why are you so loud in the morning? "

Wiping her eyes, she smiled.

" Give me some love, brother~♡ "

She extend her hands to me, asking for some kind of attention.

" Shut up. " I throw my pillow at her face.

" Nyaa--! " She reacted, weirdly.

" Why are you even on my bed? "

" Move! "

" Whaa--! Don't---! " She pulled the blanket back away from me as she cover her top.

" Stupid, i'm naked. "

" Naked? "

" Why are you naked? " I bonked her head.

" Because I needed some brotherly love, but you arrived at home pretty late. I got impatient and did it for you. "

Did it for me?

I didn't even asked for this.

" Now that we're both awake, how about we take a bath togeth--? " Absolutely not.

" No. " Straight up.

There's no way i'll agree to that.

" Reiyu, get out of my bed now. "

She refused to get up, covering herself with my blanket.

There's no helping this girl.

" Shit, I forgot that i'm late. "

The declaration of Eri was imprinted on my mind, never have I thought that she liked me.

But what Rika said was also stuck on my mind.


Doesn't that only happen in fantasy?

But if it does happen, i'll grab it surely.

" Special path, huh. " I chuckled as I prepare my coffee.

Now, at school.

I was busy fixing my shirt since I was late, didn't have a time to fix it properly.

There's still some unbutton parts.

" I should've stayed up if I know this would happen. " Unfortunate as it may, there's nothing I can do about this.

Worst of all, before I got into school.

A migraine occurs.

Now i'm walking towards my room, dizzy.

" Urgh... i'm gonna pass out... " I walked like a zombie at irregular pace.

Hoping to reach the classroom safely.

The sun's been at it too, it was super hot today.

" Haaa... i'm gonna go insane... " I groaned, walking in pain.

As I was walking out of my mind, someone approached me from the side.

" Akabe, good timing. " It was Yuki.

" You're a bit down, are you okay? "

" I'm fine, how's the performance? "

Yuki went silent.

She even stopped walking, slow for me to notice.

But when I did, I turned back and looked at her.

" Yuki? "

I knew it, this was a big commitment for her.

" Jeez, you're so problematic. " I sighed.

" I'll help you later. "

" At the club, yeah? "

We parted ways after our short interaction.

The competition they have is almost near, very near to be exact.

" Two days. "

" Will she make it? " I looked up the ceiling, hoping for the best.

Not only for Yuki but for Enju too.

" Whatever's the best for the club. " I shrugged it off.

When I arrived at the room, I was met by my classmate's gaze.

But two of them were from someone I know.

Eri and Enju.

Both tensed when they saw me.

" Right, here goes my peace. " I entered the room, pure silence welcomed me as their eyes watch me until I sat.

What's with this pressure.


It's like i'm a convict.

I sat at my chair, stressed.

Placing my hand on my head.

" What to do. "

That's when I noticed Eri looking at me.

" Hey, Eri. " I called her.

When Eri heard her name being called, she went closer at me.

" You look a bit sick, did you take some med before going here? " She looked at me, worried.

" Well no, I thought it would go down but... "

" That won't do, look! "

She pointed at my heavy amount of sweating.

" You're clearly sick. "

" I told you, i'm not. "

" Yeah sure. " Her words didn't show any sign of giving up.

She then leaned closer and placed her palm on my forehead.

My hands shiver as I tried to pull back.

" What? "

" What do you mean? "

" I'm checking you, don't move. "

" That's not the case! " I reluctantly move, trying to escape her.

I could see a good view on her bust at this position, she didn't mind at all.

" You're good. "

" See? I told you. "

" Better say that sorry. "

Right, Eri today is very bold.

" Are you free later? "

Is she gonna ask me out?

" I was supposed to but Yuki asked for my help, so not today. "

" I'll take a rain check. "

" We can hang out tommorow. "

I looked at Eri who rapidly types on her phone.

Is she ignoring me?

" Eri? "

" Yeah, Hold on. "

Her face changes up a little after using her phone for a while.

Does that mean that?

" Yeah, I can't. "


She was the one who asked me but I was the one who ended up being rejected.

She then handed me her phone.

" Number. "

I typed out my number and gave it back to her.

She gave it a good look and closed ber phone.

" I'll call you when i'm free. "

" Sure. "

Our conversation drops there, never continued.

School finish up and I instantly head down at the club, mainly because of the promise I made with Yuki.

While I was walking alone, I decided to inform Yuki in advance

So that she could prepare even if it's just for a little bit.

She replied with a, " Roger~☆ "

With only two days left until their competition, I wonder how is Enju going to play this out.

I'm both worried that they might go extreme and hurt themselves.

" What do you think you're doing? "

From the sharp turn of the corridor, I could hear someone arguing.

" You think you're so tough, are you? "

" I'm pretty sure you're the one who's acting like that. "

I could feel a bit of sass on the other person's reply.


I took a sharp turn to found a wild Sophie.


But this time, the great Sophie is in trouble.

" Babe! This shrimp is pissing me off, beat her for me. "

" Yeah sure. "

" You're fucked, shrimp. You don't know we're part of Fukasa's group! " The girl brags as her boyfriend steps up.

Sophie was clearly shaken, not knowing what to do.

" But if you kneel and beg, we might let you go. "

But knowing Sophie she clearly wouldn't do that.

" You should be the one doing that. "


I decided to listen to their conversation a little longer since Sophie's staying on her ground strongly.

" This bitch! Alright, i'll fuck her up! "

" Wraaagh! " The boyfriend advance, aiming his fist at Sophie who's frozen in her place.

What a headache.

I sneaked up behind Sophie to catch the fist.

" Hey now, hurting a lady is not nice. "

" Uwah, it's you. " Sophie's words show embarassment and relief.

I twisted the fist while keeping an eye on the two.

" Let go! Let go! " The boyfriend twist in pain as his partner looked in disbelief.

" Not so tough now, huh! " Sophie on the other hand placed both of her hand on her waist, along with a smug on her face.

" Uh... Sophie... I don't think provoking them would help... " I whispered.

" You're a dead meat, i'll call Fukasa! " The girl threatens.

Sophie shrank down a bit while laughing nerviously.

" Ufufu! I-I don't care! Bring hundreds! " I could see the sweat, falling on her cheeks.

The phone rings and the other line quickly picks up.

They spoke up a bit longer until the girl finally laughed.

" Hahaha! Yes! He's coming! " She celebrated.

Sophie walks back a bit, tugging on my clothes.

" W-what do we do? "

" What do you mean? "

" You started this. "

" Fair point, but you're also an accomplice! "

There's no way to get out of this.

Minutes later, a heavy marching starts to be heard in the hallway.

A group of delinquent students and their leader Fukasa, gathered up behind the two lovers.

" Boss, this two bitches decided to fight with us! They didn't know this was our turf. "

" Yeah! This shrimp acts all mighty too. "

In the end, their confidence only comes up because there's someone backing them up.

I looked at Sophie from the side and see that she's clearly shaken.

Thinking of ways to escape this situation.

" People who mess with our gang gets a living hell, we implemented that! " Fukasa proudly says.

" And there's still some fools who dares to defy me? Unbelievable. "

" Yeah! " His group shouts in unison.

" Now, let's have a looskie--? " His eyes laid upon mine, I wave up to him and smiled.

I could see his eyes widening as he looked at me.

His legs visibly shaking.

" Ha–! "

" Hahaha! "

" Hahahahaha! "

At this point, one can assume that Fukasa is going insane.

" Hahahahahahahaha! "

Is he starting his villian arc?

" You fools! "

An aggressive words goes out from his mouth, but it wasn't directed to us.

Sophie looked at me with confusion.

I replied with a shrug at her.

It's understandable, even Fukasa's crew was confused on what's happening to their beloved leader.

The lovers weren't in the right mind to get the message as well.

I guess I have to act a bit rougher today.

I went beside Sophie and placed my hand over her shoulder which made her jumped.

She looked at me.

" Fukasa! "

" Don't you ever mess with her, alright? "

" She's already taken, you see? " I gave Sophie a pinch on the cheeks.

I'm kind of enjoying this.

Hopefully, I make it out alive after this.

Sophie, please spare me.

After the playful warning, I decided to get serious.

I looked at Fukasa, eye to eye.

" If you ever touch her again, i'll make sure you'll never get a chance again to walk again. "

He didn't respond at my warning, instead he walked away along with his goons.

That applies to the two, clearly because of the heirarchy.

" Phew! Finally done, right? "

" Sophie? "

Have I messed up and ended up summoning the devil?

I could hear her static breathing.

Her eyes were all red.

" Why did you... "

I couldn't hear it properly so I leaned down, getting my face close to her.

She was biting her lip down, eyes closed.

She was too embarassed to speak.

" You didn't have to do that... "

Her words were so faint.

She coughed awkwardly.

" I... still have to do other... things... "

" yeah... so.. "

" I-I.. I'll see you at the club... yeah... "

I could see her running down with her face covered.

Have I went too far?

I then remembered my bold words.

" She's already taken, you see. "

" If you ever touch her again, i'll make sure you'll never get a chance again to walk again. "

I melted on those memories, blushing hard.

" I'm gonna have a hard time swallowing that. " I laughed awkwardly.

Where was I again?

Right, going to Yuki.

I hope she didn't wait long enough.

I arrived at the club.

" Hmm~☆ "

" I like the way you smile~☆ "

A melodic tune plays out inside the club.

I was still at the entrance with the closed door.

Hesitating to enter, I decided to call out.

" Yuki? "

" Are you there? "

No response?

" Hello? " I knocked on the door.



No one responded to me.

" Don't leave me and hold me~☆ "

I gently open the door...