
1 Summer's almost over

Name: Kyle

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Diary | June 2, 2019


Hi I'm Kyle! I've never written a diary before so this might be my first time. I'm writing this down because I keep on forgetting a lot of things nowadays and it's weird like there's something wrong with my head but we dont have to talk about that haha! It's June 2 today which is Sunday and it's currently 1:24 am here which means im a night owl because I'm still awake hahaha. Summer's almost over which is kinda sad for me because I didn't enjoy much of my summer because of stuff that I dont want to talk about but like I just want summer to be longer but i guess I can't do that. My class starts on June 13 which is so close and plus i hate school, all I do there is sleep, eat and exercise like I could do that in my home. Well, I dont hate school that much. School is the place where I made most of my friends and it's the only place where I learn new stuff because all I do at home is just play games and sleep all day. My mom is a single mom because Dad unfortunately passed away but we still stay strong. My mom is a Judge by the way. I'm so tired right now but like I have to stay awake because of some medicine. Atleast I have this to comfort me haha. I really want to look for a job to support my mom but like getting a job in my age is really hard. Even a mcdonalds employee would do haha. x-x

Okay, I just took my meds and now I can sleep finally. I should continue this diary tommorow because I guess I'm having fun writing stuff down. Anyways, Goodnight me.