

A normal day, waiting ahead for the new season of freshness seeping through the windows, rays passing through the glass, illuminating the room that once stayed dark. It was the day. The day where a new beginning approaches.

Daniel yawned, stretching out his arms over his head. He unwillingly rolled out of the bed, dropping flat on the floor.

"Oww..." He grumbled under his breath, scratching his black-hair head.

Pushing himself off the welcoming floor and walking over the mirror to look at the person he will represent the day.

"Same old me... same old life... which is what I used to say but not anymore. You did it, Daniel.." He smiled genuinely at his reflection, intaking the happiness that's emitting around him.

He took one glance at the clock and rushed to get ready for his last senior year. The year comes to an end by the end but also brings a new beginning to him.

He quickly grabbed an apple and stepped out of his apartment in freshly new clothes and messed up bed hair.

The sun shone brighter than the days Daniel saw no hope in anything except for his personal love for music. The first love he ever had and will have forever.

He plugged in his earphones, relaxing on the beats of the music he chose to hear.

He soon reached his University building, which was a few miles away from his apartment.

"Hey, buddy! Want to hear good news or bad news?" Jacob, his closest friend, swung his arm over his shoulder.

Daniel grunted in response and Jacob took the cue to continue, "Good news is, we will be going to Seoul as on our field trip." Daniel sarcastically smiled.

"Bad news is..." Jacob glanced around before leaning in close to his ear, whispering " Melody is back from her suspension."

Daniel frowned, "Are you for real?"

"Yeah! The rumors say that she's back being more aggressive than ever. She's finding her next victim to torture." Jacob filled in with the Uni gossips.

Melody is the name that every single student of this Uni knows.

Daniel and Jacob resumed their walk to the building, checking out the surrounding atmosphere changes.

Everything was normal.

"Everything seems to be normal." Daniel murmured, keeping his eyes trailing onto every side of the Uni.

"Because she didn't arrive yet. The devil always arrives late." Jacob said, stretching his arms and inhaling the morning scent of breeze.

"Whatever. We always played safe and were never noticed by her. This year will be the same." Daniel confidently said, parting ways with Jacob to greet his first love.

"See you later!" Jacob shouted, turning on his heels to head to his class.

While Daniel walked alone, unconsciously walking to his desired location, the music room, he recalled about Melody.

Melody is a lot different from what she looks like. Students and teachers call her the devil and pray to never crossroads with her. She was the bad girl of the Uni, getting what she wants and everything about her included fistfights and blood.

There wasn't one day where a piece of new news came in rolling the halls of the building about what she has done the following day.

This wasn't a classic 'bad guy thingy'. She was a danger to anyone who even dared to go against her. One stood against her and she would use her knife to slash off the neck of that person.

This isn't a rumor but the truth and Daniel watched it happening before his eyes. He never understood her nor did others. The girl was simply intimidating and dangerous.

He sighed, turning on his heels to go to his awaiting class.

He took the last seat, once he reached, avoiding any contact with the world and especially the gossip about Melody.

The professor arrived soon after, being punctual on his first day at the job.

New professor, Daniel thought.

As he was about to introduce to his students, the doors burst open, and in came the girl huffing in exhaustion, waiting to catch her breath.

"Sorry..., I'm... late...." She barely said, walking into the class and dropping onto a seat next to Daniel.

That was the moment when Daniel stiffened and the students glanced sympathetically at Daniel.

'Crap' Daniel cursed in his brain, already knowing that his day won't end well.

Because the girl next to him was the one and only, Melody. The Rebellious Devil.

And She knew that everyone was scared of her, including the man next to her.

'So much for getting no friends' Melody sarcastically thought and smirked, opening her doodle book with a pencil ready around her fingers.

Daniel tried his best to stay away from her and now luck wasn't on his side.

Have mercy, Melody.

Next chapter