


One more Wish-02

/"We’re gonna be parents, Abbygail, and you’re not alone with this. I’m here for you. We did this together, and we would do this together till the end./"

She sighs.

/"What’s that for?/" I ask her.

/"I’m not forcing you to take responsibility./"

I chuckle. /"Responsibility my ass. My baby, my responsibility. My wife is my responsibility. Congratulations, Abbygail, and to me./"

I kiss her lips and bit her lower lip as her punishment. She moans. When I release her lip, she touches it and scowls.

/"That’s for not telling me and thinking that I don’t like the idea of you being pregnant, and hh, you’d be pregnant again./"

She smiles, then she scowls again. /"I’m not just gonna pop out babies, Sebastian./"

I tap her nose./"We’ll see about that if you won’t let me fuck you and if you can stand being celibate. Not a problem with me. I have hands and stocks of shower gels./"