




It’s almost dinner when we arrive at the beach house. I show her the rest of the house, and the last one I take her to is the second-floor terrace.

/"Oh, my god. It’s beautiful here. I mean, it’s paradise. How did you even find this place? Who’s crazy selling this beautiful beach house?/"

I wrap my arms around her. /"I take it that you like this./"

She leans her body on me. /"I love this. I wish I could stay there for more than just a weekend. Thank you for taking me here./"

I kiss her neck. /"Baby, I wouldn’t be here without you. You brought me here, my love. You’re the reason why I’m here with the woman I wanna spend my life with. Remember the client I told you from overseas?/"

She nods. /"He owned this beach house. He sold his house when he moved to Canada after marrying a Canadian. I thought you’d like it. This is yours, baby./" I fish out the key from my pocket and hand it to her.