




/"Abby, where is your phone?/" Logan asks and looks pissed while Mason is already sitting in the passenger seat.

/"Did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed? It’s in my bag./" I roll my eyes

/"Seb is gone,/" Logan says slowly.

What? Gone?

I freeze. A chill of dread seeps through my bones. My breathing holds in my lungs as I stare at Logan in shock.

I hold my hand against my chest. He’s joking, right? /"It’s not funny. I know this is your way of getting me into talking to Sebastian. I’m not impressed, and don’t something like that again,/" I say before I get in the backseat.

/"I’m not joking, Abby. You should’ve checked your phone. Everyone is calling you. I received a call from White, and he won’t joke when it comes to your husband,/" Logan explains as he starts my car.