




/"I’ve been waiting for you all these years to grow up into a woman. I’ve been watching you all the time, wherever you go, whatever you do. I scared them away, but you let that motherfucker fuck you./"

He slaps me on my face, and it stings like hell. I can even feel his handmarks on my face. /"You shouldn’t have let him touch you. You are mine first, Mackenzie. I have waited for you to grow up enough so that I can fuck you. I can fuck you better than him, you bitch./" His voice is hoarse like he has broken voicebox. He has foul breathing as if he’s been drinking.

I can’t still see his face, even his eyes. It’s dark—pitch black.

I jolt awake when I hear a loud bang on my door.

/"Abby, please open the door. Open up./" Sebastian yells from the outside.

I might have fallen asleep. My eyelids are heavy, and my eyes still sting. My head is going to explode. I just have the worst headache I ever had.