


Silent Treatment-02

/"That’s all. Thanks, everyone,/" Dad announces after the long hour of meeting regarding the expansion of Hughes Industry to East Asia.

Everyone gathers their things and rises from their seat, including me.

I zoned out a couple of times, and my mind kept taunting me with that mind-blowing kiss.

I really should talk to her. I need to see her. I need her.

/"Bash, what’s wrong, son?/" Dad’s voice catches back my attention.

I raise my brows. /"Nothing’s wrong, Dad./"


/"Bash, you can’t just zone out like that during the meeting. I need your mind and your heart focus on what we are discussing. Leave your baggage at that door as soon as you enter this room. Do you understand me?/" Dad says firmly as he points his finger to the conference room’s door.

He’s right, and I should’ve focused next time, and soon, I will take over his seat on me, and I can’t just disappoint him.