


Our relationship was near perfect. We never fought. We had a little discussion on how he watched TV with high volume while I was reading a book, but that was it—we ended up apologizing to each other and had make-up sex.

/"Don’t worry about me. And oh, since it’s Friday, my office mate invited me for a few drinks, and it’s been ages since I went out to a bar. So, if you can join us after your meeting, that would be fun./"

/"Babe, I will let you know if we wrap up early, okay? Go ahead and have some fun. I’m really a terrible boyfriend that I didn’t even take you to grab some drinks./"

I laugh. /"Ty, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You’ve been amazing these few months. We went to dinner, watched movies many times, and I think our way of spending together is way different than other couples, but I’ve no complaints./" I feel guilty for him because he’s been good to me. So good.

/"I’ll take you to a bar next time. I promise, Sam./"