


My mouth hangs open, and I think my heartbeat is drumming in my chest. Phoenix smiles at Garrett after shaking hands, then walk toward my direction, and he looks so sexy wearing a smirk on his face.

/"Hello, girlfriend, I./" Pinch. /"Miss./" Pinch. /"You./"

/"Ouch! Did you just pinch my face?/" I scowl at him. I can’t just forget how he ignores my call.

/"Do you want a kiss instead?/"

I roll my eyes and narrow my eyes at him. /"You’re unbelievable! You ignored my call, Phoenix!/"

/"You ignored my text./" He glares back.

/"I was in the class when you were texting me./"

/"I was with Garrett when you called me,/" he retorts.

I blow a huge breath. /"What are you doing here?/"

/"Can’t I see my girlfriend? I missed you./" He smiles, amused.

/"Fake, fake girlfriend,/" I correct.

/"Fake or not still a girlfriend./"

/"You still did not answer me./"

/"I answered, princess. I said I miss you./"