

"Fine. I'll be there in 20"

Jimin got up and got dressed quickly. Putting on his sneakers and grabbing his gun. He headed to his car. He drove slow until he got far enough away from the house. after a block or two down he hauled ass. Going 180. He pulls up in front of the warehouse. He gets out and walks inside.

"Well, looks like you actually showed up."

"Yoongi is on the line of course I would."


"Now what do you want with me.. T.O.P? What would a cop need me for?"

"Ha that's a funny question. Well, theres this  drug deal that's happening. They are calling it Wonderwalk. Theres some dirty cops involved, some mafia, and some rich men. I need you to go undercover and bring them down."

"And why me? Why not someone else. Why cant my gang know about this?"

"They will know only if you agree. I need you because you can fit in. I've seen you angry, that's what I need. I've seen you keep a straight face easy. I need you. Now if you agree without me having to do something then we will go to a secret facility and your gang will meet us there. You In?"


"Good. Now follow me."

Jimin gets in his car and follows him. They reach a Manchin. He sees his gangs cars there. Damn that was fast he thought. They get inside. He sees Yoongi and jumps in his arms.

"Damn I missed you so much. Don't scare me like that."

Jimin giggled and they kissed.

"Now, Jimin. Me and the gang will be here. Making sure everything goes smoothly. You will be given secret weapons and then you will go in. Got it?"

"Yes. Let's get this done"

He gives Jimin some weapons. His sneakers.

The bottom has a secret compartment with knives.

He gets a bracelet that will have a secret tracker and microphone. Only they can here Jimin and what's around him. He gets a Leather Jacket that has two hidden Gun. Everything has a protection thing to where not even a metal detector will beep at it.

Jimin gets a new phone that has no numbers. it will be the one to use for the mission. He gets a new car with lots of things in it.

To Be Continued......

Sorry it took so long. Sorry it's short. The mission will be the next chapter. Sorry it's all over the place. Ima try and get it back together. I've just been working on my other stuff and then my depression has gotten in the way and I just went on two new pills and I'm just sorry. I hope you like it and I'll try and get the next one out.