

Namjoon POV

6 hours later

We all Were sitting in the waiting room when The doctor came out.

"Family of M-Mr.J."

He stuttered.

We all stude up, scaring some people.

"We almost lost him a few times, But he's stable but he went into a coma, which for some of you that dont know that means he is unconscious and will not respond to voices, other sounds, or any sort of activity going on nearby. He is still alive, but the brain is functioning at its lowest stage of alertness. A Coma can last up to Several days, weeks or even years. He has 70% Chance of living. But not everyone will live through a coma, we just have to hope he's strong enough."

The Dr. explains.

I looked at tae and saw in tears.

"C-Can we visit him?" Tae asked.

The doctor nodded. Telling us to go to room 957. (Tae and Jungkooks year 1995 and 1997 hehe just together and short)

We walked in and Tae ran to jungkook and held his hand while kissing his lips softly. Tae pulled up a chair and sat beside Jungkook and held his hand.

"I'm go to the cafeteria and get some food for Taehyung, You'll want to come eat too?" Jin asked.

We all nodded and tae slightly smiled at Jin. They left and I said I would follow in a minute. I walked over to Tae.

"He's strong Tae he will make it, just have faith in him. But we need you to stay strong too." I said and kissed the top of his head and headed to the cafeteria.

Darkness. that's all I see, black, and it's cold so cold. I felt someone hold my hand and kiss my lips and whispered a 'I love you'. Tae! I tried to move and open my eyes but it wouldn't budge. It's so cold. TAE SAVE ME!! HELP ME!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I screamed but no one heard me. I heard the door shut and Namjoon talk to Tae then leave. I just wanna wake up.

"I love you jungkook, please wake up. What about Taewoo and me. You promised after this mission we will get married, please dont break the promise. Dont leave me" I head tae say then he started sobbing.

I'm so sorry Tae I wanna wake up so bad. I promise to keep the promise. Just hold on and be strong my love.

Beep beep beep beep

Tae listening to Jungkooks heart beat.

Beep beep beep beep

Tae kissed Jungkooks hand and closed his eyes, drifting to sleep.

Three weeks later

Tae stayed for the first week, but he had to take care of Taewoo. He left at 8am and came back at 9pm after Taewoo was asleep. The gang watched Taewoo incase he woke up while Taehyung was will jungkook.


Tae got up and kissed Jungkooks lips and headed home to take care of Taewoo and everything. Sence jungkook has been in a coma there rivals have been trying to still from them.

Tae delt with another rival and went home and ate dinner and put Taewoo to bed when he got a phone call.

The hospital.....

Taes eyes water, scared to answer the phone.




Tae said.

"Hello Mr. Kim Jungkook woke up a hour ago....but when the nurse came and got me...when I got back to his room, he.....was gone."

The doctor said.

"What do you mean he's gone!?" I screamed into the phone.

"We-We have camera footage if you want to see." He said.

I finished the call and said I was on my way.

I called Kai to come watch Taewoo and me and the gang went down to the hospital when he got there.

We walked in and Dr. Lee lead us to the camera room.

"Out!" I told the doctor.

He ran and I sat down at the computer and the gang stude behind me. I clicked play on the footage.

Jungkook started waking up, he opened his eyes and the nurse said she will get the doctor. Then a man came in the room, showed his face to the cameras and injected jungkook making him pass out and carried him out. When he showed his face Namjoon gasped.

"What?" I asked Namjoon.

"That's H-His father." He said.

We all gasped, Jungkook didnt talk much about him but he told us they he was abused when he was a kid and his dad tried to sell him for money for drugs and alcohol, and lots of other shit.


We all jumped and looked at my phone.


I put it on speaker phone and hit accept.

"Well well well, Taehyung. I have my son, Jungkook. I want no cops involved and I want the money you got from your last mission. But, I want to see my grandchildren, what's his name?" He asked.


"Well, I want to see him, and I want the money. Now I'm not gonna tell you where I'm at, you have to find out, no cops though. Everyday you dont find me I will torture Jungkook. Now, if you dont find me by Friday, in 4 days then I will find you and kill Taewoo. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Please dont hurt him please." I begged.

"Not so tuff now are we. Well I'll let jungkook say a word."

I heard him walk then kick something.

"Speak to the twink!!"

He said.

"b-Baby, I l-lovd you so-so much. Kiss T-Taewoo for me and say I love you. I'll be okay, I keep my promise. We-we will marry s-soo-"

we heard jungkook stutter out.

"Now shut up!!! Now I'll see you soon, or not Twink!" Jungkooks dad laughs and hangs up the phone.

I look at the guys. They nod and we head home to find Jungkook.

To be continued...

996 words.....