
Chapter 1

Kate's POV. "So, where do you all think we should go for the vacation?" Mary asked

"Its just for two weeks where would we possibly go to?" Daniel replied flipping through the pages of my diary. Yeah we are best friends, we are five tho. Mary, Daniel, piper,Steve and Me, I so love our friendship

"We can't just waste two weeks away without having some fun" Mary said, she's the fun type, she loves going out, she's jovial and trust me when I say she's every guys crush

"Yeah we can, We have homes, TV snacks sleep" Piper said. The lazy and crazy bitch, she's really a but head if you ask me, last year she was given detention for breaking a 5 year old guys pinky, she has even been to jail countless of times

"I think we should go out and quit being lazy" He said to piper who Grunted in return. Steve Steve Steve, He's so fucking straight forward, he's black American and he really hates racism. Daniel was the most popular guy back in high school also my crush and Marys boyfriend, he's so Handsomely made with his built muscles, large hands, piercing blue eyes juicy....

"Kate...." Mary called

"What's popping?" I answerd snapping out of my thoughts

"Why aren't you talking" She said more like a command

"About??" And lastly me I'm kinda jovial but not Mary jovial, I'm just averagely jovial I talk to only who I feel like talking to.

"We wanna go out for this vacation before we go to college but we don't have anywhere to go" Mary explained lime she's the only one excited for this

"Hmm... Wait" I picked up my phone, went to gallery scrolling down till I found what I needed "There's this new game trending, its called suicide games" I said showing em the picture I just picked from my phone

"Hmm.. Sounds creepy mama loves that" piper said grinning from ear to ear

"Don't you got any other ideas?" Steve said

"Yeah something less scary" Daniel spoke

"Come on guys its not scary at all it looks fun" I said

"Ion know bout that Bruh" Steve said

"What could probably go wrong??" Piper said

"Okay but we need to know more bout this game" Daniel said

"Okay, according to the internet, Its an app filled with games like Hide and seek, Ready or not, pick the sticks..." I was saying and...

"What are we? Like 3" Mary interrupted me

"Just let me finish" I said turning my gaze from my phone to her

"Okay okay" she said

"Thanks.... The games are more advanced and dangerous.." I said and paused

"Dangerous? I'm soo in"

"The game is gonna be in a house named Blue street" I concluded

"Blue street? that street is dry as fuck" Steve said

"Maybe they don't want us to get any help" Mary said and I nodded

"Are we all in??" I asked

"I guess" Mary said

"Well duh" Piper said rolling her eyes

"Okay" Steve and Daniel said reluctantly

"Okay then, pack your things and be ready for two weeks, Tomorrow by 8 00" I said and headed for the bathroom

"Do you guys mind?" I said

"What you hiding, we all gonna see it all" Steve said, I picked a pillow and threw it on him

"We'll leave now" Mary said placing her hands on Daniels shoulders, he held her and placed a light kiss on her lips

"Urgh we are here, Go make out outside" piper said. They all left after taking their goodbyes. I had my shower, changed into my Pj,I packed my clothes and lay down. My stomach grumbled, I ignored it and went to sleep.