

Joseph went outside to give them some space.He met Chayoung and thanked her and she took her to see baby Giyoung.Gigi started crying feeling angry than never before.

Gigi....Why are you showing your face here you monster?

Morgan....I kmow that am a monster but i really was going to tell you soon.I did it all for love.

Gigi....You thought that i would be happy that my brother loves me and he even raped me?!


Gigi....I consider that raping.Just please live me alone and dont ever go near my baby or call yourself her dad.

Morgan....Am really sorry Gigi.What can i do for you forgive me and let be part of your life my our baby's life.

Gigi....Just stay away.

Morgan knelt down and started crying pleading to her.

Gigi....Just dont.STOP IT!

Morgan....I cant stop, you know that i love you and you love me too.

Gigi....That was before i foundout that you were that masked guy.

Morgan....Please, dont you feel sorry for me or for our baby??

Gigi....Watch what you say, she is my baby and not yours! Am glad that your girlfriend told me the truth or else i would still be a silly mother.

Morgan....My girlfriend?

Gigi....Oh please! Dont play dumb with me, her name was...what was it? It was Britney.

Morgan....What?? Britney took my phone?

Morgan stood up and went to Gigi, he kissed her on the forehead and she pushed him away.


Morgan....Please dont chase me away.

Gigi....Me and you are total strangers.Stay away from my life.

Morgan felt his heart breaking into a million pieces.He ran away and went outside.Though Gigi said hurtful to him, she had already fell in love with him and she still loved him since her made her fall for him hard and harder that she also couldnt control the way she felt for him.She cried alot and she started beating her chest, she started bleeding since she still had wounds from the operation.

Gigi....Why? ...why did it had to be him of all people?? Why? Why?? Now i fell for him and it hurts alot.I really hate myself!

She fainted since no one was there to help from the bleeding.Chayoung and Joseph went back to see her after seeing the baby.



The doctor went and she was rushed back to the ICU because she had bled alot of blood and they took awhile to attend to her.Morgan sent his dad a message that his going back home.When he saw it, he decided to call him to tell him about what just happened to Gigi but he had switched it off.He boardered a flight and he went back home.Jesca was there worried about him and she saw him coming back.

Jesca....Son, what happened? What did she say? Dis you...cry again?

Morgan....Not now mum.

He went straight to his room.

Jesca....What has love done to my poor baby?? Am slowly losing him and i dont want him to be sad.Why did he fall for that girl??

He took nap crying and later, he woke up and showered.He went to his mum.

Jesca....Are you feeling better now?

Morgan....I want to know where Britney lives.

Jesca....Huh? Why?

Morgan....Will you give it to me or not?

Jesca....Fine dear.But please dont hate yourself, life has to go on.

Morgan....Mine cant go on without Gigi and my baby with me.

After getting Britney's address, he drove his car and went straight there.He knocked on the door and Diana opened it.

Diana....Wow! Come in dear.Wait....did you cry??

Morgan....Is Britney home?

Diana....Ofcourse, i will call her.

Britney was happy and she ran to see him.

Britney....Hy hottie.

Morgan....Lets go somewhere now.

Britney....Really? You know that i cant say no.Let me wear something nicer.

Morgan....You coming or not?

Britney....Fine, lets go.

She entered his car and he took her to the lake he always go to.He went out and she went to him.

Britney....Wow! I didnt know there was a lake here.Its so romantic.

Morgan....Why did you call her?


Morgan....Why did you use my phone? Do you even know what you just did to us?

Britney....Fine! So what? I also love you like she does, i just wanted to keep you to myself.

Morgan....Did i ever tell you that thats what i want? Who are you even in my life?

Britney....So things are now bad with her?

Morgan....Are you happy??

Britney....Why wouldnt i?

Morgan....You really are something arent you? Who do you think you are to meddle with my life?

Britney....I also cant help but meddle because i love you.

Morgan got very angry for how unapolegetic Britney was.He furious chocked her and pushed her on the car while chocking her.She tried to fight him but he was very powerful since was already angry.


Morgan....I can kill for her, and your not exceptional at all.Now you've ruined everything we had.Get this straight in your head girl, i will never and i can never love anyone but her and i will kill whoever comes between us.

He let of her neck and pushed her away.He drove his car and left her alone at the lake yet it was getting dark.

Britney....Now how am i going to get home?? I really hate you Morgan.I swear i will now do actions to that girl who made you even promise to kill me.Shit! Now i have to walk.

She had to walk until she found a taxi and it took her home.Gigi spent days unconscious and later she gained conscious, Joseph, Chayoung, Hyun and the maid were besides her looking worried and sad.


Joseph....Its okay dear.

She became better by the days but she never stopped thinking about Morgan and their last conversation.

Gigi....Did i hurt him? He really wanted to be Giyoung's dad.But i will never forgive him because he is my brother after all.

Chayoung....I heard you Gigi, tell me now please!

Chayoung was in the toilet in room Gigi was and heard her talking to herself.

Gigi....Fine but dad must not findout about any of this.

Chayoung....Okay, promise.But you have your brothers number because he is so damn hot.

Gigi....Let me tell you first before you ask for his number.

She told her about Morgan.

Chayoung...OH MY FUCKIN god!!....How the heck..?? No way! Aint no way this is true.Its like saying that am pregnant with Hyun's child and he seriously loves me yet his my brother.

Gigi....I know.

Chayoung....What are you going to do now?

Gigi....I dont know because guess what?? I seriously fell for him.

Chayoung....Lord! I understand because he was way too sweet for you to not fall for him.But still his your brother, unless his actually not.

Gigi....He is.

Chayoung....How sure are you? No one falls for their siblings unless they are actually not realated.

Gigi....I really dont know, dad is coming.

They changed the conversation so that Joseph doesnt find out.Morgan spent days in his room and his mum was worried.She decided to go and check on him, she found him layimg on the floor.He had passed out, she called an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital.Jesa couldnt stop crying because she was worried about her son.

Jesca....Doctor, how is he? What happened to my boy?

Doctor....I think he was trying to committ suicide because he took overdosed medicine.

Jesca....What?? Suicide??

Doctor....Dont worry, his fine now.

Jesca....No, he cant die now! He doesnt even think about me at ll? He only cares about Gigi and not me his mum?? God, what happened to my son?

She tried to call Joseph but he didnt have his phone because he didnt have it.She decided to go and get something to eat for Morgan when he wakes up.She went outside and the driver was standing there.

Jesca....Lets go and i get my son something to eat.

He pointed at the roof of the hospital and Jesca turned to see what the driver was pointing at.


She screamed for what she saw.It was Morgan at the roof edge and he jumped right on his mum's car infront of her.He started bleeding and the blood was flowing on the car, his blood was all splashed on Jesca and her driver.The car was all broken, Jesca fainted ASAP thinking that Morgan had died since he jumped from the roof to end his life.