
Suffering in the dark.

Title: "Echoes of Torment" In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering. The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Bagelly · Fantasy
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13 Chs


In the boundless expanse of a void, I awakened, disoriented, with a sense of weightlessness enveloping me. The inky darkness stretched in all directions, and I was unsure if I still resided within the realm of the game or had crossed over into something entirely different.

As I attempted to regain my bearings, a commanding voice, echoing through the emptiness, reverberated within my mind, causing me to shudder. "You are the chosen one, the heir to the Demon God's legacy," it proclaimed, its words resonating with an otherworldly authority that sent tremors through my very being. "W-who are you?" i asked, my voice echoing in the expanse as if i was talking through a thick film. "I am the demon god." the voice said. My eyes widened in surprise and i stayed silent. The demon god was a special entity in the game. In fact it had never appeared. Stories had spread throughout the game through mentions from NPCs to even a mention from the demon king himself. But there was never any sightings of the true demon god.

The voice continued, imposing and unwavering, "The time has come for you to bear the mantle of the Demon God, the Progenitor Demon, and the Chaos Element. You are the successor, and it is your duty to wield the power granted to you.". 

My thoughts whirled in chaos, grappling with the gravity of the revelation. I was the inheritor of the Demon God's legacy? 

Before I could articulate my questions, the voice spoke once more, its presence looming ever larger in the void. "You shall receive the knowledge and abilities befitting a Progenitor Demon. You are now bound to the [Chaos] Element, a force that defies order and control. Chaos is a special element. Its can change matter itself into things that its not. In your terms you could call it [Reality] "

As the voice's proclamation resounded through the void, an array of arcane symbols and sigils began to materialize around me. They danced and shimmered with an ethereal light, revealing insights. My eyes spun as i looked at them, almost as if they were a higher language.

Then, a rush of knowledge surged into my consciousness, a flood of arcane wisdom, understanding, and the awareness of my newfound abilities. I could sense the raw, unbridled force of the [Chaos] Element coursing through my being, promising the potential to reshape reality itself.

I marveled at the enormity of the legacy that had been passed to me, a responsibility that now rested upon my shoulders.

Suddenly light pierced my eyes as i woke up. I was laying on the grass in the same place i had blacked out. I quickly jumped up and looked around. Was the god still here? I checked my status quickly.

[Name: ???

Race: Progenitor Demon

Pain points: 62,836 pain points]

I quickly ran to a nearby pond and looked in the reflection. A new face appeared in the reflection. It seemed like my face was a little thinner and better defined, with my skin a little paler and my eyes a deeper shade of purple. There was a little red practically swirling around the purple making an ethereal feel. My hair got longer going down to my back and it was the deepest shade of black you could imagine. My body was less bulky and i was thinner, with tightly packed muscles only for efficiency. I checked my magic root and practically jumped with surprise when i noticed the tips of the root had turned a deep shade of red as if they were brimming with power.