

✍️ Day 1st ✍️

I am not a cruel kind of girl who could see her mom in this state of pain so I was just waiting for today's morning but my mom was not able to bear the labour pain any more now....

As there was no hospital in our beloved village bhuban while I gave a signal my mom to get her hospitalised but all in vain so now everything was upto me.....

So I was very confused at that time and I don't know what happened to me that I just decided to make an entry to this world ....

And finally at 2 am in the morning I just born in that small and cozy room .

Ohhh what I see here all the walls of room are sticked with posters of babies but all have gone faded with time so surely it is signal that someone also has made an entry to this home earlier and yes he is my elder brother who was sleeping in lap of my granny .....

What??? The 2nd thing which I observed was that

No obstetrician there. I looked all around but she was not there....only my granny was giving morale support to my Mom at that time..... Very awkward it is Yaar....

NOW we just talk about the face expression of my family members--

Dadi- seeming that , yeah I knew it ( ) will give a birth to a girl child. Means face expression neutral...

Mom- thanks yaar for this relief , by the way you had brought me in this panic situation since last morning aaaahhhh thanks again.....

Dada- first you call a obstetrician for bahu how irresponsible you could be.....

Papa- ohhh Yaar you are looking like my friend but how can you say hello to me in return as you are not able to speak no problem just give me a kissi on my bearded chicks ...

Now whole silence around the room I am also getting anxious that what is going on Yaar.....

Suddenly dadi screamed in odiya that why this baby is not crying ??? And she instructed my father to tap my back gently... Simultaneously told dada to call obstetrician instantly....

But dadi was sticked to her chair as her grandson was in her lap.....

Mom was helplessly looking to my father in a way that plzz make her cry anyhow.....

She was not giving a damn care if someone would make me cry by slapping me on my soft soft chicks.....

Somehow I managed myself to cry for those members of family... Now you guys would have gotta that I am an introvert in nature that's why I was observing the sorrounding first and afterwards took action ....

Well everything was settled now ...

But what is this Yaar obstetrician has not reached still it's not acceptable .

Mom you are going to get a lot of complaints for this thing.... When I would grow up with time....

Okk now I am ready to see the sunrise of this morning ....it would be my first and I am excited also.... But Yaar why this obstetrician is not coming , I am feeling odour in those clothes , i was wrapped in which

Come on Yaar don't get late anymore.....

Finally she comes ohh thank god I was like.....

Now I think we should proceed for tomorrow I mean day 2nd.