
Chapter One

Sitting in a nightclub in New York City was an experience, to say the least. I have been here many times over the years, watching it grow and become a monster all of its own making. I am a succubus, yes, a succubus. Places like this, the seedy underworld of humans, drew me in. Just sitting in a corner was enough for me to feed most nights. Inhaling the scents of sex and desperation fueled by alcohol and drugs.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I hear from my left. I turn and smile at the young guy next to me. He was cute, average with blonde hair and blue eyes and a set of dimples as he smiled. An easy target for a creature likes me. I wasn't awfully hungry so he would be safe for now.

"Sure. Surprise me." I told him, watching as he walked over to the bar to get me a refill on my drink. It was easy for someone like me to get pretty much whatever I wanted. True to my nature I was attractive, usually the most beautiful woman most people had ever seen, their words not mine. I had dark hair that hung loosely at my waist, blue eyes and pale skin. I drew people in without them noticing, and if I am not careful, they would flock to me in droves.

The blonde guy came back and sat my drink in front of me and looked up at me like a puppy. Oh, this poor kid. He had no willpower at all. I felt a little bad about showing him attention then but in cases like this, rejection wasn't an option either. It could send them spiraling into a depression.

"What's your name, cutie?" I asked him, leaning forward.

"E-Eric." He told me, shuffling his feet.

"Eric." I purred at him. "You did so well. You want to know what else you could do would make me so very happy?" I asked him, watching as he eagerly nodded. "Go out there and dance, have fun, find a pretty girl and treat her well. Then tomorrow go about your life with a smile, take care of yourself, live well. That would make me so happy." It wasn't a rejection. It was me telling him to go be happy. He smiled so wide I thought his face would crack and walked off to do just what I asked of him. Guys like him made awful targets, they were weak and were the type that became pets. It really would be like taking care of a small puppy or kitten, except he would have no real will of his own, waiting for me to tell him what to do next, pining for my affection. No thanks. I liked my meals to be a little less guilt-inducing.

I drank down the drink he had given me. Refusing to not at least accept the gift he had given me. It was a dangerous game, being a demon walking among humans. See, succubae like me were created from whenever Lucifer decided to go on vacation from Hell. He would come up every few centuries when he got bored, find himself a human woman, give her the time of her life and then vanish again. Yeah, yeah. I am Satan's daughter, but thankfully not an evil one. Self-indulgent? A bit. Spoiled? Sure. Evil? Nah. I liked having nice things and had no real qualms with getting them how I wanted, but I refused to outright hurt anyone in the process. I like to think that made up for being a demon and all. I had been hanging around this earth for a full century and had managed to keep my hands mostly clean. Regardless, usually, living around humans either helps you hold onto your humanity or it makes you hate them. I was still in the former category.

I decided that I was finished for the evening and made my way outside of the bar, venturing off towards my apartment. I passed by an alleyway and heard a whimper. I could practically smell the lust coming from the mouth of the alley, so I had a good guess what was going on in there. I started to walk away but hearing a girl's voice start to plead "Wait, stop it, stop." Gave me pause. When she repeated it, I turned and walked into the alley, my eyes falling to two figures. The guy was kissing on the girl but even from where I stood, I could see that she was trying to break it. I walked up calmly and grabbed the guys shoulder, but his answering snarl let me know that I was dealing with something not human. Looking at the pallor of the girl in front of him I could guess what he was. I pulled harder and he came with me, blinking in confusion once he was fully away from her. The girl looked a little out of it but overall no worse for wear. I held onto the kid's shoulder and I spoke to the girl.

"Hey, sweetheart." I addressed her softly and she looked up at me already doped to the gills with magic and her face glowed with adoration. I grimaced internally. "What happened here? Are you feeling okay?"

"We were on a date but then he was feeling sick. I wanted it. I did. I promise. But then…then I started feeling dizzy and weak. I was afraid I was getting sick too."

Her words confirmed my suspicion and I nodded, smiling at her. "That's good. Yeah, it looks like you might be getting whatever he has. Why don't you go home, honey, get some rest? I am sure you will feel much better in the morning." Her face started to fall so I quickly spoke again "You did so good. You did everything right. It would make me so happy if you felt better." God, what was it with finding all the weak ones tonight? Her face brightened again, and she walked out of the alleyway with a little bit of stumbling but overall, she was steady. Finally, with a huff, I turned to face the baby incubus my lips pulled up in a snarl.

"Really? Fucking really? What is wrong with you? You can't just take from humans like that, you were about two seconds away from draining that girl dry. Not only is it wrong, but if girls start dropping dead that will bring the human authority figures around and no one needs that!" His face twisted in confusion and he tried to pull back from me, but I tightened my hand. I had a full century over this kid, he wasn't going to make me budge.

"You are a crazy lady, I didn't do anything to her, she was just feeling sick." I scoffed at his reply and shook my head.

"You really don't have a fucking clue, do you? You're not human, just the fact that right now you feel like you're high on life when just a few minutes ago you felt like you were starving to death should be a clue. Oh, and the fact that all you have to do is ask and you get whatever you want like unnaturally people just want to give you things. But sure, I am the crazy one, right?"

"Wait, so all that shit, it wasn't just a fluke? It was…it was real?"

"Yep. All real." I told him simply, releasing his shoulder. "Keep a lid on your hunger kid, little bites through the day instead of one big feeding. You'll get the hang of it." I turned to walk away.

"Wait, how do you know all this stuff?" I didn't even stop but I tossed my reply over my shoulder.

"See ya around little bro." I moved fast, thanks to my own mother being a creature other than human, so when he was coming after me, I lost him pretty quickly. I felt a little bad about just leaving him alone to deal with it all, but that was how I learned, so he could figure it out too. If he couldn't contain himself then Dad would send someone after him to straighten him out or take him home.