
C - 7

Age 737, March 19.

Ten days has pass and Forost discovered that the indication of mutant genes are permanent to 2 days per 5%, making Forost happy and laugh so loud that it wake up Beerus who's sleeping.

"Haaah!, Shut up will you!, I'm sleeping here!" Beerus shout towards Forost who's laughing and aim a hakai towards Forost who immediately activate his MUI and dodge it effortlessly but his bed got destroyed.

"WHAT!?, HOW!?, Whis!?, How did this twirp know MUI!?" Beerus who's in his sleeping clothes said in shock as he look at Forost who's laughing while pointing at him.

"I teach him, Beerus sama" Whis said as he appeared next to Beerus.

"Hahaha!, You should see your shock face, Beerus sama, Hahaha" Forost continued to laugh while floating.

"Shut up!, by the way Whis, did something interesting happen?" Beerus said while putting some clothes.

"There is nothing interesting going on right now, Beerus sama" Whis then hand him a tablet that has an information about planets that is needed to be destroyed, cause as a GoD, that's his job.

"I see, let's go destroy some planets then and also bring that twirp with us" Beerus said while looking at the laughing Forost.

"Really!?, That's good, it's boring in this planet, I want to see the universe if there's something interesting I took a liking" Forost then fly towards Beerus and Whis who then created a cube like dome.

"This should also be your first experience about how GoD works, now come and let's destroy planets" Beerus said as Whis nodded and travel towards one of the planet called zexos, a planet full of criminals, this is the place where they occupied it and inhabited the place by killing all natives of this planet.

"What's the description of this planet Whis?" Beerus ask as Forost look around the space and see mutliple planets.

"Planet Zexos is a place for criminals, previously, this planet is a peaceful and have many different races that lives in harmony until all the criminals destroyed it, and make it their home, Beerus sama" Whis said as he look at the curious and excited face of Forost.

'That kid is still a kid no matter how mature he is, oh well this could be easier to make him a good candidate for GoD and I'll also tell beerus sama that Forost needed to kill someone if he becomes a GoD.' Whis thought then whisper to Beerus about what he was thinking which Beerus nodded and approved of Whis words.

"Forost!, This is your mission for living in my planet. I want you to destroy planet Zexos in your own means, be it killing all of them or destroy the planet." Beerus said in a cold tone making Forost who's watching around shuddered and nodded weakly.

"But, But I haven't kill anyone and I don't want to kill, I just want to have my idle life" Forost said in a low voice enough for Beerus and Whis to hear.

"This could also be a test for you, Forost. In this universe death, wars and crimes exist. Become a cruel person to your enemy and loving to your friends and family, I hope this is enough for you to grow up in your childish mind" Beerus said and Whis nodded.

"But what if I killed an innocent people, that would make me feel guilty, they do not deserve to die you know" Forost said as his voice getting weaker and weaker, and with his brain imagining the crying innocent people play in his mind, make him more guilty if that happens.

"Don't worry, I will save all the innocents and transfer them to another planet, but remember, there would always be casualties of innocent people in war and just think of it as releasing them from their painful life." Beerus said as he look at the planet they are heading to.

"Really!?, You promise that you will save innocent people!, So don't go back in your words" Forost who heard Beerus saying he will save the innocent, said in eager tone.

"I will, Whis, make sure all innocent people survive" Beerus said and all the three arrive on the planet and landed at the castle.

Making the criminals to look cautiously at the three but when they look for the second time make them freeze and fear for their life.

"Ahh!, it's Beerus sama and Whis sama!, Go get our king and tell him that Beerus sama and Whis sama arrive!" The guy 1 said to Guy 2 who's guarding the door.

"Welcome to our humble planet, Beerus sama, Whis sama!" Guy 1 said with a bow and Beerus just nodded and walk towards the castle.

Walking towards the castle, someone is running towards them and kneel.

"Welcome to our humble planet, Beerus sama and Whis sama!, How can we help you with" The king of criminals or KoC in short.

"I want your finest and delicious cuisine now!, If it's not in my taste of food, this planet will be destroyed in a blink of an eye, I hope you are ready, KoC" Beerus said towards KoC.

"We will present you our finest and delicious cuisine, Beerus sama!, Go and tell our chiefs to make the most delicious food for our lord Beerus sama here!, Come with me towards the dining hall, Beerus sama, as we cook your food" KoC said while sweat forming on his whole body.

Walking towards the dining hall, Whis stand next to Beerus while Beerus and Forost who's nervous sat down.

"When we finish eating, you need to destroy this planet and make it so that all the criminals here are gone, Whis prepare to save all innocent peoples that has been slave by this criminals" Beerus said in a low voice so that the only one who's near him can hear.

"Hai, Beerus sama" Whis said as he sense only 1 innocent and all of the inhabitants are all criminals.

"What if I mess up?, I haven't kill someone" Forost said as feel worse of a person. Forost is just a normal person before and only stay here for 39 days.

"Don't worry, just kill one person and I can do the rest" Beerus said.

Forost nodded and minutes of waiting the cuisine finally arrive and they eat for 25 minutes. While the KoC and his subordinates sweat and curse their bad luck.

"This food is disgusting!, Forost kill them all!" Beerus said as Forost nodded and a hakai form and shoot it towards the king who is petrified and didn't move.

Forost puke all the food when he kill the king but continue to shoot his hakai towards all the people inside the castle while walking outside.

Whis also rescued the innocent and bring the innocent closer to them. Whis, Beerus and Forost fly in the sky and Forost fire the hakai towards the planet, while the innocent has finally arrive next to them, it's a boy around 3 years old and had a tail.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm the worst person in the universe" Forost said as kept puking and the planet also explode killing all the criminals.

"You should get used to it cause in the future, you will be the one destroying all the planets" Beerus said as he look at Forost.

Forost just sat there weakly and open his status.

[ Omni Idle Life System


Age: 39 days old

Race: Frost Demon

Form: Original or 4th form(4ft tall)(50%/100%, 5%/2 days)

Power Level: 30,500 (4,000 PL / day)(10/10 days left)

Ability: Immortal(Ban), Adaptive Learning, Ki manipulation, Time manipulation, Omni Liar, Universal Travel.

Martial arts:Whis staff arts, Whis fighting style, Boxing art.

Techniques: Ki blast, Flight, MUI, Hakai.

Inventory:None ]

[ Congratulations... You receive, golden form for destroying a planet full of criminals... Congratulations...You receive, Potential unlock for saving one innocent bystander in a planet full of criminals... Potential Unlock is a type of ability that can unlock potential to someone and yourself.]

Forost was surprise that he got potential unlock and it looks like a better version of potential unlock of Elder Guru, he check his status once again.

[ Omni Idle Life System


Age: 39 days old

Race: Frost Demon

Form: Original or 4th form(4ft tall)(50%/100%, 5%/2 days)

Potential: 10%/100%

Transformations: Golden Form(50x multiplier)

Power Level: 30,500 (4,000 PL / day)(10/10 days left)

Ability: Immortal(Ban), Adaptive Learning, Ki manipulation, Time manipulation, Omni Liar, Universal Travel, Unlock Potential.

Martial arts:Whis staff arts, Whis fighting style, Boxing art.

Techniques: Ki blast, Flight, MUI, Hakai.

Inventory:None ]

'Uhh, thanks for your service, criminals of planet Zexos?' Forost thought while atleast thanking the criminals for giving him the golden form he got.

Whis, Beerus, Forost and the innocent boy, travel back to Beerus house, while the innocent boy is still unconscious.

Next time on Successor of GoD.

(This is just an extra chapter because I'm bored)

Next chapter