
Successful by mind and struggle...

Today, as we are looking in everyday life,we find that each and every person is busy either with their job, family or in competition.

As we all want to be successful in life we fight with our soul and doing each and everything just to be successful and to fulfill our aim...

IF, you really want to successful in life you need to forget these things.....

1) forget what other people says...

2) forget your friends...but be in contact only for yourself...

3) forget to sleep

4) forget to enjoying and chilling with friends...becoz they are the once who never let you up to touch sky.They can't see you to be successful in life....they are the ones who hold you down for ever n ever...such friends are called dumb n hell friends.....

Things that you never have to forget to be successful.....

1)The punishment given by parents in childhood when you're playing at the time of studying.... mother's punishment at the time of parents teacher meeting when u scored less marks....bcoz they're the only n only one who heartly want you to be successful n be happy in life.... beating is not their choice but for ur Better furture they heartlessly beats you....even in alone they cry why I beated my child.....

2) The person who insulted your parents when they are not rich or not doing job...bcoz when u become successful it's a slap on their chiks .....n that slap should be a slap of ur success....

3) Never forget ur gud friend who suggested you n help u to show you a path of success n happiness.....who is with u whn you are in struggle....

4) Never forget about the person who insulted you.....by whom u can't see the beauty of life n can't be successful...

5) never forget to help poor when u r in condition to help or whn you become successful in life....

6) last but not the least is always respect your parents n give them all happiness....make them feel proud of you...n never forget them after becoming successful....bcoz their blessings are more than the value of gold silver platinum etc....