
Subtle Seduction

Mr Gray Blackstone is required to get married in a month to assume his place as CEO of Blackstone corps, what happens when he falls in love with the plain Jane Doe, Althea Evans will leave you bewildered. Her mother reunites with her and in her greed and quest for fame, signs a deal with Blackstone, a deal that takes a twist to unravel a chain of events. Althea meets up with an old friend, who is obsessed with her and willing to go the extra mile to exterminate Mr Gray Blackstone and have her all to himself. Will their love stand the test of time when dark secrets bubble to the surface? What action would she take when she finds out the person orchestrating her lover's demise?

Dexter_Eke · Urban
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5 Chs


Damn right you will! she replied in her thoughts as he ran out. Who tf does he think he is, ordering me about like he owns the world, he didn't ask for my address what a rude, arrogant piece of shit, her nose flared, and why did she just stand there gaping at him, maybe cos she never expected him to say all of that, she was too stunned to speak, the audacity.

She'd seen him from afar, admired him. Close up he even looked better, his jet black tousled and when he looked up at her, her mouth watered, strong jawline, 5 o'clock shadow, thick brows, full determined lips, and his eyes somewhere between green and hazel, mesmerizing. His T-shirt clung to his broad shoulders, thick biceps and hard slabs of his pectoral... he's magnificent.

Till he opened his mouth, rude and a snob, of course what did she expect when he looked that way, a rich baritone, the scent she caught as he left, a hint of musk and sweat. What would he want with someone like her?, she thought to herself. With a clenched fist and set jaw she returned to the counter.

When she got home by noon, Ri was on the phone. On the other hand, she was exhausted, so she decided to take a nap. Later in the evening, while they made dinner, Alfredo pasta and lamb chops, a bottle of red chilling in an ice bucket. She explained the situation with the Rich snob to her.

"Did you get his name at least", Lorie asked.

"No! Definitely not, I'm not going", she said.

"Of course you are" Ri said bubbling with excitement.

"You didn't see the way he looked at me or spoke to me", she added.

"That's exactly why you are going", Lorie chipped in.

She looked at Ri with a confused expression, trying to decipher the wheel spinning in her head.

"What do you mean?", she asked.

"See, I know guys like him, I've met guys like him and I know just how we're gonna get under his skin", Lorie said.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?", Thea asked.

"We're going shopping tomorrow, you're getting a makeover and you are definitely going to the charity event" Lorie squealed

"I'm not interested Ri, I don't like him", Thea said.

"You don't need to, you just need to show up and teach him a lesson", Lorie chipped in.

"No I don't", Thea said

"Yes you do" Lorie argued

"I can't talk you out of this, can I?", Thea replied.

"No, you can't, it's settled. You're calling in sick tomorrow, you have an event to attend and I'm going to be your chaperone", Lorie beamed excitedly.


The next morning, I went for a run. Lorie was asleep when I left, but by the time I got back she was up, in the living room, working out on her yoga mat, engaging in Pilates stretches.

"Hey you" I said, handing her a cup of coffee I grabbed on my way back.

"Good morning" she beamed at me and dropped it on the stool beside her.

Well someone is excited. I didn't know what she had planned out but I knew damn well that we we're going to have a long day.

"I already booked a reservation at the spa, that's our first stop. Then the hair salon next. I already picked out the perfect dress for you, it's a surprise", she winked

"You seem to have it all planned out", I said.

"Why, of course, I'm a woman on a mission", she said still stretching.

"Yeah, I can see that. You're sure I can't talk you out..."

I don't wanna hear it T" she cut in

"We're doing this, it'll be worth it, trust me", she added.

"Aye aye captain. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be ready in less than an hour", I answered.

"Alright" she huffed while making a split.

We got to the spa somewhere between 10am and 11am. Deandre's boyfriend Luca owned the complex. The door chimes, as we walked in, the spa looked spacious and luxurious, wooden panels and beams, a chandelier with warm lights, streaked across the reception area. The furniture neatly arranged, a pink velvet cushion alongside a beige upholstery chair. A guy in his late twenties dressed in loose slacks and a colorful shirt, blonde spiky hair styled to perfection, he walked towards us with a huge smile and an outstretched arms.

"Cómo estás mamacita?" He said as he hugged Lori, kissing her on both cheeks.

"I'm fine Lu, you look fabulous", Lorie replied.

"You flatter me girl", he said smiling.

"Oh! and this must be your friend", he glanced at me with a huge grin that almost seemed fake.

"Yeah, this is Althea, Althea, Luca", Lorie said.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady. This way please", he ushered us into the spa.

That was Luca, Deandre's boyfriend, bubbly character. Lorie went all out, we started with facials, then a manicure and pedicure. I picked nude gel polish for French tips. We moved over to the hair section, Luca worked his magic on my hair, it was styled in wavy curls that cascaded down my shoulder and back, looking at the mirror, I couldn't recognize who was staring back at me.

"You look gorggg", Luca said

"Thea!" Lorie squealed, "you look amazing, wait till I'm done with you, that jerk would wish he hadn't".

"Thank you Luca" I said

"Anytime honey, I got you, you should come down more often, you've got great hair". Luca replied.

We made our way to the front desk, made payment. We headed down to a restaurant across the street to have lunch. We stopped by at the mall to pick up a few things, then we headed home. Lori was hell bent on making me wear makeup, she promised she would be minimal with the application. A subtle glam, with foxy eyeliner that made my eyes stand out, paired with bold red lipstick. I look so beautiful, I blushed at my reflection.

Lori walked into my room holding a box.

"Your surprise!" She smiled.

"Open it!" She squealed in delight.

I opened the box, and brought out its contents. A red mulberry silk dress, with rich drape, slightly sheer, rich and luxurious feel. An off shoulder and deep cut at the middle, designed to show a lil bit of cleavage, slits on both sides.

"Thank you Ri, but I'm sorry, I can't accept this, it looks... expensive", I say running my palms over the fabric.

"Nonsense Thea, you deserve it, take it as an early birthday present, I want you to try it on".

She helped me into the dress, and we went to her closet that had a full length mirror. I was stunned at the person staring back at me, I looked so... Different and exotic. The dress clung to me like a second skin, showing a little bit of cleavage, hugging my curves, the slits on each side running from my thighs down, pooling at my feet. Ri's plan could work after all.

"I can't wait to see the look on his face", she said like she read my mind.

"Not like I'll be there to see his face because I won't but I can imagine the shock on his face", she said with a satisfied grin.

"I'll get your heels and accessory".

She handed me open toe heels with sparkly stones scarcely arranged at the straps.

"T just take it, it's perfect with the dress", she said, noticing my reluctance.

"Thank you Ri, you're gonna make me cry", I said.

"Nah ah ah, you are not ruining your makeup" she chided.

I chuckled, "You're really good at Chaperoning".

"That's what I do honey", she said while placing butterfly shaped silver earrings on each ear, then a black purse that matches the heels.

I wore the perfume I got at the mall. Grabbed my phone, some cash and keys, and stuffed it into the purse. The doorbell chimes, I looked at the wall clock, 7pm, right on time.

"Your ride is here" Ri informs me.

"Try to enjoy yourself tonight, Thea. Own that room and make him drool", she added.

"I might just do all that, you're literally the best, Thank you", I said.

"You'll thank me with the juicy details when you get back", she replied.

"Sure thing", I said as I opened the door…