
The Tyrant Was The Worst

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Dark Moon Palace, Han Moze laid on the lounge chair reading and learning about war strategies.

When he saw Qing'er carry Liu Rushuang in, he waved at Qing'er. "Leave!" 

Qing'er glanced at Liu Rushuang anxiously, then left.

Han Moze looked at her pale white complexion, cold sweat, and messy hair, then laughed wickedly. "Do you dare flee from my side again?"

Thump! Liu Rushuang was in so much pain that she couldn't stand up straight and fell to the floor. She was in unbearable pain!

Forcing her eyes to open, she glared at Han Moze with burning rage. "Despicable!"

In his palms, Han Moze dangled an antidote pill in front of her eyes, then said in a sinister voice, "Should I give you the antidote? It's really precious. There's only one in the whole world."

Liu Rushuang's eyes squinted slightly as she looked at the antidote, then spoke in an extremely weak voice. "Give it to me."