

  Elena had slept well all night. But Logan hadn't. He was turned on by her and wanted to wake her up and do something. But when he looked at her sweet face, he knew he would never do anything. So he hadn't slept for the whole night.

  When Elena woke up the next day, Logan wasn't in the room. The servant told her he had already gone to work. Jacob also gave her a call before she went to his office.

  "Madam, Mr. Brown wants me to tell you please have a good rest at home and no need to come to the company."

  Well, Elena thought she was just having her period, not disable. Logan was making a fuss over nothing!

  "Madam, it's for your good." Jacob seemed to know what she was thinking and explained.

  "OK." Elena agreed since she didn't want to put him into a difficult situation.

  But now Elena felt bored at home and called Sophia, asking how she was doing recently. They hadn't contacted each other after Green Light Magazine was smashed.