

  Shit! Mason didn't know it! Emma forgot that and flustered, "Dad, I..."


  "It's just... because of Elena, we were sad and got drunk. So..."

  Then she seemed unable to hold back her tears, "Dad, Jeremy and I are innocent.

  Why are you blaming us? It's Elena's fault!"

  Mason couldn't deny it, and thus hugged his daughter and comforted her gently.

  Jacob stood in silence. He heard their talking without any expression on his face.

  Then he turned away to get into the car as if nothing had happened.

  Inside the house, the housekeeper looked at Elena up and down for a long time, "Miss Elena, you've got chubbier. You look much better than before."

  Chubbier? Elena subconsciously touched her cheek and then turned to Logan.

  Logan couldn't help smiling, "That's pretty good."


  "It feels better to hug you." the man smiled. She was so thin that he could feel her bones when he hugged her before.