

  When Elena and Logan arrived at KL Group together, many people just stopped to watch them in disbelief.

  Yolanda also got off the taxi, and went straight to them. Her face was full of smiles and her voice sounded so cheerful. "The taxi isn't comfortable at all. And it was too slow. I already urged the driver to speed up, but he wouldn't listen to me!"

  "Yolanda, you should go to Human Resource Department now." Elena kindly reminded her.

  Yolanda ignored her and said to Logan coquettishly, "Logan, can you go with me?"

  Logan avoided her touch and said coldly, "We are in a public place. Behave yourself."

  "Look at you. You and your rules." Yolanda protested with displeasure. But she was satisfied that she got many people's attention. She smiled happily, "OK, I won't bother you. I'd better go to Human Resource Department now!"

  Elena looked at her back and guessed.