

  "The bleeding lip…due to Logan's kiss!" Elena said boldly, trying to blame that on him.

  Suddenly, all people stopped speaking and the house was extremely quiet.

  Even Logan was surprised. But then he cracked a smile.

  Elena seemed to know she said something wrong and waved her hands at once. "Never mind. I just tell a joke. Please forget it!"

  She just wanted to make Mia feel better and stopped worrying, but didn't expect to blurt out such a bad excuse.

  "Well," Logan made a sound.

  Just when Elena thought he was going to help her, he continued, "I did. We were quite... wild.. back then."

  "What!" Elena stared at him. What was he talking about? Wild kiss? When?

  Mia looked at them and laughed knowingly, "I got it. I got it. I'm going to prepare the bath for you now."

  Mia obviously misunderstood it. Elena wanted to explain but didn't know where to start.