

  Logan sent the photos to Elena once he got them. Elena was in a good mood and called a taxi immediately. "Wait for me at home, I'm back now!"

  The call was over but Logan still stared at his phone, smiling dotingly. Jacob had gradually got used to this. It seemed that after Elena appeared in Logan's life, he became more emotional and lively. He wondered if Elena had some kind of magic.

  When Elena got back, Mia welcomed her immediately. "Why are you so early today, Madam?"

  Elena changed her shoes and cracked a smile. "The work is finished smoothly so I leave earlier!"

  Amused by her naughty look, Mia laughed and went back to the kitchen.

  Where was Logan? Elena went to the living room and saw the man she was looking for. She ran to him at once.

  "Why are you so happy?" Logan had already guessed the reason. But he asked anyway.